
  1. Mike N

    What are we looking at here?

    I purchased a coralline cluster and it arrived with what looked like a stomatella snail hitchhiker on the side of the bag. When I grabbed it, it rolled up into a ball like you see in the picture. What are we looking at here?
  2. Mike N

    White things in crevices of powerhead?

    Noticed these white things while doing a water change today. Anyone know what they are?
  3. SpclKay84

    Please Help Identify (Vid Included)

    Hello. So. My tank has been established for a little over 3 months now and for the last week I've noticed this dang worm thingy. I can't see it when the lights are off, but once the day time lights come on I notice something moves quickly then hides. After a while I see it peek it's "head" out...
  4. AlexChef

    Please help ID

    I'm thinking tube worm not sure they're all over all my rocks however.
  5. Mike N

    What kind of algae is this?

    Been dealing with this algae since the tank has been setup. I was hoping cleaning the substrate and doing weekly waterchanges would take care of it, but thats not the case. Can someone give me positive ID on this algae?
  6. WhoDone IT

    Help Identify Protein Skimmer

    Hey all, Just joined and am looking for some help. I am trying to identify this protein skimmer. I was going through a bunch of stuff salt water supplies I had and came across it. Once identified, would it be too much for a 15 nano? I'm trying to avoid getting another one if this would work...
  7. Mariners

    Id this zoa plz

    Hi everyone, Just bought these and i cant find anything similar to them. Aqua sd calls them blue wowsers, but i was hoping someone knew the more common name. Thx for the input.
  8. Aaron Davis

    Can anyone identify this specific species of Xenia please?

    Would LOVE to find one and slap it in my tank!
  9. Aaron Davis

    What copepod is this?

    Trying to determine what kind of copepod this is? I caught a rather large one that looked like a little shrimp the other day thinking he was a pest. Turned out he was a good one; so I put him back. Just wanting to see if these guys are good too? There's a lot. I populized my tank with tigerpods...
  10. Aaron Davis

    Can anyone identify?

    This little guy looks like a shrimp. Swims fast. Noticed him while doing a water change.
  11. Aaron Davis

    Can someone help identify what this is????

    Hello, I noticed the other day that I have these white, sticky looking substances on some of my live rock and I'm trying to figure out what the heck it is. Is it a pest, disease, or.........? I had 2 snowflake eels die one after the other after only having each one for a week. So I'm...