
  1. BluerSkiesAhead

    Super tiny orange blob??

    Does anyone know what these little buggers are? They are very, very tiny. This is the best photo I could do on my phone. They seem to multiplying rather quickly.
  2. C

    Zoanthid Identification Help Needed!

    Just fragged these zoas that I picked up from a buddy and need to know what they are before I post them up for sale or take them to the LFS for a credit. I tried looking around to find something online but no luck. If anyone can help ID them it would be greatly appreciated! (Only need to ID the...
  3. Cole nelson

    Help identify unknown specimen

    So I was observing my tank and to my surprise I ran into something very strange that caught my eye. It seems to be a type of snail but without a shell. This “snail” is a little smaller than a dime. Help would be appreciated! It’s kinda creepy! *See images below*
  4. T

    Id please!

    Never seen this thing. Should I remove it?
  5. Lylelovett

    ID Please - Nudibranch? Cucumber? Sea monster?

    Hi all, So I found this thing slowly crawling along the waterline tonight... It's about an inch long, but stretches out a little longer and shrinks back a little smaller. It looks like it has some little feelers/antennae on the front. I for sure did not bring it into the tank at that size...
  6. BGrand

    Please Help ID

    Could you all help me ID this. It was growing around my mushroom plug. I pulled the plug and scrubbed it off the plug. I put the mushroom in a different local. I scrubbed the plug hole but it is growing back. Also if you can, please let me know how to remove it. For the record this entire rock...
  7. scott11106

    Dark colored bubbles

    anyone know what these black or dark colored bubbles are? they are not like air bubbles but more look like a solid but wanted to know if they are bad and should i take them out? I think they are bad since the torch they seem to be attached to looks like the stem has eroded or eaten away if these...
  8. YoCamron

    Brittle star ID

    I was dipping my new christmas tree rock and this guy came running off. Want to play it safe so I have him in a breeder basket right now. Haven’t heard of any brittle star pests before, and I love to have them as they are great for taking care of detritus. Just want to know if it’s a pest and...
  9. Joe Batt

    Algae identification?

    Any ideas as to this algae? It is red with long strings, 1-2 cm. No bubbles and not snotty so I'm hopeful it's not dino
  10. Moonfruit777

    Acropora kimbeensis ?

    I just got this acro in a trade today. Would Acropora kimbeensis be an adequate guess? Country of origin is unfortunately unknown :( Growth of the mothercolony is a somewhat high "table". If anyone has seen it for sale somewhere, the "designer-name" would be great too :) Thanks
  11. sotsreef

    What’s living in my chaeto?

    Long white stringy creature living in chaeto. It retracts when I touch the water or it senses vibrations on aquaclear filter. Maybe some kind of worm??
  12. KMench

    Another SPS ID Question

    Can anyone provide an ID for this bad boy? I got a frag of it and they called it tri-color valida which I don't think is correct.
  13. DeepBlueSomething

    Zoa crushing nudi branch?

    Is this a (the?) culprit for my unhappy zoas? Pics not great, but 2 large antenna and visible eye spots. Could also be a slug -- the purple portion is almost firm like a mantle. As always, burn it, sump it or good guy?
  14. still don’t know what these are.

    still don’t know what these are.

    Took a time lapse of one of the “unknown” polyps I found, still not sure what it is, lmk if u do.
  15. Aaron Davis

    Good? Bad? Neutral? What are these?

    Update: Upon further research, I was able to educate myself a little. It appears the snails are harmless and the limpets?; are as well. The flatworms though; not so sure. Hello all! Found a few new critters I haven’t noticed before. Seen a few of these little snails climbing around. They’re...
  16. Aaron Davis

    Help with identifying these corals please!

    Hey guys. Posted in another post about QT'ing these corals. Figured I'd also post about identifying the exact corals or names. I know three are a species of Montipora and one is a candy cane. Just looking for specifics please. Also; ideal placement for each would be fantastic! Thanks guys. #1...
  17. Giraffe0621

    Nudibranch? Good/Bad or Something Totally Different?

    Just found this guy on the outside of my skimmer. He's from TBS Live Rock, so Gulf of Mexico. About 1cm, translucent-ish, pale cream/tan with crazy spikes & antenna. WHAT IS THIS?!?
  18. KMench

    No idea what these are

    Hi. These recently appeared in my sump. They’ve been stationary but I cannot figure out what they are for the life of me. They’re a clear/whitish color. Any ideas?
  19. kavatica

    ID please

    So I just happens to look in my overflows and saw a bunch of these guys could really use some help on identifying what I have going on and the negative effects, please. Thanks all
  20. Mike N

    Long, transparent tentacle with wriggling head coming from live rock

    After feeding my tank last night, I noticed some motion and took a closer look. It was a long transparent tentacle coming from the live rock. The head was wriggling around pretty good. I took video with my phone, I apologize for poor quality. Make sure to view in 1080p: I've gotten pretty...
  21. ktigs

    Can you help me identify this?

    Hey guys! Noobie here! Just signed up today. A single, small red bulb that comes to a tip has popped up in my tank (on my sandbed), and I'm not familiar with it. I was going to take a picture, but when I went back to the tank to snap a picture, it has since moved or disappeared! I'm not sure...
  22. Mike N

    Red bubble algae?

    Is it red bubble algae? I don't see it anywhere else in the tank.
  23. N

    Algae ID Help

    Hello, I have had my 28 gallon AIO setup for about a month now. The rocks were cycled in a plastic bin for 2 months before adding to the tank. I have recently had a bunch oh algae crop up and I want to make sure I know what type it is. I am hoping my tank is still settling in and it will go...
  24. Mariners

    Weird brown algae or something on trochus

    hi everyone, Noticed these brown spots on top of a couple trochus snails. Thought it was just brown algae so i scrubbed it a bit but it was still there. then i dipped some hydro peroxide on a paper towel to wipe and drench those spots--it just receded into crevice or pockmarks on snail shell...
  25. myboyblu

    Nephthea coral problem

    Hey guys I have had this Nephthea for a little over a year. It has always had this black crusty looking stuff on the stalk, kinda looks like charcoal. I never worried about it, the coral was doing great with big open polyps So i thought is was normal, maybe algae or something. About a month ago...
Biota Marine Life