
  1. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Can someone ID this worm?

    Does anyone know what this is? I found this worm just sitting out on the open on a frag tile in the frag tank. Their is now sand and zero live rock. It could have been introduced on a frag plug but I dip everything before it enters this tank. I’m just confused on how I’m just now seeing this...
  2. X

    Help with identifying

    I bought a coral from a place that only sells coral. My dad thought it would be cool to buy this and the employee who worked there said "its easy to care for". I don't know the name because my dad is the person who bought it. Can I please have help identifying this coral? I was thinking it was a...
  3. Gonj

    Hole in Wrasse?!

    I noticed my wrasse had a little hole in hit top fin yesterday, didn’t think much of it dismissed it as probably scuffing himself up while burying himself. Today the hole is considerably larger and he has a white circle in his side. I have 4 other fish none of which show similar symptoms and the...
  4. donnellb

    Coral identification

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to identify these two corals. My girlfriend randomly bought them the other day. I want to make sure I provide the correct care. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Topdog8327

    Help! Looking to id this critter.

    Hey everyone. I’m looking to get an id on what I think is a snail? I just want to make sure I don’t need to pull it out! Thank you. I do have a video as well but can’t upload from my phone for some reason. But it moves just like a snail.
  6. G

    Help me ID this torch?

    So I have this torch and i dont know what type of torch is it or what exactly is it? Help?
  7. G

    Help me ID this torch?

    So I have this torch and i dont know what type of torch is it or what exactly is it? Help?
  8. T

    Torch coral ID

    I was sold this as a ‘gold and green’ torch from a local store. The colours were a lot less vibrant since settling in my aquarium. It is definitely more of a yellow than gold... or close to a 24k Aussie? But has a green/turquoise base to it. I have Indo and Aussie HG in the tank but to me feels...
  9. hds4216

    Can anyone identify this nem?

    Species unknown. Pretty though.
  10. Kaboobie

    Duncan's puffed up like a balloon

    So I've been struggling with an algae issue slow steady progress now a bit if cyano issue but my question is this. Has anyone seen a duncan behave like this? It's been this way for a month or so now. I left it alone to see if it would settle down but no dice? Any ideas why it would balloon like...
  11. Amantijt

    Trying to identify something...

    So have a hammer and it’s always had some “dark spots” figured it was some discoloration of some sort. After tonight looks like it has spread ALOT since I’ve last paid attention to it. Might someone know what or why there is some blue Something growing around my hammer? Got the best pic I could...
  12. H

    Help identifying tang disease

    Hey guys I just picked up a tang and it’s swimming super weird. It twitches it’s head often but it also goes near the surface at times and freaks out. Just curious if anyone can identify this disease so I can cure this little bugger. The video doesn’t do it too much justice but hope it helps...
  13. wolt

    Need help for identifying a blenny

    Need help for identifying a blenny it was sold as a starry Blenny but it looks like a lawnmower blenny
  14. AuggieReefer

    Help I.D. this Hitchhiker!

    Hi All, I was walking past my tank earlier as the lights were fading out and noticed this little guy on the sand. Never seen him before. I stopped to investigate and noticed hundreds of them in the rock crevices, hiding. They kind if maybe look like amphipods or some other micro-crustacean but...
  15. CelestialCorals

    Does someone have a name for this???

    I know it’s in the torch family but no one seems to know what it is. It’s gold with I believe is a little purple & then a teal like color on the tips. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  16. CelestialCorals

    Trying to identify what these may be...

    I’ve been told by some they’re pods & some say they’re hydroids. Can anyone help confirm what they are & if they’re good or bad. Should I be worried & do I need to get rid of them? If so, how? Sorry the photo isn’t the best, but it was the best I could do. They’re all over my tank glass.
  17. Oscar’s25Gal

    Grey film on rocks?

    My 25g has been running for 2 months. It is currently FOWLR. Recently I have noticed two types of white/grey film like things growing on my rock, so could anyone please identify them? Here is a photo :
  18. N11morales

    ID? White dots on tank

    Anyone know what this is? They don’t move. It’s white specks on the side of my tank.
  19. C

    Need help with identification

    Anyone know what this little guy is? Hard snakey shell, red filter fan sticking out the end. Retracts when touched Harmless? Thanks!
  20. A

    Hermit Crab ID

    This guy came in a bucket of love rock I picked up from another tank. I cant seem to find anything like him in my search. Picture is not great, but it is brown with white bands on legs and white dots on him. She'll is about 1.5 inches across.
  21. ConorBishop


    So I know the picture is blurry but I can’t get a great shot. Found this little Slug looking thing in my tank today out of nowhere and wondered why if anyone can identify it and tell me if it could harm my aquarium?
  22. J

    I think I have worms

    Can someone please I.D. these pictures
  23. K

    Unknown clown behavior

    On 11/18/19 one of the two clownfish we have in our nano tank started to act differently. Nothing has changed in the tank in the last month since having them. Parameters: Temperature - 78.3 Salinity - 1.024 PPT Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 2 ppm PH - 8.2 Symptoms: - Heavy breathing -...
  24. Perpetual Novice

    Need help. Nudibranch pest?

    I haven’t added any new rock or coral to my tank in months but today I noticed a bright yellow nudibranch about 2cm long moving across the back glass of my aquarium. The back of the tank is rarely cleaned so it wasn’t easy to photograph it through the algae buildup but here are the vest photos I...