
  1. B

    Name that coral(hammer?)

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if someone could help me identify this “hammer” coral. A lot of the heads on the polyps differ from others in many ways. Just wondering if anyone knows why or if it’s a specific hammer. Or I’m just dumb, that’s plausible too.
  2. D

    Identify This Harlequin Tusk, Indo or Aussie?

    It's hard to tell because he has characteristics both would have, what's throwing me off is his tusk is a light blue, is this an aussie or indo?
  3. dabroli

    help identifying a gifted coral

    My wife purchased me a very pretty "mushroom coral" from a local fish store, my gut tells me its some kind of LPS but i'm quite new to corals and have just started getting beginner softies. I want to make sure this fella gets the proper care so any help and info would be much appreciated!
  4. D

    Mysterious yellow sponge/worm looking creature

    Can anyone please help me identify what I have growing throughout my reef tank? Are they going to become a problem? If so, does anyone know of a natural predator that would be reef safe?
  5. T

    Need help identifying white dots all over my tank.

    It's been a while that these white dots started appearing. At first I thought they were copepods so I just let them be. But looks like they could be snail eggs or something. I have astrea and trochus snails, bristleworms, lots of copepods and amphipods in the tank so could be one of those...
  6. Davey Jonesin’

    Please help ID

    Looking for any input on what this glass clinger is. Not sure if it is a trail remnant or a “live” thing? Such an odd skeletal shape. It just appeared one day on the glass (three days ago) and the same day my cleaner shrimp disappeared and hasn’t come back. The glass clinger hasn’t moved at all...
  7. Camiller

    Help! Haitian Anemone!

    I got this anemone almost a week ago and it's been in my quarantine. I'm pretty sure it ate about 4 days ago. Sometimes it will completely deflate in the middle of the day and now it's doing this! What do I do? What's happening?
  8. NSS

    Mutated Zoa?

    I'm quite new to the reef tank hobby. (About 6 months). Had my ups and downs with different Zoa colonies. In the image you can see a few Cats Eyes polyps and then that blue "thing" below them. It came with the frag and it was tiny when I got it. It is growing though. There is a similar center...
  9. mdavi

    ID this clown please

    Can anyone id this clown for me? I would appreciate the help
  10. mdavi

    Clownfish ID please

    Have this little guy in my QT. Can anyone please help me identify what kind of clown he is? Thank you guys so much!
  11. M

    Nuisance algae ID help

    Hi, I've been having trouble managing this algae ever since I added a new piece of live rock to the tank. It started growing on the rock and I've been trying to manage it by manual removal, but it just keeps growing back. It has spread into parts of the sand and has started to creep up onto the...
  12. Z

    Can you identify this Discosome?

    Hi, I bought a stone overgrown with Discosoma "superman" and this it was different between the individual polyps. Can you identify the species?I love mushroom corals and I would like to expand my collection. I've driven all of Google and never found anything like it. :-) Thank you.
  13. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Gathering / documenting information / studies on black bugs Worst experience I’ve had in my 13/14 years of reef keeping. This has gone on for almost a full year. I recently set up a Red Sea reefer xl system and I am taking this old system down and...
  14. T

    Help identifying this thing

    New to the hobby but I've had my salt water aquarium with lots of live rock for 3 months now and i have something weird growing off the side of a rock. Looks like a coral but not sure at all. Could someone please help identify this for me?
  15. tylo92

    First Saltwater Tank…Can you identify this anemone?

    Hi everyone, Just recently set up my first saltwater tank in a Biocube 16. I’m fascinated with the different life forms so I purchased live rock from the ocean at my lfs. Let’s hope I don’t regret it. The rock is teaming with life, and much of it I am still trying to identify. I am aware that I...
  16. Seabiscuit & Friends

    Cobweb like spongey thing? Should I get rid of it?

    Anyone have experience with this stuff? About 3 days ago I noticed this white cobweb looking stuff growing on one area of a certain rock, since then it has spread to almost 1/3 of the rock. Started out real thin and loose, pretty unnoticeable, but all of a sudden it has started getting thicker...
  17. M

    Zoa? Paly? What is this??

    Hi all, a relatively new reefer here. Got this from my LFS for $20. Is this a zoa or is this a paly? I have searched endless thread and ended up being even more confused.
  18. M

    Help identify this pest

    Hi. I've noticed a few of these pests (I assume) on my live rock. Does anybody know what they are and if I should remove them? Thank you!
  19. A

    Need Help Identifying Anemones

    Hi i'm new to the hobby and i found someone who's willing to give me anemones but all i know is that they are bubble tip Need help identifying These 2 anemones
  20. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Aquarium microscopy findings (vids + pics). Pls identify..

    Pictures: 1. 40x 2. 400x w/about 3x phone zoom. 3. 400x w/phone zoom 4. 400x w/phone zoom Video's: 1. 2. 3. 4...
  21. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Diatom? Algae? Harmful?

    I believe this to be Amphiprora alata. I can't seem to find if this is harmful to my fish or not but I've found them on my fish and I'm having trouble identifying a disease on my fish. I have alot of these. Could anyone please educate me on this, if it's harmful and such? Is it a diatom...
  22. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Algae's I.D.'s please!

    I know what this one is... Small cell amphidinium Dinoflagellates. 1. This is some weird brown algae almost has a Coralline brown dot attached to the rock with a string piece coming off I think. 2. 200x 800x Some green stuff... 3. 80x 200x 800x Random microscope pics that...
  23. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Clownfish skin scrape, any diseases?

    Do you see any thing worry some in these microscope pictures? 1. 1(1). 2. 2(1). 3. 3(1). 4. 4(1). Any help would be greatly appreciated. @Jay Hemdal do you see anything? And if you don't see anything what power should I look at for a bacterial infection or the flukes?
  24. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Microscope Skin Scrape I.D. 2000x

    Does anyone/ microbiologists know what these things are, I believe my fish have a bacterial infection, just trying to find out if anything in these pics are worry some? And what to look for when I do a skin scrape. 1. These are just from my rock and water in tank: 200x -800x...
  25. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    EMERGENCY Milky skin, Cloudy eyes, White poop!

    I have posted a thread about this a few days ago, the guy thought there was nothing... The symptoms on the fish are Milky skin, eyes are starting to cloud, a little redness on goby's tail, Pale skin and white stringy poop. Also seen some itching. Everyone is eating... But yeah it's on all the...