
  1. V

    Can anyone identify this fish?

    I saw it at the fish store and forgot to take a picture of it’s name. The bottom fins behaved like legs and it was using them to “walk” on the sand. It was so cool. Can anyone ID this fish for me?
  2. Courtney & David

    Snail ID

    There are about 6 of these snails in the bag with our new Toadstool Leather. They look like mini turbo snails, but we aren’t sure...anyone know? Should I put them in the tank or no?
  3. Loganmao

    Mushroom ID?

    Does anyone know what this mushroom is or seen one similar? It’s got a green skirt with a pinkish red middle and hopefully some white bounces??? Photo taken on iPhone 11Pro with Fritz orange glasses Lighting : 4 bulb T5 with Reef brute XHO Actinic Blue plus Purple plus Actinic
  4. Quixote

    Small non-mobile snails

    I need help identifying some hitchhikers! There are at least 4 of these snail looking things on one rock. They are attached to the rock and release some sort of thread out into the water, and then pull it back in. The shells are white and pink, the animal is red and white.
  5. AceB9908

    Fish ID?

    Saw this guy in my LFS without a label, and I really like his coloring. I'm guessing it's a chromis based on the body, anyone know?
  6. B

    Red algae ID

    Had some red algae pop up maybe a year after I bought a small piece of live rock. Have seen similar different species in ID threads but unsure. I think it's attractive and would like to keep it, just want to make sure it's not invasive or problematic in any other way. So far so good hasn't...
  7. S

    What kind of coral is this?

    Hi. I just posted a long story and why I wanted to know about this coral but it didn’t seem to post. So this is much shorter. please please please Help me to identify this coral! I think it might be rare since it is a green “possible” ACAN and those are hard to find. This is like a dice with...
  8. L

    Goniopora Flowerpot coral identification

    Hello everyone. The last week i went to my local coral shop i saw a beautiful gonio with a intense red color and a metallic orange tips. i asked for the name of it and they say me that was a superman flowerpot but i cant find anything about it maybe was a confusion with the name so could you...
  9. Amantijt

    Trying to identify something...

    So have a hammer and it’s always had some “dark spots” figured it was some discoloration of some sort. After tonight looks like it has spread ALOT since I’ve last paid attention to it. Might someone know what or why there is some blue Something growing around my hammer? Got the best pic I could...
  10. AceB9908

    Atlantic Sailfin Blenny, Emblemaria pandionis?

    So my LFS got a handful of these guys in, and had them mislabeled as a "Sailfin Goby" (no slight at them, it probably came in the shipment like that, I worked there for 4 years) Looking at the fish I can tell it's a Blenny not a goby, and while looking into trying to figure out what exactly it...
  11. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa ID Help please

    Can someone help me ID these colonies I have please? The one with only two heads was sold to me as CB white zombies. The store was going out of business so I got it for 5$!
  12. AceB9908

    Tiny crab ID on a coral?

    I just got a Trumpet/Candycane frag and when I dipped it I saw this little guy sitting inside the tissue of the coral. I got him out pretty easily and got him in some clean saltwater until I figured out if he was good or bad. The only thing is I have absolutely no clue what kind of crab it is...
  13. S

    What coral is this?

    Hello, what coral is this? I saw it the other day and really like it Thank you. :)
  14. esther

    One of the coolest corals I've seen, and now I own it . . . Help ID!

    Just bought this coral for $10 and it's so pretty. The rainbow color is what did me in. Can anyone help identify this? Thanks in advance!
  15. Meara

    First Hitchhiker

    Hello My aquarium is only about 6 months old and while I’ll admit I have a very simple set up it has been going fantastic. I mostly did the rockscape out of dry rock too keep the price down but I did put a little live rock in the tank (one piece) and a little in the refugium. I didn’t think I...
  16. ReeferWarrant

    Radioactive Dragon Eye or Gorilla Nipz?

    Recently was told these are Gorilla Nipz, looking at the website I ordered them from they have Radioactives (they were sold to me as Spring Zoanthids). (Above: my photo) (Their advertisement of Radioactives) (What I bought them as)
  17. ReeferWarrant

    Zoa ID Atomic Sunrise? Hornet?

    I bought these on SaltCritters WYSIWYG sale. Curious what they are. Atomic Sunrise? Hornet of some sort?
  18. C

    Montipora ID please

    I bought this a year ago or so and I can't remember the name. It's a deep purple with green eyes/polyps
  19. dtruitt

    Any ID on these guys?

    These things are growing like an absolute weed. Hoping to get a tag name so I can sell them off if they're worth something, or pull them all and give them away if they're not.
  20. Chowder3

    What is this on my live rock?

    Hi, so I’m starting over due to a possible contamination. I was removing everything from the tank and noticed these white crystal like things growing on the bottom of my live rock that was sitting on live sand. I’ve done research but I am not sure if this is dead coralline. Anyone know what this...
  21. dtruitt

    Id on Zoa with blue oral disc, green face, pink rings.

    Picture isn't great, but hopefully this is enough to ID. I don't ask for tags on zoas under $30. Should probably start to help with resale. Also, these guys above the bubblegum digi grow like a weed and I'm going to have to start pruning soon.
  22. H

    Help identifying tang disease

    Hey guys I just picked up a tang and it’s swimming super weird. It twitches it’s head often but it also goes near the surface at times and freaks out. Just curious if anyone can identify this disease so I can cure this little bugger. The video doesn’t do it too much justice but hope it helps...
  23. killergoby

    Turbinaria heronensis/reniformis ID

    I received this frag from WWC labeled as a Blue Heron Turbinaria. In person it looks dark blue to violet, and the polyps are bright green. I think this is a Turbinaria reniformis (probably the WWC purple scroll turbinaria) but I haven't had a blue heron turbinaria before and the growth pattern...
  24. Zoa_Fanatic

    Clam with my blasto?

    I just got this amazing blasto for 20$! It’s a small colony and it has what I think is a small clam attached. It’s alive still. Can anyone tell me what this is for sure and if it will hurt anything?
  25. Jilly92

    Help identifying

    What is this matte fuzzy growth on coral?
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