
  1. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Can someone ID this worm?

    Does anyone know what this is? I found this worm just sitting out on the open on a frag tile in the frag tank. Their is now sand and zero live rock. It could have been introduced on a frag plug but I dip everything before it enters this tank. I’m just confused on how I’m just now seeing this...
  2. Diveks

    Lyretail anthias locality id?

    Hello everyone i got sent two unidentified anthias by my seller a while back which at first i wanted to introduce to my fiji lyretail but found out they look a bit different. I do know they don’t always do well in pairs so if something suddenly happened i can move one of them to another tank. Is...
  3. Jaden9933

    Bristle Worm?

    I bought a mushroom frag today which actually grew on a snail shell. I was debating on dipping it when I big Orange work came slithering out for the shell! Is this something I should try to get rid of with the dip or introduce to my tank? I currently don’t have any in my tank It actually looks...
  4. T

    ID Red Growth / Egg on Coral Base

    I purchased this blasto during World Wide Coral's anniversary sale two weeks ago. After one week I noticed a red egg / growth appear on the base of the coral. The egg / growth in question is round, large enough to stick out from the base of the coral slightly, and has a small white thing...
  5. Ghrommi

    Are those flatworms on my favia?

    There is a dozen or so of what seems to be flatworms on my favia. There don't seem to bother the coral at all. In opposite, it looks very healthy. And considering the number of them, it is not a recent development. I am not sure where they came from. What should I do about them? Dip the coral...
  6. MrBubble47

    Yellowish algae Identification

    Hello, what algae is this and how do I get rid of it? thanks ;)
  7. reefsaver

    Hitchiker/Pest/Critter/ what the heck IS THIS, Please Help!

    I bought my first ever coral about 4 months ago, a small 2 head Torch and a fungia plate coral, I dipped them both and got a small flatworm off the torch luckily. A few days into owning the torch and watching it get used to the water and extend, I noticed a little section of bristly exoskeleton...
  8. Gator2019

    Purchased as live rock, but it moves.

    I assume this is a clam because it opens and closes every now and then, but I don’t see any eyes. Bought it from a LFS as live rock, but it much have gotten mixed up. Any chance on ID/ how to take care of it in an establishing tank.
  9. caribbean reefing

    What kinda tang is this from Mexico

    Anyone know what kinda tang this is ? Down here the locals call it a pepermint tang ‍♂️ what yall think! He is wild caught/collected it also hase some sort of fin rot ? Or what can that be ?
  10. jbholasingh

    Different Types of Pulsing Xenia

    Can we compile a list in this thread of the different types of "Pulsing Xenia Corals". Please include common names and scientific names if you can along with a picture that you think is representative of that type. Any additional information/personal experience with that type of xenia would also...
  11. freezie

    SPS ID help

    Hi everyone, Does anyone know the species of this SPS? The owner of one of the lfs said he wasn’t sure what it was but it was super hardy (not sure if that helps). It’s my first venture into SPS and I wanna make sure I get it right. Thank you and Happy Reefing!
  12. SamLars

    What is this and is it bad?

    Need some help with what this orangish brown algae is and how we can fix it..if we need to? Tank is several years old, nothing has been added recently other than water for a water change. Seems to be spreading all over everything..
  13. Xxflounderxx

    Need help identifying and the removing

    Hello, Not sure what this is and its all over!! 250 gallon fish only Nitrate 25ppm Alkalinity 9.5 Salinity 1.026 Phosphate .08 It does blow right off the rocks
  14. Courtney & David


    So I noticed my clam was closed up today and upon further inspection I see these little rust colored what I assume are flatworms on it. Are these cause for concern?
  15. jbholasingh

    Xenia Identification

    Anyone can ID what type of Xenia this is? It was pulsing in the greenhouse when I bought it and when I first got it in my tank. It's been there 2 weeks now and hasn't started to pulse again.
  16. sujcab111

    A few corals I need help identifying!

    Hello, New to the forum, so I’ll give an overview of my experience and self. I’ve fully immersed myself into this hobby for about three months now. I guess it was just a hidden passion that I had no idea I had. I am in the Navy! I’m stationed in Okinawa, Japan and am very close to the ocean...
  17. DeNovice

    Is this a new torch head?

    Spotted this fleshy bubble looking thing growing from the skeleton on my torch. It’s the same color as the torch so I know it isn’t bubble algae. The pics aren’t the greatest but it’s glued down so it’s the best I can do for now. Any help on the ID would be appreciated.
  18. X

    Help with identifying

    I bought a coral from a place that only sells coral. My dad thought it would be cool to buy this and the employee who worked there said "its easy to care for". I don't know the name because my dad is the person who bought it. Can I please have help identifying this coral? I was thinking it was a...
  19. A

    What is this? Red slime?

    I have red algae that looks like a slime coating and also has long hairy strands. Is it beneficial, or should I get rid of it. If so, how? I attached a few photos. Thanks!
  20. M

    Coral ID!

    Hello all you cool coral people, Need some help identifying these 4 corals, Genus name, species if you know it! I am a college student helping my local fish store to identify about 100 corals and it’s down to these last few. Thanks a lot!!
  21. DJTJ

    Acro ID Help

    Can any of you guys help me identify this acro? I think it is a deep water variant, but I would love to know the name if any existed? Thank you!
  22. E

    Someone please help me ID this coral!!

    Hi! So my local pet store has this coral that i think is neat. It almost looked like SPS in real life, but I believe it’s a soft coral because that’s all they ever carry. It’s really cheap and I love the look of it, but can’t figure out what it is so I can see if I even want it in my tank...
  23. Eyezik

    Unknown Coral/Nem. Identification help

    I have these to hitch hikers, 1 from a rock, and another was on the base of a Kenya Tree I bought. Just want to make sure both are safe and okay to have in a tank as well as what type they are. Sorry for the blurry pictures they are very small.
  24. A

    Anyone know what this is?

    I got some Xenia about 3 days ago, and it’s pulsing moderately Bc it’s in decent flow, and it is opening up which is good, but I can’t help but notice a lot of the feathers are black? I’ve gotten some conflicting info on this, with people saying it’s a phase while some saying their Xenia’s...
  25. D

    What is this?

Coral Frenzy