
  1. Dad2Wyatt

    Designer clownfish ID?

    Ordered a black ocellaris for $40 and LFS ordered the wrong thing. They refunded me $20 for the mixup and I came home with this dude and curious what it might be? someone said frostbite but I haven’t seen a frostbite with black fins?
  2. K

    Algae ID

    Hi all, I’m in need of some help with an algae/detritus issue I’ve had in my 125 gallon tank for over a year now. I’ve tried many things such as manual removal, scraping the rock with a toothbrush, flux rx and seachem pristine however nothing seems to get rid of it. The algae/detritus can be...
  3. Jtleland

    Help! What is this?

    Please help. Just saw this today in a few locations. All found out of the light. Friend/foe/ neutral?
  4. Adam1985

    Phyto ID Help (Picture and Video Attached)

    Hi, Would anyone be able to identify this species? It’s motile, green, and oval shaped. I cultured it in standard salinity saltwater. Other than that, I only have a Chinese name 扁藻. Sorry for the poor quality microscopy. Thanks, Adam
  5. E

    EMERGENCY Brown Spots on Dying Foxface. I woke up this morning and saw him hiding sideways in rocks. It lodges itself but then swims erratically. I need help ev

    I woke up this morning and saw him hiding sideways in rocks. It lodges itself but then swims erratically. I need help. Everything else in the tank seems fine and he was eating yesterday but isn’t today.
  6. SquidySpecs

    What are these weird growths near my Mushroom coral?

    Looks like tiny tubes that each have two tendril things. I think they could be Vermitid snails but none of the pictures online looked quite like them. Another guess is Hydroids but that seems very unlikely. They have only popped up in this certain area next to my Mushroom.
  7. J

    Identifying algae growth from frag

    Hi every I bought this purplemushroom frag from my LFS about a month and a half ago and since the last week or so there has been a crazy amount of algae growth (mostly on the frag). I do change my water every week and a half and do top ups every 3 days or so, there is algae growth on the live...
  8. SeaMaiden92

    What kind of coral is this?

    Hi! I'm pretty new to reefing. I recently ordered a mystery coral online because it was such a good price. I had hoped they would say what it was on the receipt that came with the coral so I could research how to care for it, but unfortunately they did not. I was wondering if anyone might be...
  9. mylertitchell

    Can you ID this nuisance algae?

    Hi, I have some GHA, some bubble and another that I’m guessing is sea lettuce? Anyone know what it is. Its quite tight to rocks or maybe it’s the tangs tucking into it? Thanks
  10. Kaykay101

    Mushroom ID please

    I’ve had these mushrooms for a while and just realized I don’t know what they are. With having so many I wanted to possibly sell some, but can’t price them correctly without knowing what they are the photos are of them under a white light and with a filter under a blue light
  11. Afkomjorgen

    Help ID fast growing red thing(sponge)?

    Anybody able to help me ID this or decide if it’s an issue? showed up about 3 weeks ago and has been growing rapidly over any surface ( rocks, macro algae, upwards) I haven’t touched it yet thank you
  12. L

    LFS says this isn’t velvet….

    Hi all! This Saturday, I got a small adult chocolate tang and a tomini tang from my LFS. Tomini has been fine through all of this. I put them in my quarantine tank for observation. They weren’t picking at each other at all, and had actually come from the same holding tank at the store. On...
  13. WheatToast

    What on earth are these?!

    They look like limpets or chitons the size of pinheads, attached to my refugium’s glass pane, but they jitter and have pulsating appendages like isopods. What do you guys think? Below: location of pulsating appendages, circled in red.
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa ID?

    This finally opened. What is it? Sorry if the photo is blurry I have a trash iphone. Thanks for any help. I got it in a trade and I have a few more polyps of whatever it is waiting to open in another tank.
  15. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa ID

    Usually I wouldn’t ask but these look kinda bleached out. Anyone have any ideas what the one on the left is? The middle one reminds me of my armor of gods but it’s not the same exactly. It’s got a lot of speckling in the orange on the disk whereas my AOGs are pure orange. But it’s reaching like...
  16. WheatToast

    About that Red Encrusting Algae (not Cyanobacteria)...

    Up until a little over a year ago, I always assumed all the hard, red encrusting algae we find in our marine tanks was just another variant of Coralline algae. Boy was I wrong! I eventually came across this site which made me realize that this "red Coralline" might actually be of the genus...
  17. J

    Tomini Tang Sickness

    Hello, My tomini tang has had marks on him for over a week now. Had to go away for a trip and it looks much worse. Have not been able to identify what it has. He is eating but is hiding a lot. He obviously looks more white than normal, had holes in the head, and appears to have a rust like...
  18. H

    ID help needed

    What is this? I got it today and completely forgot the name of it because I have the world's worst memory. I want to make sure I place it in the right spot. It's got a hard skeleton and these really great looking polyps
  19. N

    Is this Cyano?

    Hey guys, noticed a few dark purple spots on one of my rocks, could somebody help identify if it is Cyano or possibly coraline? thankyou
  20. Zoa_Fanatic

    ID help

    Are these snails and this nem bad? I just got them in a frag swap.
  21. Zoa_Fanatic

    Help ID please

    Is this a “strawberry” anemone? I guess that’s a mojano? That’s what people in my area call them. Should I murder it or is it reef safe?
  22. L

    Montipora Pest or damage?

    Hey all… hoping I post to the right forum, still new to the hobby/R2R (about 6 months). Have had this monti for about a month now. just added some fish into my display tank about 2 weeks ago after quarantine. Today I did a water change… and noticed this for the first time. what the heck is this...
  23. sideways

    Please Help identifying something in my sand bed

    Hello everyone first time poster here, I just seen this thing in my sand bed and I want to know if I should remove it or im hoping its a beneficial critter and not a pest and it can stay? fingers crossed took two pics one of it closed (spooked) other open and filtering food, at least that’s what...
  24. I

    Identification help: White fuzzy worm & Rod like growth on frag

    Can I please get some help identifying 2 things in my tank? 1. White fuzzy worm: I say worm, but I’m not sure what it is. I found the 1st one a couple of weeks ago stuck in my return pump filter. I’m attaching a picture of what it looks like dead and dried out. It has a tail. Today, I...
  25. JayFish4004

    Help ID weird rock worm and possible aiptasia please!

    Hi - got a couple ID’s I need help with. 1st is there are a few of these weird looking worm-like creatures protruding from my rock. Only a handful so far, any idea what this is and if I need to do anything about it? 2nd I think this is aiptasia underneath one of my blasto’s - my thought is I...
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