
  1. Rrwilson1223

    Fallow Period for Ich

    Hi everyone, Currently have all my fish out in a QT. Dealing with everyone's favorite parasite. So my question is, what does everyone think about the info from Humble Fish about a 6 week ich fallow period if tank temp is kept above 27C or approx 80.6F degrees? Here are the links to what was...
  2. TheStripedHermit

    EMERGENCY Extremely lethal and mysterious disease killing fish

    It all started when I added a midas a few months ago and ever since then any new fish I add to the tank will always die after a week or two however it does not affect inverts. The symptoms displayed are a reduction in appetite but still eating and gently pacing the glass. At the end the fish...
  3. RedFrog211

    ICH in reef tank

    I set up a 20 gallon reef about a month and a half ago. Yesterday I noticed a few spots of ich on my ocellaris. I have 1 ocellaris, 1 coral banded, and some softies and LPS. Should I create a QT tank for the fish and let the main go fallow, try dosing a “reef safe” ICH treatment into the main...
  4. RedFrog211

    ICH present in reef tank- what should I do?

    My 20g tank has been up for 1.5 months. Today I noticed my Phantom Ocellaris has a few spots of ich. I’m trying to figure out if I should dose the whole tank with Kordon ICH-Attack (allegedly reef safe) or set up a quarantine tank for the fish. I have 1 ocellaris, 1 BTA, a Banded shrimp and...
  5. J


    Hey everyone, I'm about 2 months into this hobby, and I just had a tang die from Ich. I took it out of the DT yesterday and put it into a hospital tank and dosed with Ich X. Woke up this morning and it didn't make it. So now I'm wondering... My tank has ich now I assume. How do I deal with...
  6. Scape

    TTM FOR VELVET(AND ICH) question, please help!

    Hey guys I was wondering if someone could really help any replies would be highly appreciated! So I'm about to start doing the Ttm for Velvet everythings ready I just had a few questions which if possibly answered could really help me, First question, can I do the the 36 hours any less then 36...
  7. tonarcega

    Ich. Please help

    Hi. I’m a new to the hobby. I have a FOWLR tank that recently had an Ich attack. I quarantined the fish that had Ich and kept my other fishes in my DT. Do I have to also remove my other fishes from my DT?
  8. J

    Kole tang help

    Hey everyone, two days ago I noticed some very small looking "particles" on my kole tang. Yesterday I didn't see them, and last night I saw them again. This morning with the lights off, I got these pictures. This is my first saltwater / reef tank, and I have no idea if this is ok or if it's a...
  9. A

    What killed this Flame Angelfish?

    I recently bought a Flame Angelfish that unfortunately passed in less than a day. I was wondering what killed it. I noticed that it was breathing pretty quickly and had white bubbles all over it. Attached is the best picture I could get of it, you might notice some of it on the tail. I brought...
  10. Sakosreef

    Is 2.25 ppm copper power too much?

    Hi guys, I got a 40gallon qt that’s measuring at 2.25ppm copper (dosed copper power and checked with Hanna). I just started the 30 day countdown yesterday as I plan on keeping them in copper for at least 30 days to kill off the ich. Is 2.25 too much? Should I be worried about keeping them in...
  11. J

    Should have known better - ICH

    Firstly I would like to say that I think I need a award for having a tank sit for 2 years without touching it. Reason was due to thinking that the tank was going to go through my floor being a 100 gallon at my previous home, But finally over the last couple months I have slowly been progressing...
  12. NeverlosT

    New tank, did some TTM, doing some copper QT, but might just GIVE UP.

    Ok, Poll question here. I am starting a new tank, and transferring livestock from my old tank. My old tank has some big fat healthy tangs, and guess what, it also has ich. Rarely, and I mean like 1/year, I see some spots on the tangs, usually if if a new addition arrives or something big...
  13. ItsNiQi

    Is it Brook, Velvet or Ich?

    I first noticed about two weeks ago that my young Photon Clownfish showed a slight difference in appearance. Since his eating habits haven’t changed and his overall demeanor was the same I said I would just look over him for the next week or so. Today I looked at him and it seems to have gotten...
  14. N

    Help with my blue tang - ich, velvet, flukes??

    Hi guys, I got this fish from Liveaquaria about 20 days ago and after 2 days of being in QT we moved it to the my new DT tank. It had a wound on it's side from trying to go under the rock so I treated the entire tank with Seachem Paraguard for 10 days. Things got better after the 4th day of...
  15. Coral Winslow

    Ich Treatment Recommendation

    Hello Reefers, So on July 6th I noticed my one clown had a dozen ich spots pop up overnight (bought a complete reef setup with 3 clowns and coral etc in May) on July 7th they got moved to Quarantine dosing Cupramine. I have been monitoring closely to ensure the recommended copper level among...
  16. S


    I need some help! I have a fowlr 125 DT tank that is now infected with Ich and I think velvet... I have the below fish in it... how do I get this to go away? I am treating with coppersafe right now but I’m hearing that it will always be in the water... there is no way I can squeeze all my fish...
  17. Noob_Sam

    Marine Ich HELPPPPPPPP

    Hello, So i have a bad ich outbreak. My blue tang, yellow tang, coral beauty, and dwarf lion fish all have ich. My other fish 2 clowns, and eel, and these two blue fish but non of them have ich. So i had a couple of questions: If i remove all my fish from my DT to my QT ( I read for 3-8...
  18. wolt

    Is this ich

    Is this ich on my chalk bass
  19. B

    White injury on blue tang + dots.. ich, or something else?

    Just recently, one of my blue hippo tangs has seemed to get some sort of injury on his back. I think it may be ich, because of the white dots near his front, but the back injury seems to be something completely different, like someone was fighting him. I think it might be a combination of ich...
  20. ReeferMadne55

    QT Question

    I noticed that my angel has some Ich. I set up a QT yesterday. I filled the QT with tank water, threw in some biomedia and a filter pad, along with a splash of Fritz Turbostart 900 and a small amount of fish food for ammonia. I let that cycle overnight. I just tested water now and its reading 0...
  21. A

    Is this Ich?

    I added a blue throat trigger a week ago and noticed a small white spot on his fin a couple days ago. I couldn’t recall if he had it when I bought him so figured I’d keep a close eye on him. Today I just noticed a new white spot just about his eye. Is this ich? Any help would be much appreciated!!
  22. ReeferMadne55

    Ich or Velvet or neither?

    Last night I noticed these little white spots on my coral beauty. I’m assuming it’s ich (great) but I could be wrong. No idea where it came from as all fish have been happy and healthy. All my other fish are fine.
  23. Underwater Passion

    EMERGENCY Spots on hippo tang after 4 weeks of treatment

    Hey everyone, So I am a little frustrated because I can’t figure out what’s on my hippo tang. A little over 4 weeks ago I placed all fish in a hospital tank and treated for what I suspected to be velvet. After 4 weeks of cupramine treatment maintained between 0.45 and 0.55 I am still seeing...
  24. Sleeping Giant

    Sailfin tang in quarantine

    Hi, I've had a sailfin tang in quarantine for the since May 12, 2 weeks observation, then ICH showed up, dosed with cupermine as directed. My tang has shown no spots since June 22. My question is when or how do I know if it's ready to be brought over to my display tank, after 2 drip acclimations?
  25. M

    3 out of 9 dead fish.. New hobbyist.. Thoughts on my situation?

    Hi all, Im having issues with my 55 gallon tank. 3 of my fish just died. Hippo, Sailfin, and a raccoon butterfly. My tank has been up and running since May 17th. I started with a Midas Blenny and 2 mocha clown fish (added them about 2 weeks after the tank was set up and running a couple days...