
  1. F


    Hello all, had an ich outbreak in my DT and moved all of my fish to a hospital tank. 1 month of copper treatment, but my yellow tang stopped eating and couldn’t swim upright so I had to move him back to my DT to figure it out whats going on with him) 1 week in DT and he does not have any white...
  2. katiestl

    EMERGENCY Disease identification and treatment help

    One week ago, I added a gem tang, a mandarin and a blenny. Everything was just fine before then. Sunday, the gem tang got stuck to the side of my powerhead and died Monday. Also died Monday, the mandarin. Tuesday, I lost my blue eyed kole tang. so right then I started treating for ich with...
  3. C

    Ich and fish treatment

    Hi all I have a question about fallow. I had a bad case of ich leading to all but one fish dying. The fish hasn’t even had one spot on it it’s a Fire fish. The question been if I Remove the fish from the tank for the 76 days what do I need to do with the fish? Any treatment of he is fully...
  4. musaabi

    Bristol tooth tang sick?

    So my white bristle tooth tang had white spots on its body that looked rather large to look like ich. I figured it might be due to abrasions since he loves to swim into all the crevices or maybe a sting from my rbta as he seems daring. He does visit my skunk shrimp quiet often for cleaning and...
  5. S


    Hi Guys - I have a simple question - what is the therapeutic dose for the Brightwell Aquatics CUPIRON product? Is it 0.5ppm same as Seachem Cupramine? Or is it 0.4ppm or 0.2ppm? I've heard 0.6ppm of ionic copper is fatal. I also know not to use conditioners etc. The bottle only says that...
  6. Gonj

    New to Quarantining Help

    I recently started the hobby and lost my pair of clowns due to velvet, I made the mistake of not quarantining and will never make it again. My question is do I have to quarantine incoming fish in a established tank? I just got a quarantine tank and am setting up I intend to treat incoming fish...
  7. P

    Ich and fin rot

    I’m currently using API Super Cure Ick at half the recommended dose (I have 3 Mystery snails), and noticed my black molly (i also have 4 tetras, and 3 danio in 30 gal) is also showing signs of a possible secondary infection with fin rot. I only noticed these symptoms on my molly, most likely...
  8. Gonj

    Inverts and Ich please help

    Recently just started up a 37g tank, I’m on week 2 of cycling and I had a pair of clown in there to help cycle. I noticed 1/2 clowns started showing signs of ich so I removed them both into a hospital tank and begun treating them. The one experiencing symptoms did not make it, the other clown...
  9. Gonj

    New to hobby I think Clown fish has ich??

    So I just started my tank coming up on the 2nd week, FOWLR my test come back in normal parameters, temp and salinity have been kept stable. It’s a 37 gallon that holds 2 clownfish at the moment one of which appears to have signs of ich. LFS said best treatment would be to let it ride it out not...
  10. Tim'sReef

    Is this ICH in my DT?

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on my new tank and 2 clowns. The fish have been added 5 days ago. For a little while all was looking well but now i'm worried for the small clown. Both off the clowns had white stringy poo in the first days and didn't eat much. The larger clown is now eating...
  11. M

    EMERGENCY How do I get rid of ich?

    My scopas tang just passed away from ich. Now I noticed two of my other fish are having the white spots and I want to catch it before it gets worse. I know copper is an option but I don’t want to kill my coral. Any tips?
  12. Ocean_dreamer89

    Copper Power and Cloudy Eye

    Hey y'all! I'm looking for some guidance. I currently have a Coral Beauty in a QT. I got the fish on 2/14/20 and a few days later noticed some white spots on it's forehead area. I wanted to give the fish a chance to acclimate to its new environment and it was eating like a pig and swimming...
  13. dabroli

    EMERGENCY Is this Ich or Velvet?

    My tang came down with this about 10 days ago and it spread to my blue jaw trigger, royal gramma, and both clowns. The gramma has since passed. The fish are clearly distressed but still take food.
  14. S

    EMERGENCY Bloated Longnose Butterflyfish

    Hi all, very long time reader-first time poster on this new account since I haven’t a clue what i used as a login years ago. Hopefully some of the legends such as @Humblefish may chime in on this one. Purchased a longnose butterfly a month ago from a not so great LFS via a deal I couldn’t pass...
  15. R

    Kick ich and rally

    I have my hippo in a QT to treat for what seems to be ich. I have my other fish in the display and am worried they could develop ich as well. I picked up Kick ich and Rally. Has anybody used this in there display?
  16. E

    ICH why is it back

    Hello I had Ich and I think Velvet in the DT, I took all the fish out and in to QT for the copper treatment, left the DT fishless for 76 days. Its back after 4 weeks of putting the fish back in...... WHY is that ...... I put nothing in the DT tank for the 76 days QT was 15ft away what have I...
  17. L

    Clownfish Ich or Brook? Help!

    Hi everyone. I'm stressing over here. I've had this Picasso clown for about a year now and he's now showing signs of ich or maybe brook. His partner jumped out of the tank a few days ago so I got him a replacement maybe four days later but they seem to be getting along just fine. All the other...
  18. Diveks

    Torn on hippo tang treatment

    ive been quarantining this hippo tang for 2.5 months now and everything else ive quarantined (in different tanks) that i bought at the same time as the hippo had been fully cured and are now in the DT. sadly i cant say the same thing for the hippo. the hippo has been a pig, eating alot, since...
  19. R

    Ich on dwarf angelfish?

    Hello. I’m not sure if this is ich or not! Someone please help. You can not really see it but it is only on his back fin so I’m guessing maybe fungal?
  20. VanCityReef

    EMERGENCY Help with Unhappy Yellow Tang

    Hey guys, I have a Yellow tang that is in a 20G QT with two small clowns and is very unhappy. She has what looks like ich on her fin and eye, torn dorsal fin, and these . I treated them with Praziquantel for 8 days, they have been treated with "Coper Power" at 2.0ppm for two weeks now. She eats...
  21. Kola99

    Is this Ich?

    Just noticed 2 white spots (almost looks like grains of salt) on the left side of my sailfin tang, as well as what looks to be scratches behind its eyes. He’s still eating, not aggressive or agitated, and I don’t see him scraping up on rocks. But those marks still worry me, does anyone know what...
  22. Kola99

    Is this Ich?

    Just noticed 2 white spots (almost looks like grains of salt) on the left side of my sailfin tang. He’s still eating, not aggressive or agitated, and I don’t see him scraping up on rocks. But those spots still worry me, does anyone know what they are or can be?
  23. leejoohoonie

    potential ich treatment? (need some second opinions)

    Hello Reef2reef community! I wanted to start a thread pertaining to a research paper that I found online about C.irritans and a potential treatment option. Here is a link to the document -> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6344632/pdf/AEM.01982-18.pdf In their abstract, they...
  24. jackalexander

    Post Ich Disaster

    So I had gone through an ich outbreak and long story short, I had a few unfortunate deaths. My powder brown, cleaner wrasse, clownfish and damsels. The only survivor was my diamond goby and probably because they are quite disease resistant and he was constantly getting cleaned by my shrimp. He...
  25. Olmeg_The_Green

    Benggai Cardinal Died, trying to understand why.

    Hey guys, new reefer here. SO last night one of our 2 Banggai Cardinals died. Here's the timeline, 4:30 - roommate arrives home and both cardinal fish are swimming normally 8:00 - I notice one cardinal is missing. Find it on bottom side of tank gasping rapidly 9:00 - fed tank and all fish...