
  1. Xxflounderxx

    Cbb white tips on fins

    Hello, This is my first post I have a cbb for one month in qt. He has no problem eating. Day one was a full dose of cupramine .58 and prazi for 2 weeks. Then a water change making sure the copper didn't drop. Water temperature 80 degrees. There looks like white spots or sores on the scales to...
  2. Perpetual Novice

    Using ich to treat ich

    I know the ich life cycle. I know what will kill it and what won’t. I know how to treat a tank that has ich in it. But I don’t treat the ich in my 30 gallon biocube. I’ve seen ich at its worst. Infecting almost every fish and multiplying rapidly. But the ich in my tank has never been very...
  3. saltybadger

    Ich? Brook? What just happened?

    Hello Brains trust, looking for some guidance on what to do next... Tank: - Red Sea Reefer 350, no corals. Fish only at the moment. - 2 Designer clownfish - 4 reef chromis - 1 Purple tang So, the clownfish and chromis were the first fish in to the tank (didn't quarantine these guys). After 4...
  4. Reef Recked

    Ich confirmation? w/ pics Black axil Chromis

    So i have 3 black axil chromis in a QT tank and they all appear to have these white spots on their heads, im thinking it is ick but i have zero experience with fish disease and treatment so would like to make sure thats what it is, im thinking it is either that or scarring from them nipping at...
  5. Diveks

    Fish dying from copper

    I started dosing cupramine two days ago, and im slowly raising it. The other fishes in the other qt tanks are doing ok. In one of the tanks though, there is a bannerfish. My bannerfish is laying on the bottom of the tank. The bannerfish is suffering from a bad case of ich. Im not sure what to...
  6. G

    Ode to Humblefish

    Once upon a time There was a lad Gil, Who- to his chagrin- Nearly got his friends killed. After a long shift at work On a hot September day, Gil saw his fish had a spot: Ich had joined the fray. For a moment he panicked- Woe was he! He knew it was his fault, Now the whole world can see It...
  7. ColoradoBill

    Marine Ich- Do you really have to treat a fish for 30days?

    So, I've been developing my quarantine process for my fish and I've been doing a lot of reading. I'm seeing a lot of people who recommend copper treatment for 30 days to completely eradicate ich. My question is, if we're treating the fish in a separate QT tank, wouldn't you only need to treat...
  8. Diveks

    Copper for preventative measures?

    I have been quarantining a pearlscale butterfly, bannerfish, and dartfish (in three different tanks). They are all eating well and i have treated them all with api general care. They are not showing any signs of ich, marine velvet, etc. im wondering if i will need to treat them with copper. In...
  9. Dylan7huskies

    Is this ich?

    Noticed these white spots on my fish yesterday! Is it ich?!
  10. mjblr

    Marine Ich infestation - Please help save my tank

    Hi guys, I've been running a marine tank with purple tip sebae anemone(2), ocellaris clowfish(2), firefish(2), hermit crabs (2) for about a year now. I recently upgraded my tank from 90 liters to 220 liters tank and stocked few more fishes in there. I added blue tang(1), lipstick tang(1) and...
  11. Cambren Sievert

    Ich in my Tank!

    So yesterday I found out my royal gramma has ich unfortunately. It didn’t look to be a bad case of it and he is still eating and breathing well. Not sure how he got it but things happen I guess. I don’t currently have a quaretiene setup right now but I was planning on turning a spare 20 gallon...
  12. Peter K

    Copper treatment and TT into new system question

    Hi all, So we are currently in the process of building our new tank and were going to treat all our fish from our old system with copper power as we have seen signs of ich on them in the past. My question is: should we do the full 30 day treatment or, since the new tank is using none of the...
  13. TaylorJames

    Ich Quarantine Questions

    Around 4 months ago I introduced a fish with ich into my tank and it wiped out a bunch of its tank mates. Wont be doing that again. I waited to do the fallow treatment until I got back from my honeymoon. Last night I bought a 20g breeder tank with a HOB filter and some PVC corners to get the...
  14. nightmarepl

    Black ich

    hey guys, I’m currently treating my yellow tank for marine ich and I’m using copper power as the treatment source. The Ppm is currently 2.0 and been there for about 4 weeks now today i noticed the tang has black ich on it literally the same looking ich just black... he’s still in the copper so...
  15. LAReefer4Life

    Build Thread 625XL Reefer Build

    My story begins approx. 15 years ago with me cruising down the fish isle at Petco and stumbled upon an Australian Harlequin Tusk-fish. With not knowing anything about the hobby, I still purchased him along with a 20 gallon fish tank, heater, and filter. After conducting more research on the...
  16. MnFish1

    QT - Why it sometimes fails?

    I would like to hear from people who 'Quarantine' their fish - not from those who do not use this method. This is not designed to determine what percent of people use QT methods - but rather those who do - what percentage have had a failure.... Lets discuss the reasons why it is 'great' -...
  17. Joe Batt

    Ich / Velvet for a day???

    Hi everyone I added some new fish to my aquarium 11 days ago, all healthy and eating. They had been in quarantine in an existing tank at my LFS for 6 weeks (no new fish added) was one of their display tanks and not using UV. I am setting up a new tank and I didn't have a quarantine tank large...
  18. nightmarepl

    Yellow tang back fins cut up

    hey guys i have a yellow tang that is suffering some minor ich trying to keep it in check, noticed his back fins are really looking cut up wondering what is causing this i have water in check, fish mates are 2 clowns and a yellow tail damsel any ideas is it the ich taking a toll?
  19. Joe Batt

    Ich and new fish

    I am upgrading to a much larger tank and have around 6 new large fish coming. Harlequin tang and similar sizes. I never added new fish to my old tank after initial stocking, since I’m more of a coral guy, and the old tank was disease free. My LFS has quarantined the my new fish fish in a reef...
  20. nightmarepl

    advice required Tang & possible Ich & ways to stop it

    so long story short i dont have a QT tank, petco had an amazing deal on a wild caught yellow tang not those AC tangs with faded colors, the problem is the tang was in a tank with 2 other tangs that had signs of ich " white specs on them " the tang i purchased had no signs but most likely has ich...
  21. T

    Overlapping TTM treatments

    I want to introduce more fish more quickly into my display tank. Fish #1 starts its 12 day TTM treatment program on day 1. On day 4, that fish moves into the second tank and newly purchased fish #2 joins fish #1 on the second tank. On day 12, the first fish is finished and moves out of the...
  22. gammarho55

    Ich Frustration

    So, I'm about done. I've had a couple of tanks now- a Red Sea 130D and now a Red Sea 425XL- in which I've managed to get Ich in the tank. The first couple of times I can look myself square in the eye and know that I didn't do everything I could to make sure my fish were disease free before...
  23. badstorm48

    All fish dying but corals are still healthy

    I’m having an issue. So, about 2.5 weeks ago I bought a new fish a small clown tang to put in my 65 gallon reef tank. In it was a tribal blenny, clown fish, blue tang, 3 chromis and fairy wrasse. So the clown tang was doing fine he was eating and swimming but noticed ich pop up tried lowering...
  24. S

    Does my Cowfish have ich.

    I recently got my Cowfish 2 weeks ago. I put this little guy in my 40 gallon and planning to upgrade my tank soon. Does my Cowfish have ich? What do I do? do I have to quarantine or can I put treatment in my current fish only tank. In tank: 2 clownfish, one cleaning shrimp, 2 firefish, 2...
  25. Schnizzle

    CP acquisition

    Does anyone know where I can get a prescription for chloroquine phosphate in or around MD, DE, VA? The link to vets that perscribe it doesn’t work and so far in my own search I have been directed to the National Aquarium... Copper treatment with cupramine has not been kind to my fish, even with...