
  1. ETH2ETH

    Triggerfish scratching side.

    My bursa trigger scratches his right side on the sand and rock often after eating. Video is attached. He is eating well and has no visible signs of ich or scratches on him. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks in advance.
  2. Brady4000

    This ich?

    Bought these clowns a week ago. The white one looks to have a white spot. Thanks.
  3. polyppal

    The complete $48 Quarantine Tank Setup! (That you can pickup from Petco Today)

    One of the big concerns people seem to have with Quarantine Tanks is the additional cost. After dropping hundreds to thousands of dollars on a Display Tank, the last thing many might be inclined to do is buy another set of equipment that they will only use infrequently... After a trip to Petco...
  4. A Wooly

    EMERGENCY Possibly ich??

    Hi, is this ich? my hippo tang seems well and normal. Eating well, no unusual behaviour etc it has been in my tank for over 9 months now. I can’t see any spots on any other fish. Everyone else seems fine. I have a QT tank I can get up and running if needed. if this is ich can someone point...
  5. Y

    Is this even ich or something else? Clownfish

    Hi, So today I noticed a single white spot on my clownfish, it looks slightly elevated from the body and I didn’t notice it yesterday. I have had fish in the tank for 2 months now, I also added a black Molly to see if there are any diseases and it did not show any signs, so I assumed my tank...
  6. Alexblade1889

    Ich or burn ???,

    Hi there I noticed that my salinity had risen to 1.030 yesterday so I started to bring it down and got it to 1.026/7 I just come home from work to find my powder blue tang like this I was wondering if it was the salinity that’s caused him stressed and this is white spot that’s developed or...
  7. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Freshwater Dip

    Last resort for my clownfish was a freshwater dip after the medication I was using did nothing. Did a freshwater dip for a little over 5 minutes because he was swimming around so much I couldn’t catch him. Seemed like he was doing great, barely had to physically move him and make him swim. Saw...
  8. CelestialCorals

    What’s is on my Yellow Tang?

    I’ve had my tang for 3 weeks now & it’s been fine. It’s still swimming fine, eating good, not acting unusual at all. I’m feeding it seaweed with garlic & he has a great appetite as you can see in the video. I’m suspecting this to be ich but all my other fish look fine & don’t have anything...
  9. Meara

    UV Sterilizer

    Hello everybody; I’m looking for information about UV Sterilizers. I have recently gone through a ich nightmare, (I am in Canada and there is limited medication available it was truly brutal) and I am looking for things that may help me avoid this going forward. I was wondering if anyone has...
  10. livcooley123

    Coral beauty with ich?

    Hi all, I’m in need of some advice. I’ve been in the hobby for only a few months now and I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with two clowns, a damsel, a cardinal, and a coral beauty. Everyone in the tank has been happy and healthy so far (knock on wood). The only major issue I had prior to...
  11. Nyx101

    Ich free tank

    Hi y’all. I’ve come a long way since I started Reefing about 3 years ago. I have to say I never knew hatred until I met ich. Watching fish flash and scratch without noticeable afflictions successfully drove me crazy and so, since awaiting the arrival of a 72 by 24 by 16 inch waterbox frag tank...
  12. livcooley123

    Advice re: coral beauty in qt

    Hi all, I’m in need of some advice. I’ve been in the hobby for only a few months now and I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with two clowns, a damsel, a cardinal, and a coral beauty. Everyone in the tank has been happy and healthy so far (knock on wood). The only major issue I had prior to these...
  13. saltlife97


    Hello, I’ve just had my long nose butterfly pass the other night and and then my mole tang the next night. I had no idea these fish were sick at the beginning. My Kole tang started showing signs when my butterfly passes and now my box fish is covered in white spots. I assume it’s ich but I just...
  14. P

    Ich - hypo or chemical 1st?

    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a QT... Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath too???) or start with chemical treatment (which one, herbatana, paraguard, coppersafe???) Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I fallow the DT?
  15. P


    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a 20G QT, heater, filter and some herbatana. Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath?) or start with chemical treatment (copper, herbatana, paraguard)? Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I starve the DT, 45 days?
  16. Stu_Tanks

    Ich in the DT! Need advice.

    Hello all! As you saw in the title of my thread, I’ve had an Ich outbreak in my Red Sea reefer 350. Livestock: Tomini Tang Two Spot Tang 2 clownfish 1 Cardinal fish This started a little over a week ago. I was closely observing my tank and noticed white sugar like specs on my two spot tang...
  17. J

    Clownfish Scratching Question...

    Hello! I recently had an ich outbreak in my DT. When that happened, I setup a QT tank, and treated the fish in Copper Power for 30 days (2.0 - 2.5 concentration), and PraziPro for 10 days. Then, while my DT tank continues to be fallow, I put the clownfish into a sterile larger tank with PVC...
  18. hds4216

    Is the proper spelling ich, or ick?

    It's ich right? The name comes from the freshwater version of ich, which is caused by the parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. The shortened name is obviously derived from the first few letters of the scientific name. The marine version is caused by a totally different parasite with a...
  19. Noob_Sam

    QT Invertebrates and green mandarine

    Hello, So I wanted to get a couple more snails and crabs for my reef tank but I don't want the risk of them bringing parasites into my tank. I know ich and velvet cant live on them but I heard that it can live for some time on their shells? Is this true? and I wanted to know how do I QT them...
  20. Ctafesh

    Help please

    Hi all, was hoping you could help me figure out what is going on......posted a video so you could see. Some fish have white spots, but it looks like too many to be Ich and the clowns have a couple black spots They’re still eating, but not as ravenously as usual. They’re in QT and we are trying...
  21. Mrsjesrobertson

    Help please- tang on bottom of tank after ich/copper

    I’m gonna try and make this short, but it’s been a long journey. Mae started our 75gal in June, it was cycled and started slowly adding fish in July. In September we noticed several of our fish had white spots which we believe to be ICH and our LFS (where we purchased all fish) gave us some...
  22. Noob_Sam

    Buying New fish. Trying to prevent another velvet outbreak.

    Hello, So 4 months ago I had a bad marine velvet outbreak which I lost 70% of my fish. The remaining that survived I treated them witch copper for 30 days and left my DT fishless for 80 days. So now I am buying new fish every two weeks. I already bought a coral beauty, pair of clowns and some...
  23. F


    I have unfortunately ran into a problem (you can probably guess what). And I have found the TTM to be my chosen method of getting rid of ICH. I am wondering how big of a temporary tank/tub I'd need for about 16 fish? I have 5 chromis, 3 clowns, 4 Cardinals, 1 dotty back, 1 long nose butterfly...
  24. Lennon's Reef

    Is this ich?

    I recently noticed little white spots on my four red spot glass cardinals (Apogon parvulus). I treated for internal parasites (more on that later) and when that didn’t work I assumed it might be ich and moved all of my fish (the 4 cardinals, a Helfrich’s firefish, and a pink streaked wrasse) to...