
  1. Gophish1982

    EMERGENCY Ich? Velvet? HELP!

    So I noticed white patches or bumps on my tangs today. I had observed them in a QT tank for a few weeks before moving to my DT and had only treated with General Cure because I had noticed something dark on one fin of my white tail bristletooth the size of a grain of rice. They have been in my...
  2. situming123

    How to deal with ICH? Come here to save your fishes!

    When you see a little white spots on your fishes body. It means you got ich from your tank. And you have to prepare your meds ASAP to kill them. Ich is a very command parasite sickness for fishes. It is easy to deal with but most of people just not treat them in the right way. So, I will share...
  3. E

    Fish has beginning stages of ICH. But that fish and all other fish seem fine. NEED ADVICE

    I have a blue damsel that is starting to show signs of ICH. Been monitoring it for a few days and the spots seem to move and over the last week have increased from his tailfins to the top part of his top fins. However, it seems perfectly fine. Not sluggish eats like crazy blah blah. I have a...
  4. J

    Baby blue tang scratching

    I just got my baby blue tang 2 days ago and I noticed he’s scratching against the PVC. It’s in my QT. NO WHITE SPOTS YET. It’s swimming and eating just fine but should I treat it? Should I treat it with Prazi or copper?
  5. underthereef

    Quarantine Treatment Length

    Hey, I started quarantining my first fish (4 Banggai Cardinals) and observed them for the first few days. Now I am starting my Cupramine preventative treatment. My question is how long do I need to run copper at therapeutic levels before the fish are clean for the display tank which is clean...
  6. bReefedBaker

    Kicking ich - Day 1 vs. Day 5 -

    This past week has been something else reefers, but all is looking well. Purchased from the LFS and all seemed well. Got home to the QT tank she went and the moderating began. Monday night into Tuesday, she must’ve been stressed. I woke the next morning to her having a bad outbreak of what I...
  7. reefsaver

    EMERGENCY Reef in trouble, Clownfish Spot, early signs of Ich?

    I made this video in the hopes someone could help me Identify something I saw on my Clownfish. Skip to 1 minute mark. She looks healthy and I haven't noticed her scraping around trying to Itch it, pretty much unchanged demeanor. I raised the temp by 1° since I noticed it. The spot is still...
  8. A


    Anybody have success with reef medic? Treating ick
  9. S

    best way to treat ich without QT setup

    So i recently picked up a pair of clowns for my 32 gallon biocube and have noticed that they both have ich. They seem to behave and eat normally but they have lots of noticeable spots on them. I do not have the space or budget to setup a QT tank to treat them so i was wondering what the most...
  10. R

    EMERGENCY Regal Angel Question

    Hi everyone, I recently just bought a Regal Angel from my LFS less than a week ago. I have added it into my quarantine but with no copper or other medications to let him settle in and start eating. He has started eating pellets and mysis shrimp! My question is that I have observed it head...
  11. J

    EMERGENCY Fish broke out in ICH

    My tank has ich and I added a wrasse 2 months ago and it’s doing well. Until today I noticed my tail spot Blenny wasn’t doing too well and i have black clownfish and he’s an easy indicator that I have ich. How did I all of sudden have ich ?? I’m going to start treating it with cooper immediately
  12. J


    Hey you guys. Got this brand new Anthias fish and put it in QT. The following day I notice it has this white patch. Does it look like ICH? Or lympho? Thanks you guys.
  13. R

    EMERGENCY Diagnosis on Dead Powder Blue Tang

    Hi there, Unfortunately, my Powder Blue Tang had just passed from what I think is ich. It was in a quarantine tank at a copper therapeutic level of 2.08ppm. Can anyone confirm this death to be from ich? Thank you.
  14. CrazyDuck959

    EMERGENCY What are these on my Clownfish?

    Hello everyone, I recently got 2 Clownfish for my saltwater fish tank. And its been about 5 days since I got them and this morning the fish looked fine. But as soon as I got back from school today I saw some bizarre white spots/splotches on one of them. I’m guessing its Ich but I’m not 100%...
  15. S

    Can ich cure itself?

    So I have recently noticed that my flameback angel has a few ich spots on it. They are much more noticeable under the blue light than they are the white but I am pretty certain it is ich. I know the best way to treat this is with copper in a quarantine tank but I unfortunately do not have the...
  16. W

    Aerosol transmission of marine velvet might be overblown - An interpretation of results

    The study everyone references about aerosol transmission of A. ocellatum dinospores might be overblown. Pun intended. It seems everybody references this article, and the 3m transmission distance, but they only reference the abstract. Have we accepted that QT and DTs MUST be ~3m apart based on...
  17. Current Tides

    Instant ways to kill ich and velvet

    Would anyone happen to know ways that will immediately kill ich/velvet (c. irritans) and (a. ocellatum)? The tanks I'm trying to treat are completely empty, with no livestock. I have copper in them at concentrations of about 0.6ppm and have the temp all the way up to 95F. I've been trying to...
  18. Why so serious

    EMERGENCY Box fish with ich

    Hello my box fish got something like ick I have reef rally pro and kick ich pro with me rn what should I do to treat him , a fresh water bath ? Please help I don’t want him to die
  19. D

    Question about FISH disease(ich/velvet) in a CORAL quarantine tank

    Regarding a CORAL ONLY QT tank, that may or may not also have an invert. In order to be sure any corals that come in wont bring in ICH/Velvet that is on it's bony base or frag plug, I will treat the coral QT process like fallow period, around 70-80 days or something before it goes into the...
  20. Neo Baldovino

    Hypo-Salinity in Display Tank

    Hi Everyone! I’ve decided to hop on here and start a thread based on my on going experience with hypo salinity in an establish aquarium. I have a Red Sea 900 with a decent amount of livestock in it. Currently in it is an XL clown Tang, XL Powder Blue, L Gold Rim Tang, M desjardini, M Hippo...
  21. N

    White Tale Kole Tang

    Hello All, Newer reefer. I picked up some tangs in November from an LFS (Hippo, Purple, Sailfin, Kole). I quarantined them for a month, then added to the 180 gal display. The Kole Tang started showing some milky white spots the first few days, then they disappeared. Looking at the Kole...
  22. adamlodge14

    Firefish with white spot

    Hi, I’m having a problem at the moment with white-spot in my 50 litre saltwater aquarium. About 1 month ago I bought two coral gobies for my tank that both ended up introducing ich. I started immediately treating with polyp lab reef medic to try to help (I also have a purple Firefish, scooter...
  23. F

    Need Help / Ich or Fluke

    Hi , need help to cure my emperor, I'm new to this and not sure what to do . started a copper treatment . fish are still feeding . But I'm afraid things might go bad soon . any advice? thank you
  24. alexkowalik

    EMERGENCY Ich/velvet blue kole tang quarantine

    Hello, I’ve been treating my display with polyp lab medic due to a possible ich/velvet outbreak. I was told it is more than likely ich so I didn’t panic and quarantine all my fish. This morning I came in to see my kole tang sucked against the overflow and barely hanging on to life. I immediately...
  25. Jon!

    Ich / Velvet Do Nothing Treatment Thread!

    I am sharing my experience beating (living with) ich/velvet by doing nothing except maintaining good water quality and movement and increasing the quantity, quality and variety of foods offered to the fish in my DT. Hi all. I'm a big fan of R2R and the many perspectives I've gained over the...