
  1. Kolby’s Reef

    EMERGENCY Are these white spots normal?

    Just got back from LFS and got it in the tank and noticed this. If it is a disease or ich please let me know how to treat it/what product to use. Thanks!
  2. P

    EMERGENCY Is this ich or nip mark?

    My hail storm clownfish has one white spot on its body and I’m concerned it’s ich. Do I just have to wait and see if it is ich or a nip mark from the female clown? (I’ve already done a FW dip and there was no “debris”)
  3. ariellemermaid

    Ich Protruding from Eye?

    I just got this Kole Tang in 2 days ago, he's in my QT tank. One white spot has appeared on the right side of his body. So likely ich, right? However, what about this other white spot that appeared on his left eye? Is it normal for an ich plaque to protrude this much? Thanks!
  4. M

    Ich still present after 80 days fallow...

    Hello all, I have a 280 gal DT with a 60 gal sump. I have a velvet outbreak lost some fish. I have setup a QT's purchase new fish and qt them with 30 days copper and prazi treatment. The DT was fallow for 89 days. So i assumed that the parasite have died/starve due to no fish being present...
  5. WorldZY

    Ich or Lymphocytis

    Hi there! I noticed these 2 white spots on my Marine Betta (Hard to believe right? Lol) and was wondering if it's ich or Lymphocytis. I grabbed 2 photos the best I can of my shy little fellow. He's about 2-3 weeks in my tank and have only seen it eat off rocks during the day. At night the MB...
  6. underthereef

    EMERGENCY Ich or Velvet Breakout just after completing QT and going into DT

    Hi All, I have an emergency situation unfolding. I just graduated my midas blenny from quarantine into my 180G display 3 days ago. I treated with 2 doses prazi, 5 doses of metro, and cupramine at .5mg/l. I now noticed this morning he had some white spots on him but it was super faint/small and...
  7. britnicole1724


    So I have confirmed I have LCA Dino’s. On top of bryopsis and hair algae that I’ve been dealing with for a while now. I do weekly water changes but it’s just not getting any better. Obviously something is off but my parameters are not showing it. salinity ammonia 0 Nitrates 7 Nitrites 0...
  8. emain879

    EMERGENCY Ich or flukes? I can’t tell

    This has been going on for a week or two I can’t tell if it’s ich or flukes or something else. It’s hard to get good pictures. nitrate is 7.2 Phos 0.07 Salinity 1.025 Ph 8.0
  9. Nanolifeuk

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Ich / Brooklyn + missing royal gramma??? W/ photos

    Had my black and white clowns a little over a year, along with a royal gramma. it’s been a little hot in UK, tank temp 25c has fluctuated 0.5-1.5c most days for a week or so Around 6 weeks ago I changed my aquascape with dry rocks and doses bacteria, this went fine. Around 3 weeks ago I left...
  10. P

    Marine velvet

    So I recently had Marine velvet and was wondering to have some pointers and suggestions on my copper quarantine for the survivors what I can do to my display tank to prepare for the addition of the livestock in 3 weeks also about quarantining clean up crew should I clean quarantine everything at...
  11. E

    Blue Hippo Tang, possible ich

    Hello everyone, I need some help identifying what might be ich on my blue hippo tang. I noticed some spots last night however they’re flush white spots on the top of her head, and raised bumps on her belly similar to what I could describe as razor burn on a human. She also has some scratches or...
  12. OneMerissa

    EMERGENCY Is this ich??

    I’ve noticed some patches on my royal Gramma. Very small on the top of her head. She’s acting completely normal eating and swimming around the tank. I took the Best pictures I could let me know what you think.
  13. ssavatt

    Clownfish Ich?

    Just got this clownfish today and she looked perfectly healthy in the store but once I got her home and started to float her I noticed a filmy white coating all over her. This was really only visible under my blue light. I did a freshwater dip but there was no visible change. She’s very alert...
  14. R

    Help ID potential fish disease?

    Hey there, We’re trying to identify whether we have a problem here. The Blue Hippo Tang has small white spots and we cannot tell if this is Ich or not. Everything in the tank has been quarantined after a 76+ day fallow period of this DT. Separate tank for QT. Just wondering the best way to...
  15. Daniel25

    Fallow tank coral

    Hi guys I recently had a outbreak of marine ich which unfortunately killed all my fish my tank is now sitting fallow for 47 days but I am just wondering would it be okay for me to add some coral fragments to the tank so that they grow in the mean time, Thanks in advance Dan
  16. newreef1

    EMERGENCY Ich Again!!!!

    Guys my tank once crashed because of Ich and I lost everything. I cleaned the entire tank out and restarted. I QT my first batch of fish and everything was fine. I got more fish on Thursday and they were put in QT. Someone in my family, put the fish because they looked OK in the main DT today...
  17. BenConrad

    Help with facial sores on QTed Hippo tang

    Hello all, Wanted to get some input on these facial sores on my new blue Hippo tang. I suspect an injury followed by bacterial infection, but wanted to see what the community thinks. This fish has been in my 40 gallon breeder QT tank for 11 days. Salinity 1.023, temp 77F, and ammonia...
  18. WorldZY

    Copperband Butterfly Fish acting odd?

    Hi There! We have had our CBB for a little over a month now. Before I get started, Gill eats almost 2 clams a day or Mussels (out of Clams) and Mysis shrimp constantly. He is always swimming around and very agile. Lastly, our water levels are all spot on. Today I noticed the 2-3 white specs on...
  19. J

    Safest cooper med?

    What’s the safest copper medicine ? I generally have small fishes and will get some baby tangs to quarantine also.
  20. AdamNorris

    EMERGENCY What’s in my Tomini Tang?

  21. J

    Cooper killed my YT

    I had a biota yellow tang that’s less than 2” and it died when I tried to treat it cooper. Ich broke out and I accidentally overdose the med and I couldn’t test the levels because I left to work. Came home this morning and it died ;( Check the cooper level and it was reading 3.2 on Hanna
  22. J

    Failed quarantine process

    Somewhere I failed to successfully quarantine my fish. I did the 30 day process with cooper and prazi pro. Cooper at 2.5 but I didn’t test everyday. Now all my fish and corals are in my DT. I noticed really tiny white spots starting to form on my bioata yellow tang and blue tang. All my other...
  23. Maria A

    Filefish disease and sore-ich?

    My filefish has this sore that I noticed today on his back. He also seems to have sores on sides. I’ve had him about 3 weeks. Has been eating and swimming well, still doing fine. I’ve now put him in another compartment with air stone. Treat for ich or something else?
  24. TweakyReef

    Any tips for my emergency quarantine?

    Hey peeps, So, only have myself to blame but I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle. From what I believe, the hard part is done but now for the patience. It had been a while since I've had my QT set up, the gear was all packed away. Anyway, the tank needed some new fish so I decided to get...
  25. bReefedBaker

    My QT Sponge Filter - Reintroduce BB?

    As the title states - How do I reintroduced beneficial bacteria to my sponge filter? Here’s where my filter sits today. In my “little closet cabinet” for SW needs etc. Received new I just drenched it in fresh water and rung it out. Plopped it into my HOB Filter for a few weeks. If you know...
Top Shelf Aquatics