
  1. J

    Is this black ich? Sorry for the bad pics

    I was wondering if this stuff on my Midas blenny was black ich, and if so how would I go about treating it? I do not have a qt tank, and if it is black ich I’d assume it’s probably spread.
  2. K

    Yellow Tang Woes

    Good afternoon, Quick synopsis…mature reef, 65 gal 1.025 Nitrate 5 Phos .8 Alk 9.5 Cal 500 Mg 1470 pH 8.1-8.3 Tank been running for 6 years Running Modified Moonshiners 1000ml kalk I’ve had the yellow tang for well over a year. Quite healthy or so I thought. Wife noticed ‘white dust’ on him...
  3. Kyuubi

    Ich in main display with eels :( what to do?

    So I have ich, well my tank does, here’s what’s in it: Juvenile orange shoulder tang (newest addition that was bought pre-quarantined on Black Friday) 3” Kleins butterfly 4” Pearl scale butterfly 4” Flagfin angel 3” three 1/2” blue green chromis Zebra eel about 18” Banana eel about 12”...
  4. T

    Mimic tang has had ich for some time now, do I leave it be?

    Hello! I posted about this fish a while back, he has gone through some weird stuff. I have had him for roughly 6-8 months now, first four or so he had this weird looking bacterial infection on left side. I have another thread about that. He was first fish in tank. He would occasionally get an...
  5. BlueFynn_Ian

    Fish Only Ich Treatment Help (Peroxide or Bleach??)

    Hi there, First time poster, long time observer and thread reader. Looking for some guidance to help my father with his 400 gallon Fish Only tank. He has been dealing with an Ich outbreak for a couple of months now and has until now been just using Ruby Reef Rally pro and Kick-Ich in tandem...
  6. K

    Frustrated is an understatement. What am I doing wrong?

    I started my reef tank back in April and it has been nothing short of a nightmare from the get go. I added a pair of clowns to the tank a few days after the startup bacteria to help with the cycling process. I elected not to QT the fish since there was nothing else in there to contaminate at the...
  7. bbpros2b

    EMERGENCY Blue Faced Angel with what looks like a bacterial infection

    Hello I really need some professional help with figuring out what is wrong with my Blue Faced Angel? I have a blue faced Angel and a dog face puffer and Hawkfish in quarantine and the Tank came down with Ich a week after purchasing the fish. I am on day 7 treatment at full dose of cupramine and...
  8. Danielsj

    Help with diagnosis

    Hey guys i have several fish that are presenting with symptoms that i feel could be described by several different dieases so im having a real hard time figuring out what it is and how i should act from here. My Midas has like a white dusting around his head area with white strings coming off...
  9. B

    Microscopic Parasite ID Help

    Can someone please help me ID the protist in these images. These were taken with a 10x objective and 25x eyepiece from a mucus scraping of a deceased clownfish that had no visible spots but had large mucus overproduction that resembled a brooklynella infection. However I have had an Angel, two...
  10. A

    EMERGENCY Clowns yawning and flashing?

    Hi all, I have had two clowns for over a year now, and they both went through an initial qt. Unfortunately I don’t have the space for a coral qt and a few new corals were introduced maybe 2 weeks ago. Just yesterday I noticed both of them yawning, however not too frequently. This morning I can...
  11. Jatchetto

    Ich or no

    Hello everyone i thought my first post would be more uplifting but i had a question do you guys think this is ich id love to make a post soon about my fish and corals this is working on me though concerned thanks for anyone who can help. To me it looks like ich or something not good just would...
  12. E

    EMERGENCY Copper in dt or quarantine

    Hi so i goy four fish 2 weeks ago for my new Fowler tank and tien out they have ich. i have 2 option, tank spec: 135 gallon with sillica sand that will not absorb any copper. 50 pound of live rock. no invert, just 2 tang , one butterfly and a foxface. first option is to treat the Dt with...
  13. K

    Bump on Powder Blue Tang

    My Powder Blue Tang developed a bump two days ago that is not like when it had ich back in April. This bump is much bigger in width and height. Additionally, it is the only bump / blemish on the fish. I ran hypo salinity at 1.009 since May. No other fish are scratching. I know my PBT is a good...
  14. R

    EMERGENCY Blue tang sick.

    Hello guys, I notice my blue tang has some strange spots on the left site, the right side is ok. And his belly looks wrinkly on that side. What do you think it is? He is acting normal, eating a lot, maybe, it’s hiding a little more from normal.
  15. reefkeepingnoob

    EMERGENCY Blue Tang (is this ich?? treatment recommendation??)

    New to saltwater, I have had my blue hippo tang in my tank with 2 baby clowns as well for about a month now. All seems well and they all eat well (diet is fish flakes and seaweed) Just started noticing my tang constantly scratching itself against my rock, and maybe even white spots appearing. I...
  16. T

    EMERGENCY Ich or Velvet?

    I have had this purple tang for about 2 months now and sometimes he develops a few white spots on him but they are gone the next day or two. The skunk cleaner shrimp works on him at night and I have always attributed it to that. Recently the ammonia spiked in my tank a little bit to .5 and the...
  17. C

    Identifying disease on my Clowns

    Hi all, My clowns have this thin layer of white particles/film. They have had for some time now. Is this velvet? What should be my next steps? TIA!
  18. iFunnny

    Diving into QT for the first time!

    QUARANTINE! I've really dove into the rabbithole of QT. It's not really something that people in my reefing community do on this side of the world and gratefully having the space I thought i'd attempt to do so as best I can. I would appreciate any and all help to improve or remind me of what I...
  19. Fabs

    EMERGENCY Velvet or Ich?

    Hey this is the first time I’ve had a fish get sick and was wondering if this is ich or velvet? Really worried about the fish. He started scratching a lot last night. This morning I found some small dots on him. He’s eating but very minimally. In the video I kind of spooked him so he’s breathing...
  20. G

    EMERGENCY Grouper and trigger seem to have ich

    My triggerfish looks to have ich on him and my grouper Keeps rubbing himself on the sand do they have ich
  21. Cole_Voeller

    EMERGENCY Ich in tanks

    Okay, well I thought my ich problem was dealt with, but I guess not. So as much as I hate the idea of taking all my fish out and keeping them out of my tank for months, it looks like I have no other option. Sort of a total pain being in an apartment though. Anyway between the tanks, my fish are...
  22. Cole_Voeller

    EMERGENCY Tribal Blenny Fin Rot?

    Hello all- so I have a Tribal blenny that I had to separate from my other tank, as he was giving my firefish a heart attack every time he swam by. I had to put him in a 10 gallon for the time being, which is cycled, though it does not have a good light, so there is absolutely no algae (I just...
  23. G

    Grouper with ich

    I was lookign at my flagtail grouper and he seems to keep rubbing his body on the sand I can’t tell if he’s got ich or not his fins don’t look like theirs rot it’s hard to see the white spots because he has white spots on him so I don’t know if it’s behavior or if he’s got ich here’s a picture...
  24. J

    Is this ICH?

    Exactly 2 weeks into quarantine of these new fish I got from LiveAquaria. Been doing 50% water changes every 2-3 days. Had a Cardinalfish disappear (only to be found dead after tearing apart the tank). Netted the remaining 2 Cardinalfish and French Angelfish and moved them to a small bowl while...
  25. A

    Appetite Suppression in Possible Flukes?

    Hey Everyone, I currently have a very small clown in qt, about 3/4 of an inch which I picked up yesterday. The qt went through a full cycle and there is no ammonia detectable through the API kit as well as the seachem badge. I have currently dosed copper power at about 1.5 and in the next 2-3...
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