
  1. BighohoReef

    Aiptasia - hiding in the dark

    Hi All, We're in the process of moving all our corals from our nano to 100g (no live rock), while checking/cleaning our one of our corals it accidentally broke where the skeleton had died (we've been nursing it back to health) in doing so it revealed the frag plug below which low and behold had...
  2. W

    Slug Pest/Hitch Hiker Infestation Outbreak!

    Hello everyone! This is my first time on a reefing forum. I made an account because I can’t find any information regarding what’s going on in my tank. 32 gallon LED Biocube All levels are completely fine and the tank is doing great other then the literal 2 - 300 slugs that seemed to develop...
  3. F

    What are these growths?

    For some time now there have been these small, white, opaque growths on my rocks. Some are as small as 2mm long and as thin as hair, whereas the bigger ones are often twisted (maybe 2cm) and as thick as 1-2mm. My tank is rather old, so they must have stuck around for a year or two without being...
  4. TomSerious

    Zoa hitchhiker?

    Hello! I added 6 Zoa frags yesterday and dipped them all in "The Dip" from Fauna Marin before putting them in my tank. I noticed something on one frag, I think it's some kind of sponge? Today, all, except the frag with the "sponge" are partly or even fully open. Can someone tell me if it is...
  5. Jud

    Anemone ID

    Hey all - So I’ve had this rainbow BTA in my tank for around a year. After a while, one instantaneously became three, which are all now pretty much dominating space in my tank. Today I noticed one moved from it’s preferred spot. I was doing some maintenance and saw this in it’s old spot...
  6. Britttt

    What is this on my Acan?

    Hi all, I recently bought a new Acan and today I've noticed these arms growing off it that look similar to a colourless Zoa or Duncan head. One of them seems to have detached from the Acan and growing out of a hole in the live rock. I've never noticed anything like this on my other Acan that...
  7. Carebearsss.x

    No Freaking Idea What These Are!!!

    Please help!!! My boyfriend and I have just spotted these tiny tiny white spots in our tank! They kinda look like worms? THEY. ARE. EVERYWHERE. Can anybody try and identify these things?? *the picture isn’t the best quality, i apologize for that * Also, excuse the algae! *any tips on...
  8. C

    Copper striped growth on live rock

    I found a nice piece of live rock with some copper banded coral on it. The guy at the store thought it was some rare sponge with an N name but he couldn't remember.
  9. Nate_Krohn

    Sundial or collonista snail?

    All of my zoanthid frags starting disappearing over night and I noticed these snails a few days before I noticed my zoas gone. If anyone can ID them for me that would be much appreciated. Need to know if I need to completely wipe them out or not. Has anyone else had their zoas disappear within...
  10. Nate_Krohn

    Hundreds of baby snails.. urchin and a starfish?

    I woke up at about 2 am to enjoy my tank when the lights go off and there are hundreds of baby snails on the rocks and on the glass.. I also saw what looked like a baby urchin and some type of starfish. Can anyone help ID them?? I posted some pics. They’re not the best because they’re at night.
  11. mattybecks

    Mantis Shrimp ID

    So yesterday I saw a Mantis Shrimp (I am assuming it was a mantis shrimp) pop out of the rocks. He must have been there for quite sometime as I haven't added in anything new for a while now. This would explain the mystery of my missing invertebrates (a few months ago my cleaner shrimp both...
  12. mattybecks

    Thin yellow tenacle like arms coming from shell.

    Discovered this a couple weeks ago and been monitoring it. It was initially in the crevice of another rock for a few days, but moved to this area a few weeks ago and has been here ever since. Seems to be active during the day, and hides at night. The "arms" move away when touched by another tank...
  13. AtlasReef

    Purple Mystery Hitchhiker Continuing to Thrive

    Still as yet Unidentified purple live rock hitchhiker is translucent, reactive to light and danger from other creatures, will turn almost solid white when withdrawn near the entrance to its hole in the rock.
  14. mattybecks

    White round thing ID

    These guys have been in my tank for quite a while, kept meaning to get an ID and today finally getting around to it. Any idea what they can be? they are smooth, but not squishy. You can see them in the first part of the video on the rocks. Tank is about 7 weeks old in total now.
  15. mattybecks

    Filter feeder ID

    I was on the prowl for red macro algae and didn't ever notice this guy stuck to one of the pieces. Only when I put the pieces into the tank it felt squishy and I noticed something on it. Is it some kind of sponge? it can shrink down surprisingly small when it is touched, vents open and close...
  16. D

    Unknown Hitchhikers?

    Any advice would be appreciated? I can't seem to find any info about these guys online... Loads of them hiding in the rocks, purple-ish tentacles everywhere. And found this 7-legged critter also! They don't seem to be a problem?
  17. Snowdrop68

    I have a strange worm..I think!

    I am almost positive it is a worm, it has a white head, and redish orange to yellow body. it darts around my tank like a mad man..it wiggles and darts.. it is about 1/2 inch long. in the video it looks all white. I am trying to get my daughter to video it in the solo cup she caught it in...
  18. T

    ID this coral please?

    Can someone please tell me what this coral is, got it from a lfs. Also there’s these tentacle hitchhikers on the side of it. Should I try removing them? Are they harmful?
  19. Lylelovett

    ID Please... Pineapple sponge?

    Hi all, This white mossy mass has slowly grown on my Duncan frag. Recently it has developed these cylindrical growths with little branches on it; there are a handful of those. In the attached picture I have circled the entire mass and am pointing to one of the growths. The closest ID I could...
  20. choss

    Starfish - acro eater? Please ID

    I noticed recently that two frags of the exact same acropora were healthy one day, then completely white a few days later. I checked parameters and everything was stable. Al the other frags are fine. Then two days later another millepora in the same section of the frag tank experienced the same...
  21. choss

    Friend or Foe - snail ID

    I found this small orange snail in my tank this morning. He would have originated from some live rock that was acquired through gulf reef live rock. Thanks as always for your help!
  22. ErinStecher

    New Zoanthid Predator. No, seriously....

    Hi Guys, I swear this is something new. Okay, maybe it's just aiptasia. I want you to see if there's something I'm missing though. I added a colony of Pink Hippos (zoas) to my tank about 2 months ago. Before adding, I dipped in Coral Rx (standard procedure). I had second thoughts about this...
  23. nightmarepl

    Vermetid snail HOW to kill them help!

    so i got invaded by these darn Vermetid snail absolutely hate and want destroy them all within 2 days i had 4 on my hammer coral keep him 1/3 the size have liek 3 on my toadstool I’ve tried ripping them off currently ordered some stainless steel clippers to start chopping but is there any...
  24. nightmarepl

    What is this weird pink blob on my rocks and coral

    hey guys I’ve been having a few issues with my tank these last few weeks I’ve noticed i have some weird pink blob on my rocks here and there mostly every rock has atleast one now i noticed it on my hammer head corals stems i have some pictures of i poked out with my tweezers but they basically...
  25. nightmarepl

    Can someone tell me what this is growing in my hermit

    Hey guys so i noticed one of my hermits has something growing on his side inside his shell it usually hides but i got it to come this took some pictures i was thinking it’s some type of feather duster maybe? If so i kind want to keep it how to extract it lol or will it come out on its own