
  1. Wrasse-cal

    Unknown worm? Google was no help.

    What is this? I found it stuck to the tank glass a few minutes ago...
  2. ThunderGoose

    Is this a feather duster making a crawl for it?

    Yesterday I added a new feather duster to my tank. This evening I spotted this on the rock near where the feather duster casing sits. Is this the feather duster? I'm a bit worried that my sexy shrimp are interested in it. I've had mixed results with these guys - some I've had for a year (still...
  3. jk_s124

    Hitchhiker bivalve id

    Anybody able to id this bivalve?
  4. 1

    Snail Hitchhiker

    Need ID please He was in the coral base that I was dipping into Coral RX, promptly died after but was wondering what type of snail it was. Sorry for the picture quality it was hard to get a good picture. It had a red shell with spots. Reminded me of a lady bug
  5. sotsreef

    What’s living in my chaeto?

    Long white stringy creature living in chaeto. It retracts when I touch the water or it senses vibrations on aquaclear filter. Maybe some kind of worm??
  6. TCReef84

    Free Swimming Isopod I.D.

    Hello everyone, I am having trouble with getting a positive identification on what appears to be an Isopod of some sort. This is the second time they have appeared in the water column since I have upgraded aquarium sizes and added live sand. They resemble Cirolanid Isopods, but they are very...
  7. M

    Help ID filter feeder

    Hello guys Got a new creature on my live rock that seems to be a filter feeder... not sure where it came from or if it's bad... any help is appreciated! Thanks
  8. will0wtr33

    Hitchhiker help ASAP please

    So my tank has been cycling for about a month or so now. Live rock, and live sand. All my tests are looking good. I think I'm about finished. I have my heater out because I'm still stirring sand dust out (I was silly and didn't rinse) but my water stays around 74 even without. Tonight I was...
  9. DeepBlueSomething

    Zoa crushing nudi branch?

    Is this a (the?) culprit for my unhappy zoas? Pics not great, but 2 large antenna and visible eye spots. Could also be a slug -- the purple portion is almost firm like a mantle. As always, burn it, sump it or good guy?
  10. Idoc

    Help with identifying this from my filter sock

    I found this in my filter sock tonight. Its about 3/8-1/2" in length and very active. It curls its back tail up under itself and seems to have front arms/legs held tightly to its body like a pistol shrimp or mantis shrimp. Kind of swims on its side... or maybe that's because I don't have...
  11. Renelope

    What is this thing???

    Any ideas what this thing is? Its been moving slowly for the past few weeks, started out along the base of the coral and I missed it - its currently on a mushroom finger leather coral... Survived a coral dip... Is it harmful? what do I do with it?
  12. My120gmixed

    What Coral is This?!?!

    Does anybody know what type of coral this is? It came on a rock that was given to me by a friend (some zoos are on the rock as and a couple palys recently started growing on there as well). The rock was thoroughly dipped so I doubt it is a pest of any sort. Apologies if the photos are bad :-( I...
  13. Aaron Davis

    Good? Bad? Neutral? What are these?

    Update: Upon further research, I was able to educate myself a little. It appears the snails are harmless and the limpets?; are as well. The flatworms though; not so sure. Hello all! Found a few new critters I haven’t noticed before. Seen a few of these little snails climbing around. They’re...
  14. SaltwaterScoop

    Creepy hitchhikers...what's lurking in your aquarium?

    I just found this section and thought my latest video would be perfect here...;Walkingdead
  15. M

    Can someone id these tubes

    CE820558-C726-447A-99B1-908471C8EA30 by M3talz posted Oct 6, 2017 at 3:19 PM
  16. jrwoltman

    Invert ID please

    It looks like a nassarius without a shell. However, since I have never actually seen a shelless nassarius, I have no idea. Please tell me if the little guy is a friend or foe. His life is in your hands. Thanks, Jim
  17. Michael Stetz

    Hitchhiker SPD on Snail?

    I found a weird branch coming off an astrea snail today. A picture is worth a thousand words so here's a few.
  18. Mike N

    Long, transparent tentacle with wriggling head coming from live rock

    After feeding my tank last night, I noticed some motion and took a closer look. It was a long transparent tentacle coming from the live rock. The head was wriggling around pretty good. I took video with my phone, I apologize for poor quality. Make sure to view in 1080p: I've gotten pretty...
  19. Keeks09

    What is on my rock?

    Can somebody tell me whatthese are growing on my rock and if they are safe? The first one looks like a milky cobweb that easily comes off when touched. Rhe sexond one looks like a dandelion or an antena with a ball at the end. And is this yellow stuff algae?
  20. Keeks09

    ID these

    Can someone tell me what these are? I know the one is a starfish but what kind?
  21. MikeL.

    Could this be sponge or something worse?

    Hey guys, I've never seen this before so I have no idea what it could be and it's really hard to get a decent pic. I have a few yellow sponges on the back of some of my rock but nothing like this. It looks like the color of gel glue that we use to glue rocks, but it also has what looks like...
  22. Mariners

    Weird brown algae or something on trochus

    hi everyone, Noticed these brown spots on top of a couple trochus snails. Thought it was just brown algae so i scrubbed it a bit but it was still there. then i dipped some hydro peroxide on a paper towel to wipe and drench those spots--it just receded into crevice or pockmarks on snail shell...
  23. Mike N

    They grow up so fast

    This is the aiptasia that came in my live rock order from GLR about 6 weeks ago. Fast forward to 6/1/2017: He's in a 20g with no corals, only a valentini puffer, giant emerald, hermits, and astrea snails. Hasn't spread at all in 6 weeks. (Seems to contradict what a lot of people say about...
  24. Mike N

    What are we looking at here?

    I purchased a coralline cluster and it arrived with what looked like a stomatella snail hitchhiker on the side of the bag. When I grabbed it, it rolled up into a ball like you see in the picture. What are we looking at here?
  25. magicstix

    Need ID on crab that hitchhiked in on a torch coral

    So I ordered a maricultured metallic green torch coral from LiveAquaria and it came with its very own sizable crab. It has hairy legs and green body and claws. I'm thinking it's an emerald mithrax crab, but I want to be sure before I set it loose in the tank. Can anyone confirm it's an emerald...
Tank Stop