hitch hiker id

  1. Illstatereefer

    Help! Is this guy and his crew good or not?

    * Top left corner on the rock. So I turned on my nano tank light this morning, as I do every day at 7am, and saw about 10+ of these guys all over my one live rock, not the others. I have to get a video to upload because these guys are fast movers and don’t like the light so much. Fairly long...
  2. Shadowfire

    Hitchhiker on Australian Live Rock ID

    Hey I had a couple of these show up in my quarantine frag tank after adding some Australian Live rock from unique corals. I wanted to double check that they were safe before any of that rock goes in my display. They don’t seem to have bothered any corals, but I’m still relatively new to all...
  3. Bauric

    String weirdness in tank. Halp!!!

    Greetings glorious r2r community, I was hoping you could help me ID what is causing this weird string in my reef tank. I’ve seen/read of Vermetidae snails having a stringy tentacle that protrudes however this one is abdominally long and I couldn't track it back to any source. Any help would be...
  4. C

    What’s On this Snail?!

    Should I be concerned on what are on these snails or are these normal? I was thinking maybe flat worm? ‍
  5. H

    Crab ID

    Anyone ID this hitchhiker crab?
  6. cinnamon_lover

    Maroon Crab Hitchhikers?

    So uhm, I actually posted about this one the other day. But I now have clearer pictures of these tiny 'maroon / brown' crab hitchhikers. They are only ¾ to an inch in size and their 'shells' are full of bumps. I assume some of them are females because I can see them carrying black eggs...
  7. Something’s_Fishyy

    Strange Hitchhiker

    Today I went down to my local aquarium store and got a medium sized rock that had some sunflower coral on it. I put the rock in the tank and then I noticed this strange thing coming out of the rock. Does anyone know what this might be? I think it’s a worm of some Kind.
  8. Firepony


    Of all the hitchhikers I've been tru...this one is weird Anyone know what it is? Reef safe? Or get rid of it? It's the widow spider looking egg sac thing on my fireworks polyps. Thank you in Advance
  9. B

    Trochus Hitchikers

    Hello, First time poster here. I'm having trouble identifying a hitchhiker that just showed up on my trochus snail within the past week. No new additions to the tank in a month which is part of my confusion. See attached photo but they look like white fuzzy cones. Any clue what this could be?
  10. dbati

    Mystery Shrimp Who can name it?

    Howdy everybody, I was up late and decided to flash the ol flashlight on my aquarium to see who was working the Night Shift and I saw this little guy flash by me. It’s a tiny transparent shrimp. Can anyone ID the little fella? As a bonus assignment there is also another random critter he...
  11. L

    Red and white caterpillar worm id

    I got 20 pounds of live rock that came with a ton of cool mushrooms and I put it in my qt this morning when it was still dark I saw this caterpillar looking creature that is red with white spots and horns I've looked for hours what it could be but I haven't matched a picture yet can you help...
  12. P

    Aiptasia anemone growing on feather duster worm?

    Hello all! I currently have two feather dusters in a very simple fishless qt tank for 40 days now and they are doing great! However, I just noticed this aiptasia looking thing growing on one of the feather dusters and I'm not really sure what it is and how to treat it so that I can add them in...
  13. hmcsbonner

    Todays episode of “what is this?”

    Did another dip on my Zoa today, found this little bugger in the pool. What is this? Good? Bad?
  14. TwiTch18

    Something killing my coral

    I noticed this weird thing growing on my new frag a few weeks back and since then I've tried dipping and picking them off with tweezers but It clearly didn't work. The coral is basically dead at this point think. Does anyone have any idea what this weird thing is? Up close it looks like a type...
  15. dbati

    Mystery Crab Alert!!

    Over 3 months in and I’m still finding unknown critters at night. I need help identifying this crab. I’ve never seen a crab like this with such long antennae. It is really little and only comes out at night. P.S. I apologize for the shaky camera work. I had a flashlight in one hand and the...
  16. dbati

    Can you help me ID this crab?

    Hi everyone, can you help ID this crab. It’s very shy. I have never seen it come out completely of the rock work. This is the best picture. I have been able to get of it. thanks!
  17. ScubaFish802

    What type of starfish?

  18. W

    Hitch Hiker Identification

    I have been to 3 local stores and they are not familiar with what is found d on my frag. They are almost black in appearance and look like mini mushrooms almost. The frag is an acan but what's on the frag doesn't seem like new acan heads to me. One picture is of the hitch hikers and the other is...
  19. Phoerut

    What is this sea slug kind of thing?

  20. ASmith0914

    What is this?

    We found this on a piece of live rock this morning. I added some snails and hermit crabs yesterday. The second picture was taken after one of the crabs turned it over.
  21. LAA

    EMERGENCY Hitch hiker ID

    Hey guys I got live rock and was wondering what this was. Xenia maybe?
  22. JosephNg

    ID on this creature pls

    Hi folks, I noticed this thing in my tank recently. I thought it was a majano nem at first but it appears to have 2 eyes to I guess it's a kind of mollusc? please help me id this thing. Cheers!
  23. dbati

    Anemone? Coral? What is this?

    I noticed this brown coral looking thing on one of my live rock the day after the dust settled when I first set up the tank. A couple of months have passed and it has not shrunk or grown. Can anyone help identify what it may be?
  24. D

    Small worm / feather duster?

    Hello, I recently got a coral and in the bag, there are a few, maybe 3 or so, of these sort of floating around. The 'tail' of the worm moves around and it sort of swims but not really. What are people's thoughts? I intend to dip the coral but this little guy in the bag could be tossed into...
  25. Kyuubi

    Hitchhiker Anemone ID

    This is aiptaisa right? It has little curly tentacles with bubble looking segments. Hard to get a good photo of it. Gonna try and attach a video of it! (: tank is empty aside from the live rock for cycling! <— video link!