hitch hiker id

  1. Mnmbrix

    Hitchhikers Guide to the SeaGalaxy! ID help

    Just noticed some little additions that I hadn’t seen before. Does anyone know what my little hitchhikers are and if they are dangerous? Thought maybe Asterina, not sure what the others are near my mushrooms thanks in advance for any help!
  2. dawnhello

    This started growing in my tank. What is it?

    Can anyone tell me what this is? It started growing on a base live rock for a cave, so it does not have much light. It doesn’t move or retract when you touch it.
  3. D

    Spionid worms or vermetid snails???

    Posted are a few photos of what I believe to be either spionid worms or vermetid snails. I am leaning towards the spionid worms because I have not seen any “web like” material come out of the end, but if anyone knows please let me know? if they are spionid worms, are they harmless? Thank you!
  4. C

    Help me ID a few snails please?

    Hello all! These three were hitching on some frags I bought today...are any of them worth keeping? Thanks in advance! I'm very new to this
  5. LandlockedZissou816

    My tank has been violated

    Any idea what this little worm thingy is?
  6. Matt Bravo

    Starfish ID?

    Hey guys, I recently moved some rocks from another tank into this system and found this little guy in the sand bed moving about. any possible ideas and should it be pulled? (Asking since I don’t think I would have the space to add a fish that would be a predator to the starfish incase I become...
  7. LandlockedZissou816

    Help identifying

    These things have been slowly growing and spreading for a little while now. Any help identifying would be much appreciated.
  8. egdirbkram

    Curlique Anemone or Aiptasia... who wore it better?

    ... but seriously i'm not sure of what kind of Anemone i'm looking at here... any ideas? Seems to be more active at night than day. It does fully retract. It's currently on the underside of one of my florida aquacultured live rocks.
  9. egdirbkram

    Bad or good hitchhiker worm?

    I'm trying to ID this guy (white hairy/bristlelike worm on glass) to know if I should pull it or keep it. I have new tank with florida aquacultured live rock. I'm hoping it's not a bristleworm as I know they're bad and have to go. I'd like to keep it if will be helpful stirring up the sand...
  10. djm

    Snail ID

    Hi Guys can anyone help me with an ID of these baby snails which have appeared in my tank. I’ve seen approx 3 grazing on top of my rocks. I haven’t seen any snails laying eggs so not sure if it’s hitch hiked in on some frags. In the tank I have a couple of turbos, Astraeas and Babylon snails.
  11. V

    Are they good?

    Hey guys, i just found those 3 guys that i’ve never seen before. It’s been at least 3 months that nothing went in the tank because i was busy with school and my time for tank went south. First 2 pics are, same guy, different angle (i think limpet). Middle 3 pics are, same guys different angle...
  12. JosephNg

    Acro crab?

    Hi, can u tell me if this is an acro crab? Many thanks
  13. meir

    Aussie LPS hitchhiker ID

    Hey guys, got this on a piece of UC Aussie LR and cannot for the life of me ID it. It has a stony stem and looks almost like a blastomussa but then looks like a Duncan
  14. J

    Worm Id hitchhiker

    I found this worm in my tank a week or so ago. I decided to pull it out tonight to get a better look at it. I don’t think it’s a bristle worm. I’m worried it may be a bobbit worm of some sort. Can someone ID? And tell if it’s dangerous or not. Thanks.
  15. coldwatertech90

    Unidentified sponge

    So this is in a friend’s aiptasia growing tank for feeding his berghia nudis. It’s a type of finger sponge I believe. Its black in color besides the area around the opening at the top of each branch, which is white. Another interesting note is that it will cause a stinging sensation when...
  16. S

    Brown-ish discs on my candy cane?

    I woke up today with these brown discs on one of my heads of candy cane. They appear to be moving and i just want to check what they could be and if they are pests. If so how would i go about removing them? Thanks (sorry for the dark image, lights just turned on)
  17. OldRed1

    Low profile black urchin

    This small urchin, a little larger than a quarter in diameter, came as a hitchhiker attached to live rock from the Gulf of Mexico. I wish I could get a better photo, but it’s perched upside down on a rock I can see only from this angle. Could it be some form of pencil urchin? h
  18. neo1738

    Came in on coral frag

    Two of these small starfish (don't think astrea) came in on some new coral when I dipped. Moving all legs so definitely starfish. I tossed em but curious if something bad or good.
  19. D

    What is this on my hermits shell?!

  20. K

    Red Tentacles/structures coming out of live rock

    Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help identify what this is on the live rock in the picture. It looks like there are a couple of red tentacles on the live rock. I just wanted to double check what they are before I put any corals in the tank as I don't want any hitchhikers kill them.
  21. K

    Red tentacle things attached to Live Rock

    Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help identify what this is on the live rock in the picture. It looks like there are a couple of red tentacles on the live rock. I just wanted to double check what they are before I put any corals in the tank as I don't want any hitchhikers kill them.
  22. ReefIO

    Reef safe? Hitchhikers found from dipping coral - inlcudes microscope images

    Just dipped a new Trumpet Coral with some CoralX and found these two 'lil creatures. Any idea what they are? 1) 2a) Assuming Front part of body 2b) also, assuming this is one creature unless it's two. But this would be what I'm considering the non-front part of one creatures - almost...
  23. Z

    Hitchhiker Coral?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew what these were. I think they're some kind of zoa. They came on liverock and spread over the last 7 years. They've always been very brown, but since changing out my fluval strip led for 2 ai prime 16s a couple weeks ago theyve been getting more and more green
  24. C

    PODs eating duncan VIDEO

    I couldn’t figure out why my Duncan is receding so I put my camera on it for 9 minutes with flow on and off throughout. Tiny pods like creatures are running around at the base and I think those are what is irritating it. Does anyone know what these are?
  25. C

    Something on Acan URGENT

    Got this acan off the World Wide Corals Sale a couple weeks ago and something has just started to grow on it. No idea what this is can’t find anything on the internet. Video and photo attached.