
  1. M3d1C

    Hi-Fin Red Banded Goby and Pistol Shrimp Pair

    Okay guys, the last addition to my current tank before I upgrade to my new one later this summer is going to be a Hi-fin Red Banded Goby and Pistol Shrimp. Here's my question/concern, I have aragonite for a sand bed which is fairly course. I've been told that the Red Banded Goby is not a sand...
  2. multsh

    Paired goby and randalls pistol

    I am considering getting a Randall's pistol shrimp, with already paired gobies. Question is...will the already paired gobies pair with the pistol? Or do pistols only pair with one goby? Want to ensure nothing happens to either goby (or the pistol!) Thanks!
  3. J

    Could my yellow clown goby have stressed my pygmy filefish to death? Is getting another filefish a bad idea? Newish reefer feeling very discouraged.

    Hello all, this is my first post on this forum over the past 8 weeks I have been setting up my reef tank with my LFS and everything was going pretty well until yesterday. Cycled water for 4-5 weeks then added a black and white clownfish followed by a yellow clown goby a week or so later. Fast...
  4. Schwartzy

    Pistol Shrimp Cleaning Watchman Goby

    Okay guys, this is my first post so bear with me... I noticed something interesting in the tank tonight. I saw my yellow watchman goby hanging around the main burrow of my red banded pistol shrimp. This was moderately exciting because they haven't paired yet. (The goby has been hanging out on...
  5. C

    Black barred convict goby adjusted!

    Black bared convict goby fully adjusted to the 10 gal!
  6. JustenT

    Which Fish is best for my 25 gallon mixed reef?

    Hello, I have a 12 gallon marine tank that houses my baby clown pair for now, I’m moving to a 25 gallon mixed reef with sump. I want to keep the bioload light, so I can get away with smaller water changes. The 25 gallon will house my Clown pair, and my cleaner shrimp. (Along with my CUC) So I...
  7. Krully

    Sand sifting goby and 2-3mm sand

    I just ordered ATI Fiji white sand with a grain size of 2-3mm, I didn't want to go lower because I don't like having sand flying everywhere as soon as I turn up the flow. However I'm starting to wonder if this isn't too big for sand sifting gobies since I'd like to get one later. What do you...
  8. Haleyscales00167

    Mandarin Goby Died

    I introduced a male to my female a couple of days ago to see if they would pair up. I got a male that was bigger than the female cause I heard that females may kill males that are smaller than her. Well today I found my male dead. His mouth of wide open and he has pale spots spots like he lost...
  9. Perpetual Novice

    New Bella goby suddenly dead

    I'm 99% sure the fish is dead. But just in case it's somehow stunned I'm posting this here. Yesterday I got a 5-inch Bella goby from a local fish store. I decided not to quarantine and just did a short acclimation to the tank. Yesterday it swam around the tank and selected a cavern to set up...
  10. vogtn

    goby black spots

    Hi everyone, My LFS had a cute little goby I couldn't help but pick up, but upon closer inspection at home, he seems to have numerous black spots on his spine near his dorsal fin. I haven't found anything from the usual searches, and he's doing just fine otherwise. Could this just be...
  11. Nate_Krohn

    New fish for 60 gallon, ideas?

    I’m giving my diamond goby back to my lfs today as he has been covering all my corals and he has even gone so far as to pull snails off the glass and pull coral plugs off the rocks. Any recommendations for some cool fish? I currently have a yellow tang, pair of clowns, mandarin, filefish and...
  12. J

    Clean up crew for sand

    I’m working on a list for what fish and clean up crew I want for my 40 gallon 3ft long tank. I want to have a diamond back goby in it to sift the sand and clean it up. If I put in some Nassarius snails in will they be competing with my goby for food or will the goby be alright.
  13. grantor

    What's wrong with Marty?

    I got Marty, a Pink Spotted Watchman Goby, about a week ago. I was watching him while feeding earlier and noticed he has a rough patch of blackened scales and it appears there is some kind of parisite moving under his skin (see attached video). What is wrong with Marty and how can i treat him?
  14. goby full.JPG

    goby full.JPG

    My Black-ray goby (Stonogobiops nematodes)
  15. J

    Connecticut Selling whole setup (Coral+Fish)

    Bunch of zoa's(purple monster, sunkist, candy apple some more i forgot the names), green star polyp, 2 hammer corals, green and red kenya tree and a couple others shown in picture (not sure the name). Fishes are 2 clownfish (1 orange + 1 black) , 2 chromis, captive bred Mandarin goby, green war...
  16. GreenClown-WarpaintGoby-Megability.jpeg


    My Green Clown “Warpaint” Goby from a few years ago, they’re cool fish, RIP
  17. LaraLouM

    Sharknose Goby

    I have a 32G Biocube with 2 zebra Dartfish, a sharknose goby, and a yellow assessor. I purchased the sharknose because he was said to not be aggressive and I thought his cleaner tendencies would not be a negative aspect. Well, he is a bully! He attacks all the fish and us every time we put our...
  18. Eve

    What fish should I get ?

    Hi guys, I used to have a 29g tank and I decided to upgrade to something a little bigger, so I got a 55g. Now that I have a little more space, I would like to add some extra fishies ☺️. At the moment I have the following: A saddleback clownfish, an ocellaris, a yellow watchman goby paired with a...
  19. TXReefer89

    Orange banded goby ich advice

    First of all, thank-you in advance for any recommendations you're able to provide! I've been reef keeping for about 3.5 years and enjoy the challenges of it. I've made the rookie mistakes and tried to learn from all of them. I was able to hook up with an awesome LFS where I lived and they were...
  20. Sakosreef

    Algae outbreak after goby introduction

    Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well! I’m battling a green hair algae outbreak, I didn’t always have green hair algae but since I introduced my goby into the tank, it seems my algae has skyrocketed. Does anyone know if the unsifted sand being sifted for the first time since I set my tank up...
  21. ianryd

    Urgent! Does my goby look skinny?

    Yellow watchman goby, been in my DT for 2 months, was in QT for 1 month. I removed a leopard wrasse yesterday who looked skinny, and noticed the goby looked skinny too, so I pulled him today. The Leopard wrasse is in QT with Prazipro, but I dont think he's gonna make it. Right now the goby is in...
  22. Tanking in the 603

    Goby color changing

    We have two sleeper banded gobys. In our reef tank. We have noticed that every once in a while they have new spots or their colors are brighter. Today we noticed one of them now has a black line on his face, kind of like a mustache. Anyone have any insight on this?
  23. Cas

    Royal Gamma bullying yellow Goby

    Hello, I am having an issue with my Royal Gramma bullying my yellow Goby. I’ve had Royal for just over a month and bought my Goby a week later. Royal and the other fish in the tank, a pink streaked Wrasse who I’ve had for months, have both been showing hostility (raising fins and opening...
  24. DeLegge90

    Sleeper Goby Disappearance Due To Polyclad Flatworm Toxin?

    I added a sleeper goby to my tank about 2 months ago, and it went missing about 3 days ago. No major changes to water parameters - everything kept in check. I have the tank covered so it couldn't have jumped, it has plenty of fine sand to sift through, as well as plenty of hiding spots, and was...
  25. Eve

    Goby and Saddleback

    Okay guys, so I know saddleback fishies are aggressive or at least semi aggressive. Lately, I have been noticing that the saddleback has been bothering the goby and pistol shrimp, but not attacking the goby, just getting next to him and just swimming around him. However, the saddleback it is...