
  1. BlueWorldJeff

    Gobies for a 180g Mixed Reef

    I just lost my Mandarin Dragonet and am looking for another sand-dweller with some cool mannerisms. I used to have a diamond watchman goby, but it jumped out of the temp tank when I was moving houses. I've tried other diamond watchman's in my old 120g, but they would always disappear and then...
  2. Calla

    Hello! I'm new to R2R and aquariums in general.

    Yes I know! Patience. Hahah. Just thought I would introduce myself, as I have been lurking for the past couple of weeks and posting occasionally here and there. My name is Calla and I have a coral addiction. My husband got me into saltwater aquariums (his 55g and 125g are gorgeous, and he's...
  3. shadow1013

    Orlando - Fish and Corals

    We are moving and need to part out our Red Sea Reefer 450 or sell together. First we need to sell our coral and fish then we are going to part out the equipment. This posting is constantly going to be updated to report what is still available. If you see it listed it's still up for grabs. We...
  4. Sarah007

    Burrow/Tunnel contruction

    Hello, I thought I'd share the results of my burrow build for my watchman/pistol pair. In my previous tank I used PVC pipe cut down the middle to accomplish the same thing. I wanted to make something that looked more like a natural cave system this time. They have been living in the burrow...
  5. Zwogle

    Orange Spotted Goby not eating, Metronidazole?

    I have had him for about 5 months, but in the last few weeks it seems to have very little appetite, generally it eats one piece of mysis and then looks like he is choking or gaging and then shows little interest in food floating right past him. Other then being skinny, there are no other outside...
  6. B

    Emerald crab caught my diamondback gobi

    I have always been a fan of emerald crabs and have kept them for the past three years. Two of the ones I have now are the green variety and have grown fairly large. The body (not counting claws) is bigger than a quarter, close to a 50 cent piece. Yesterday while feeding my tank. I witnessed...
  7. kyleflahardy

    Mandarin Goby fish diet

    I ordered a mandarin goby fish that will be in this Friday. I was doing some reading and I have discovered that they have a quite complicated diet. Apparently they're very pickey fish and will only eat certain things on certain diets. Please let me know what and how you feed your mandarin gobys...