
  1. J

    Sand Sifting Goby

    I’m looking for a hardy sand sifting Goby that will last. I’ve been hearing that sand sifting gobies tend not to last long because the sand bed gets cleaned and then it just wastes away. Is there any sand sifting gobies that are hardier than others? I’ve heard the sleeper head sifting goby tends...
  2. ManaReef

    Cube Build My first ever SW tank

    Hello all! Thank you for checking out my salt water journey! I have a lot to learn am excited to see what happens! I will be listing details in this thread of major events of the tank (dates of set up, new additions, w pictures!) Note that all equipment was cleaned prior to any use. Please also...
  3. S

    Alabama Live Goods Clownfish & Goby : 55$

    Selling a pair of ocellaris clownfish and a yellow watchman goby. Downsizing tank for a while and need to rehome
  4. P

    Diamond Goby - Less Active & Color Darkening

    Our diamond goby has been acting weird the past couple of days. We have had him for about 8 months and he has grown a ton but seems to be short of breath and less active in the last couple of days. Last night he seemed 'frozen' at a part of the tank he is not usually in, mouth wide open, not...
  5. D

    Corals closed up for the past 1-2 weeks! Photos attached!

    My corals have been looking rather sad for the past 1-2 weeks. Tank: 6-7 months old, 35 gals May 1: Bacterial Bloom. Cleared up and dropped nitrates to 1. They are typically around 10-12 since I mainly have LPS corals. May 12: 5 gal water change and cleaned all the algae off the back wall for...
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Any gobies or anything to eat amphipods?

    Is there anything but a wrasse I can ge to eat amphipods. I like the look of gobies but need one they can take down some serious pods. I’m running a biocube 32 so it needs to be smallish.
  7. John.Thompson

    EMERGENCY Diamond Goby Dying!

    I just found my diamond goby sideways and thought it was dead. Come to find it breathing when I hold it upright. I have it in a small container to isolate and I put a small amount of food in the water. I recently put new fish and coral into HIS home. Could this be stress??? Anyway to fix? Help!!!
  8. N

    Pistol shrimp snapping at goby?

    Hi all, I’ve had a wheeler goby in my 13.5 gallon tank for a couple of weeks now and yesterday I picked up a candy pistol shrimp from my lfs and added him to the tank. When I first added him (after acclimating) he hid in a small hole in a rock and it took him around 24 hours to come out. My goby...
  9. C

    EMERGENCY Pistol shrimp being eaten

    So I have a 20 gallon long with 2 clown fish, wheelers goby and a tiger banded pistol shrimp. My cuc is a 3 snails and that was it. The tank is newer so I haven’t stocked more until today. I haven’t seen my pistol shrimp for days and figured he was molting. Then I saw my goby (they weren’t...
  10. F

    Virginia WTB Seeking trained mandarin goby/dragonet

    I'm looking for a mandarin goby that is trained on eating things other than copepods. Ideally one that is eating frozen foods like mysis, pellets, and/or flakes. Can be a blue or green mandarin, but blue is preferred. Price is negotiable within reason. Must be able to be shipped to Fairfax...
  11. J

    can wrease get along with most fish reason being i have few fish what im think of getting wrease

    can wrease get along with most fish reason being i have few fish what im think of getting wrease to go along with it i have kole eye tang yellow home breed tang also rabbit fish 2 clown fish ice ones 1 damels and one scooter blenny and also one star fish was thinking about get some sort of...
  12. LAA

    Can these live with mandarin goby?

    Hey! So I have a 125 reef tank, sunset wrasse, damsel, hippo tang, clownfish, can these live with sailfin tang and mandarin goby.
  13. ChuneReef

    Watchman Goby/Pistol Shrimp Sandbox?

    Hi reefers, I'm thinking about Changing my sand-bottomed tank to a bare bottom. However, I have a watchman goby/pistol shrimp pair that I love dearly. I was thinking about making a sort of sandbox for them to dig tunnels in. I have several questions about this: 1. Is this a bad idea for any...
  14. hisuzeq

    Cube Build New Cube Advice! *I know I'm doing it wrong*

    Hi hi! Just got my 30 gal. cube up and running, it's been cycling for about 8 weeks. All of my levels are coming out at zero. Snails & hermits are doing well. I introduced a two-spot goby (Mr. Harold), and he's king of the castle and seems super happy. Last night I "accidentally" brought home 2...
  15. Reevak

    Goby & Non-Pistol Shrimp Combo?

    I keep watching videos on gobies and pistol shrimp where they mention that there are many species of gobies and shrimp that pair but only some pair with pistol shrimp, yet I can't seem to find any information on goby and shrimp symbiosis without it being a pistol shrimp. Does anyone know of any...
  16. Tom nhia

    My expirience with Tomiyamichthys oni and Priolepis cincta

    Hey Just here to share my experience keeping these two species of gobies. I currently have 2 Tomiyamichthys oni (T. oni) and 3 Priolepis cincta (P. cincta) in a 10 gal quarantine and they have been with me for 2 weeks now. The T. oni are about 1.75 inch in lenght with a thickness that is close...
  17. S

    Best food for Coral Beauty?

    I have a pair of Mocha Gladiator Clowns and a Coral Beauty Angel. They eat the frozen mysis shrimp, but don’t seem too happy with it. I also have marine pellets that the clowns like but the angel doesn’t seem to like. My biggest concern is the angel because it doesn’t seem to eat much. What’s...
  18. Dad2Wyatt

    How does my 55 gallon stock plan look?

    I currently have a juvenile ocellaris clownfish and an orange ricordea mushroom in my tank. In order I am thinking of adding these fish though I’m not sure if adding all of these are possible or if I would need to cut down. black and white ocellaris clown Royal gramma or carpenters wrasse...
  19. O

    Small bucket for qt

    My goby has been sick for 3 days, decided to put him in a small bucket with water from the tank, I dosed a small amount of beneficial bacteria and metroplex to the bucket for medication. Am i doing more harm than good? Or I should keep him there until he gets better or dies hopefully not. I am...
  20. O


    Hey guys need help, my new watchman goby started to be lethargic 2 days ago and now he spins like a corkscrew when he swims, I put him in the first chamber of my aio so the other fish won't bother him. Should I euthanize him or just keep trying to feed him. He's breathing slowed a little bit...
  21. Tom nhia

    Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  22. Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts

    For sale Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts

    Hey I have a few of uncommon gobies and shrimps from a recent import. Here's what I have currently: 4 Eviota pellucida - $20 each 3 Eviota nigriventris - $20 each 2 Tomiyamichthys oni - $20 each 6 Priolepis cincta - $20 each 3 Urocaridella sp (Yellow Line Shrimp) - $25 each 1 Periclimenes...
    $20.00 to $50.00
  23. O

    Sick goby

    I have a sick goby that might be dying, I can't feed him medication (metroplex because of the risk of other inverts eating it) also don't have qt, i don't see any white spots on him except for his bottom lip which has a white spot, he was fine for the past few days, but he started to be...
  24. mvhpets

    fish for a 30 gallon

    hi. i have a 30 gallon tank( and a 7 gallon sump which i plan to upgrade to a 20 gallon) with a pair of clowns and 1 goby. i wanted to add more fish and i was thinking i would add either bangdai cardinals or green chromis. how many of each would be nice for this tank without overstocking or...
  25. akivasreef

    Different Goby and Blenny in a 33 gallon cube. Trouble or peace?

    Hello there! Will there be trouble having different Goby and Blenny in a 33 gallon cube? My reef tank size: 50x50x50cm - 125L (19.6x19.6x19.6" - 33g) Really want Yellow Clown Goby, Randall Goby, Bicolor Blenny and Rock Algae. Must I choose only two of them? Yellow Watchman was also on my list...