
  1. AshwinRavi

    DIY Led reef lighting

    Has anyone owned a Rapid LED kit ( ) as shown in this picture below, I am curious to know if anyone has PAR measurements for this DIY kit and their experience in owning it.
  2. G

    90 gallon budget build.

    Hello everyone I have had fresh water all my life and habe had 2 salt within the last 2 years. I started with a 13 gallon to try it out then after about a year we converted or 44 corner cichlid tank to salt. Had to make my own sump because of limited space. after everything stabilized...
  3. DLuce510

    Hydra Diode Replacment

    The Blue channel went out on my old Gen1 Hydra. Contacted AI and the pucks have been discontinued. Anyone ever replace the Diode on a Hydra or see any complication? Thanks
  4. WindBorne

    Building a 40 Breeder display with a 20 long sump

    Long time lurker first time poster. Over the years I kept seeing all these amazing build threads on this site and others. Now, I too want take an empty glass box, and miraculously cause a mini reef of my own to appear. So join me now as I try my hand at this type reef wizardry, lets get...
  5. S

    Build Thread 40B Mixed Reef Build

    Hey Everyone, I'm starting a 40 breeder reef tank build as an early birthday present to myself (Birthday is September, but it counts right?). I'm going to be posting constant updates with pictures as I have nothing else to do while I wait for my tank to cycle. This will be my first tank, so...
  6. P

    Jewelry box control panel and Red Sea Canopy build

    I hope I posted this right and in the correct place. Please educate me if I did something wrong. Just wanted to post what I have done so far for my tank. I will hopefully update this thread once that is finished and may do a full post in the aquariums thread to show my full system set up but...
  7. phytofish

    The 57gal Rimless Reef -- My Build Thread!

    OHH YEAHH IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING. There is a Deep Blue Edge 57gallon RR aquarium sitting in my living room.. I move into my new apartment August 10th, so hopefully the tank will be wet shortly after! I have some pretty great plans for this tank so I hope you stick around! Equipment/Equipment...
  8. Aaron Davis

    Chaeto Algae Solution?

    Hey all, I got a small bag of chaeto algae yesterday. First time trying this. Placed it in my sump in the middle chamber following the skimmer. The issue I have is that my particular sump's baffle to the return is fairly short and has a broken gap. So little pieces of algae that are...
  9. Niterunner77

    Painting pvc pipe?

    Hi everyone! I'm wanting to maybe get a little fancy with some sump pipes and paint them to match everything. Can the outside of the pvc be painted with Rustoleum Spray paint? The pvc will not be in the water, just from my tank to my sump bulkheads. Bad idea? Been done before with success? I...
  10. keddre

    is plastic really safe in saltwater

    As I look at diy projects (reactors, top offs, etc) they are usually made out of plastic 2 litre bottles. My question is if this is safe? While google isn't showing anyone else showing my concern, I'm worried about the plastic breaking down over time and leaving a large "puddle" on my floor...
  11. TylerMoralez

    Build Thread Aloha Nano Build

    Alright, time for a new build! It's a great feeling being able to start a build with high hopes and expectations. Especially when you've learned so much from previous successes and fails. This will be my fourth build, however it will be the one that truly succeeds! My previous builds were each...
  12. Joshua Huff

    Build Thread MY 10 Gal Frag/Budget Tank

    I plan To post the progress of this Experimental tank with lots of photos to follow. I look forward to every ones input. This tank was built on a budget and will eventually be mainly a coral tank/Quarantine tank for the 32 gal DT. My fiancee loves to paint so i had this brain fart and decided...
  13. Moonfruit777

    Easiest way to test water! :)

    Hey there, I want to present you my DIY gadget that I made out of boredom. It is a magnetic stirrer that is simple to use, simple to make and looks clean. It really made water testing less tedious and I always use it since I got it. Please note that I am not an electrician - and there are...
  14. islandbreeze

    Reef2Reef Rocks! I'm new here check out my build!

    So first off I'd like to say that I've scoured the web for info on the tons of topics reef related and I've probably learned more in this site then any other internet wise... (let's not forget delbeck and sprung lol). I love how everyone updates regular new material and there many intelligent...
  15. mattstanks2016

    Build Thread Matts Red Sea Reefer 250 - Remastered Edition

    Finally! I saved up enough money for a Red Sea Reefer!!! Actually, thanks to the power of craigslist and silicon I was able to restore a reefer that had a leak. I am by no means a expert at reef tanks nor DIY builds, but I guess we can learn together. A little background about me. I have had a...
  16. P

    Problems leveling tank

    Morning Everyone, So I have run into an issue with my tank. I ended up getting this off Craiglist and everything looked fine. It is a 180 gallon reef ready with a twist, the bottom panel is a PVC like material with a plywood backing (photographs to follow) I resealed the tank and built the...
  17. P

    Plumbing questions for a first build

    Hey everyone, thanks for looking at the thread and giving what advise you can. SO, I am building my first tank which will be a 180 gallon reef ready tank with a Trigger 39 underneath it. I am at the point of plumbing the tank and I've been seeing differing opinions on one piece of plumbing I am...
  18. Justgottadiy

    Fun and easy project anyone can do

    Floating dropoff aquarium
  19. DBR_Reef

    DIY Apex Stir Plate

    Apex Magnetic Stir Plate Hey guys- this is a tutorial to build a magnetic stirrer that plugs into the 24v accessory outlet on a Neptune apex, with the idea that these often do not get used. This stir plate cost about $40 in parts. You can easily make this a 12v stir plate with a 12v adapter...
  20. Z

    My first Tank and i'm going full DIY

    So let me just start this off with my plan to build my own sump. I had gotten a pre drilled 40 gallon aquarium from a relocating fish store. My plan is to use the current holes and plum my own set up with my own personally built sump. So i'm here asking advise on how big I should go with my...
  21. N

    PVC cement / glue cure times

    I've searched and cannot seem to find an answer so I figured I'd just ask. What is the recommend wait time to put glued/cemented PVC into a system? I know with household plumbing you can put water back on it almost as quickly as the cement holds but you can smell the cement odor in the water...
  22. X

    Can I get some input on my DIY AIO design?

    This is for a 15g frag tank i am planning out. This is what i have planned. i plan to have 4 inches of space in between this panel and the back of the tank so there is plenty of room. The total height of the panel should be about 12" and the height of each baffle will be 11", giving a 1 inch...
  23. shiftline

    DIY $6 Dosing containers - Dosing in style!

    I decided to start the Red Sea coral colors program and need something that looked good inside of my stand.. so I came up with these classy looking dosing containers that only cost about $6 each to make. Dose classy my friends! Check out the build video
  24. shiftline

    DIY Screen top for rimless tanks

    After having a few fish jump over the past few months i re-did my screen top to be sleeker and less of an eye soar
  25. Nad121

    DIY eel trap

    I have a 240 gallon fowlr that came down with ich. I was able to catch all the fish in a trap with the exception of a small longnose hawkfish and my 2.5 foot zebra moray eel. I designed a trap to catch the eel. I cut a piece of 2 1/2" pvc to about 2 foot long and capped one end. I then drilled...
Cultivated Reef