
  1. katiestl

    Healthy branching hammer?

    Is this a healthy branching hammer? The dark spots on the bottom are newish and I’m noticing some darker top parts underneath the polyps... what should I do if anything? I did glue this to the rock when I bought it. Is that an issue?
  2. KGV

    Quarantine poll

    Most of us believe that quarantining your fish is the best approach to avoid diseases wiping out our entire tank. I think most will agree on that. But ... does it also safe more fish lives overall?
  3. RunStopRestore

    Microbes and tissue degradation in SPS - possible solutions?

    SPS tissue degradation and loss, whether its slow (STN) or fast (RTN) or associated with a brown gelatinous mass (BJS) are probably one of the more or even most frequently discussed topics here. A particular emphasis is given on the „help“ requests describing the fast peeling and patchy loss of...
  4. G

    HELP me with my scopa tang

    Hi everyone, So I bought this fish a week ago and today I noticed that their eyes got some cloudiness with it. I have a new tank and everything in it started from scratch. I am not sure if my tang had a little battle with my clownfish because one of my clownfish's tail had a little scratch...
  5. Reefer_93

    Help!!! Please!!

    Hello! I currently have a powder blue tang in a 20g Long QT. I bought him from petco and for the first 3 days he looked great, beautiful color and everything. I then noticed slight twitching and scratching against the pvc in the tank. With that being said i decided to start treatment with Ruby...
  6. R

    Fish swimming weird

    Earlier this week I lost my coral beauty. Now my strawberry pseudo chromis is showing almost identical symptoms. I’m starting to think they have a type of disease. Can anybody help me, and what should I do to keep my other fish from this. Also my fish isn’t normally in a glass, I just put him in...
  7. K

    Pale lesion on clown fish?? Brook??

    Hi I am fairly new to marine tank as I only have kept freshwaters. I have one small orange clownfish and this fish developed white~opaque lesion on R) side of its body. I wasn't sure if it's just body colour change or some kind of infection? I kept this fish about ~1.5month. Noticed this lesion...
  8. T

    Clownfish Quarantine

    Fish came from a really nice store, they had been treated with cupramine in the store and held in a separate water system that I purchased them out of; any protocol for treatments? Should I treat for any parasite or any disease at all; or just watch the fish for a bit? Seems really healthy...
  9. D

    EMERGENCY Help! My fish are dying

    I woke up this morning to a dead royal gamma which was perfectly fine yesterday and active. I have two yellow tail clownfish, a gobe fire fish and a lont tentacle anemone. All water parameters are good and nothing is wrong, same with salinity. The tank is a 20 gallon long and has great...
  10. Trueruby

    EMERGENCY White fluffy points on Naso Elegans. Need a treatment.

    Hello Everyone, I have got a Naso Elegans 4 Months ago. Since then he had something fluffy on his swimming arm. Only the one side. So far, I tried to make a treatment by feeding him with garlic but nothing has changed. He was always eating good Nori, he eats only nori, garlic and mysis. I dont...
  11. M

    Six Line Wrasse with Some Disease?

    Six line wrasse has this strange white spot, it doesn’t appear to be ich but not positive. Any thoughts? He’s swimming and eating normally.
  12. V

    Clownfish diseased?

    Hi all, I purchased a pair of juv clownfish from my LFS about 1.5 weeks ago. They were doing fine, feeding well and moving well. We noticed some white poop on the smaller one, and we treated it with prazipro. So far they are doing well except that yesterday, I noticed some spots on their fins...
  13. C

    Velvet qt tank

    Hello, So This is a little big of a long story. I have a quarantine tank up because I have velvet in my display tank. It has been a little over 6 weeks. I have extended by 2 weeks since i have made the mistake of putting my hand from qt to the other to my dt. My hand may have been dry but I was...
  14. S

    Tiny Brown/Orange Spots On Corals

    Hello, I'd like to figure out what these spots are on a number of my corals. My cyphastrea is covered in them and it is not doing well so I wonder if they are the problem. The spots are invisible to my eye but my cyphastrea is more brown/orange than usual and I think its because of all of the...
  15. A

    White dot appeared on clownfish face

    Hi, I just reintroduced my clownfish to my display tank after a 3 month QT period. After a day he developed a sort of white fuzzy patch on his white band. Today I noticed a single white dot on his face. Since the DT was fallow for 3 months, and he was in QT for 3 months I am wondering if this is...
  16. Courtney & David

    EMERGENCY Two fish not looking so hot

    So I have an orange line chromis that I noticed was missing some of his tail fin about a week ago but he’s going strong and eating. I’m not noticing any bullying going on, but obviously can’t watch 24/7. Today I’ve noticed strange patches on him that I need help with. I also have a black clown...
  17. squidsreef

    Is this brooklynella on my juvenile clown?

    the edges of his fins have had little whiter marks that I assumed were nip marks from the larger clown. Directly on his gills, I noticed some slimey looking white splotch. I received this fish from ORA breeder, which has a history of very healthy fish, but anything can happen. Should I be...
  18. A

    Help - Torch Not Doing Well

    Wanted to reach out to get some help for my torch. I have had this for well over a year and it was growing great, always fluffed up and happy. Fast forward to a few months ago I added a percula clown that decided to aggressively host the torch and it started looking very beat up. The clown as...
  19. P

    Ich - hypo or chemical 1st?

    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a QT... Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath too???) or start with chemical treatment (which one, herbatana, paraguard, coppersafe???) Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I fallow the DT?
  20. P


    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a 20G QT, heater, filter and some herbatana. Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath?) or start with chemical treatment (copper, herbatana, paraguard)? Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I starve the DT, 45 days?
  21. Nate_Krohn

    Hammer skeleton has a black coating over it

    I just noticed that my hammer has a black fuzzy looking coating over it. I have no idea what is happening. It’s open and happier than ever during the day. Please let me know what I can do
  22. OmuNegru

    Clownfish white spots/discoloration

    Hi everyone, This is the second clownfish I've bought with this problem. The first one I had to take it back to the lfs because it was in a more advanced stage. I have no idea what this could be or what to do best as I'm a beginner in saltwater fish tanks and reefs. The orange clownfish (I...
  23. Tristan

    Clownfish ulcer?!

    Hey everyone. I got a juvenile frostbite clown back in June. Starting maybe 2-3 months ago, I noticed that she would occasionally rub her left side against the sand bed. I tried to look for any signs of ich or anything else, but nothing. I finally noticed today that there appears to be an ulcer...
  24. Mrsjesrobertson

    Help please- tang on bottom of tank after ich/copper

    I’m gonna try and make this short, but it’s been a long journey. Mae started our 75gal in June, it was cycled and started slowly adding fish in July. In September we noticed several of our fish had white spots which we believe to be ICH and our LFS (where we purchased all fish) gave us some...
  25. Worthy1

    Clownfish white turning black

    Hi All, I noticed a couple of months ago my clownfish were getting some black dots here and there. After doing some research i was fairly confident they were sting marks from laying in corals surrounding where they base themselves (mainly Zoas). I noticed the other day part of the white towards...