
  1. C

    "Slow bleaching" of Dragon Soul torch? Advice needed, unknown issue

    Hi all, I've had a dragon soul torch in my tank for about 2 months, no issues, it and all the other coral have been doing well. I purchased an Indo Gold torch as a Christmas present for myself about a month ago, and the seller recommended light intensity on the higher side to keep the color...
  2. L

    EMERGENCY Help ID disease please

    Hello, My Gold Rim tang experienced the same before eventually dying, I do not want this to happen again. Hoping to ID and find ways to treat. My blue tang is also swimming sporadic ally, and my regal angel seems off with signs of white spot. I’m currently treating with medications to help...
  3. E

    EMERGENCY Brown Spots on Dying Foxface. I woke up this morning and saw him hiding sideways in rocks. It lodges itself but then swims erratically. I need help ev

    I woke up this morning and saw him hiding sideways in rocks. It lodges itself but then swims erratically. I need help. Everything else in the tank seems fine and he was eating yesterday but isn’t today.
  4. C

    EMERGENCY! Suspected BJD on Candycanes

    Just started on the top one about two days ago. Did a water change last Sunday using a different salt, but didn’t affect my overall parameters too much. Previously both were doing perfectly fine, and have been for months on end. Top one had always had a massive “bubble” where multiple polyps...
  5. jskidds2294

    Green Chromis showing signs of white/pink rash

    Hi like in my title, my new green chromis are showing sign of what I have gathered is uronema. I'm currently treating the tank with Rally/Kick Ick "kick ick as I'm also quarantining/pre treating these fish". I also just started treating with Maracyn Oxy to help with the open sores, and added...
  6. J

    Tomini Tang Sickness

    Hello, My tomini tang has had marks on him for over a week now. Had to go away for a trip and it looks much worse. Have not been able to identify what it has. He is eating but is hiding a lot. He obviously looks more white than normal, had holes in the head, and appears to have a rust like...
  7. J

    Marine Velvet?

    I just had a Royal Gramma die after caring for the fish for months with no signs of disease. The fish died within 24 hours after I noticed it acting distressed. After it died, it had what appeared to be the outline of a bite mark on its side, but the bite mark was about five times the size of...
  8. G

    Been trying to eliminate whatever is growing between zoas, what is it?!

    Somethings been growing in between and on the plug of my zoa for sometime now, i did a hydrogen dip two weeks ago and that barely seemed to help. Then a coral dip this week and nothing as well. Its almost translucent and looks like very mini tentacles, however it doesn't seem to move. Its grown...
  9. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Goby White poop with microscope pics. Anything harmful?

    Here is the goby's poop and the microscope pics show the white part of it. Can't believe he pooped all this out at once... (Vid at bottom) 1. 2. 3. 4. (Video) filmed at 100x and 400x https://youtube.com/shorts/vmXGkAn8VaE?feature=share
  10. T

    EMERGENCY Clown disease help

    I just got two clowns from my LFS. One was tank raised and one wild. The wild one looked sickly from day one and died after 3 days (picture attached with wood background). Now the other clown that was healthy and active now has a part that looks like an issue. (Picture attached). Not sure if...
  11. F

    what causes fish / corals to die?

    Hi everyone I have been looking after my fish and coral for about 18 months now. I have a 180 gallon 6 foot aquarium with mostly lps and softies, I tried some sps but only the montipora has been growing and doing well. After this time I would imagine my tank should be stable enough that...
  12. J

    Clownfish lump

    Hey everyone I'm not new to saltwater but this is the first time having a tank of my own that is a smaller setup. My main problem is I have a tiny clownfish with a little blueish/blackish lump between it's side fins it looks like it is inside the fish itself . I couldn't find any disease that...
  13. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Diatom? Algae? Harmful?

    I believe this to be Amphiprora alata. I can't seem to find if this is harmful to my fish or not but I've found them on my fish and I'm having trouble identifying a disease on my fish. I have alot of these. Could anyone please educate me on this, if it's harmful and such? Is it a diatom...
  14. A

    White Spot Protruding (Not Ich)

    I have a Purple Tang which I've previously diagnosed to have flukes (via a 5 minute freshwater dip/bath). Post treatment with Praziquantel and Hyposalinity (14 days at 1.009 at this stage), I noticed a new single white bump forming on the side of the Purple Tangs body. Initially, I thought...
  15. J

    diseased coral?

    I recently purchased an acab frag from a local fish store. I’m extremely new to the hobby and basically have no experience. The coral was doing fine but I woke up today and discovered a white funnel shaped substance on the side of the coral. I’ve attached a picture, any help would be appreciated.
  16. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    So, recently my tang died. Could any of these be a cause of death? Microscope Pics.

    Maybe a copepod? Harmless? A ciliate? Is it harmful? Guessing these are a type of dinoflagellate. Harmful? No idea what this is... And this is my tangs Flesh...after he died. Thinking he may have died from flesh eating worms or flukes.
  17. L

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Breathing Heavy

    Hi - I have a clownfish that started breathing heavily two days ago. I also noticed its been inserting the tentacles of the hammer it has been hosing, and putting them in its mouth and then pulling away. The clownfish have been hosting the hammer for two months and I never saw this behavior...
  18. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Tang Dead, Microscope Autopsy. Help ID.

    Are there anything in these findings that would've killed my tang? He was breathing kinda fast starting yesterday or the day before...He died this morning. If you have suggestions I could go back and try to get a better picture of something. @vetteguy53081 Let me know if I should take...
  19. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    EMERGENCY Sailfin Tang breathing fast and pale.

    What do I do? I've been dosing prazi pro. Done 3 doses already so I doubt it is flukes or worms. I haven't seen him scrape or anything. He's not swimming too much, he seems lethargic. The video is right after most of the food was gone. He ate some but not as much as normal. Ill try and do a...
  20. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Red bacteria on clownfish!? Micro pics.

    I took a gentle skin scrape off one of my clownfish and found red bacteria moving very slowly. Should I be concerned? And could the picture be a fluke of some sort? Btw they are taken at 800x And I've been using prazipro for about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks now.
  21. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Clownfish skin scrape, any diseases?

    Do you see any thing worry some in these microscope pictures? 1. 1(1). 2. 2(1). 3. 3(1). 4. 4(1). Any help would be greatly appreciated. @Jay Hemdal do you see anything? And if you don't see anything what power should I look at for a bacterial infection or the flukes?
  22. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Microscope Skin Scrape I.D. 2000x

    Does anyone/ microbiologists know what these things are, I believe my fish have a bacterial infection, just trying to find out if anything in these pics are worry some? And what to look for when I do a skin scrape. 1. These are just from my rock and water in tank: 200x -800x...
  23. Victory652

    Unknown Affliction on my Gramma

    So I have a Royal Gramma. Beautiful fun fish to have! However a couple of weeks ago it had a grey circle on its side. So I started treating for a bacterial infection. After a week with no improvement I did a big water change and started treating for a parasite infection. Again, after a week with...
  24. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    EMERGENCY Milky skin, Cloudy eyes, White poop!

    I have posted a thread about this a few days ago, the guy thought there was nothing... The symptoms on the fish are Milky skin, eyes are starting to cloud, a little redness on goby's tail, Pale skin and white stringy poop. Also seen some itching. Everyone is eating... But yeah it's on all the...
  25. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Do Any Of These Fish Look Sick?

    Before I start, I have no Quarantine yet, however I do want one. And also I had a wrasse for about 2 weeks, had to remove it because it was killing my clowns...and then replaced it with other fish (read below). You can also read my build thread that I posted yesterday for more info. So, I've...