
  1. B

    Problem with new tang in quarantine

    Have had this tang in quarantine for a few weeks now yesterday I noticed one little spot on it that looked like a scrape now today it looks like this. Any help would be appreciated so I can get this guy fixed up. Ammonia 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate 10 ppm Salinity 1.024 Ph 7.9
  2. 96Duck

    EMERGENCY Kole tang Bacterial infection???

    Hey there, I recently added a kole tang into my 5ft display tank with 3 other tangs (sailfin, powder blue, blue hippo). Fish looked fine prior to being introduced but within 1hour he now has face markings that looks to be from some form of disease/ infection/ fungi. He also has a few white...
  3. TreyC2010

    Wrasse cut or something else?

    My new melanurus wrasse just came out of hiding today and I noticed it possibly “flashing” against a rock. When it turn I noticed it had what might be cuts on its body, but I didn’t know if it would still attempt to brush the rock if it was truly a cut. My lfs kept him for 4 weeks and states...
  4. Lennon's Reef

    Is this ich?

    I recently noticed little white spots on my four red spot glass cardinals (Apogon parvulus). I treated for internal parasites (more on that later) and when that didn’t work I assumed it might be ich and moved all of my fish (the 4 cardinals, a Helfrich’s firefish, and a pink streaked wrasse) to...
  5. Sick_man

    EMERGENCY Goby has swollen eyes and has pale splotches

    Hi, I got my YWG 4 days ago and off the bat he wasn't acting too normal. I thought he was just shy. But he just sits in his cave and the 2nd day I noticed he had some loose tissue on his lips. 3rd day, he had pale spots on his cheeks, and now today, his eyes are foggy and enlarged. I ordered...
  6. Twalker791

    EMERGENCY Help!!! What is wrong with my Goby?!

    I have had a pink spotted goby for about 2 weeks in my FOWLR tank with 2 clowns and snails. He seemed perfectly fine until today. Didn’t really come out at feeding time or even go for the bits that went right past his face. His mouth is open and he’s gasping- but neither of my clowns are. It...
  7. Cfellini91

    Coral Beauty Angel Fish Eye Popping and Cloudy

    Last night I noticed that my Coral Beauty Angel Fish has one eye that is swollen and looks as if it is going to pop out. It is cloudy and looks like a cloudy white slime is over it. I did a 5 gal WC last night. It seems that it wouldn't be Popeye because it is only one eye. I just got home...
  8. A

    What killed this Flame Angelfish?

    I recently bought a Flame Angelfish that unfortunately passed in less than a day. I was wondering what killed it. I noticed that it was breathing pretty quickly and had white bubbles all over it. Attached is the best picture I could get of it, you might notice some of it on the tail. I brought...
  9. wvfeefkeeper80

    Angry Zoa

    Hey all! My first post, and I’m super excited to be here. I’ve had a tank up and running for ~5 months now and for the most part, all is well. One of my zoa has been really grumpy. I’m thinking a hermit did some much needed cleaning and I did pull a sponge out of it. See anything of particular...
  10. O

    Clownfish- intestinal ciliated protozoan

    Hi All, I purchased two clownfish in March. One had intermittent abdominal bloating, over the course of 4 weeks. She then developed full ‘dropsy’ and I had to euthanise her due to inappetance/poor response to treatment (metronidazole bath- as she was not eating). coelomic fluid was devoid of...
  11. J

    Should have known better - ICH

    Firstly I would like to say that I think I need a award for having a tank sit for 2 years without touching it. Reason was due to thinking that the tank was going to go through my floor being a 100 gallon at my previous home, But finally over the last couple months I have slowly been progressing...
  12. ReefGamer

    Hammer coral possible issue

    Hello! My been doing well and growing but I wanted to know what the brown stuff is in the tentacles and if this is bad? Alk: 8.3 Mag: 1400 Calc: 410 Sal: 1.025 Nit/phosphate: 5/0.03 below is the picture of it. I’ve seen this come and go before on one tentacle but today it’s on all of them it...
  13. H

    Help identifying tang disease

    Hey guys I just picked up a tang and it’s swimming super weird. It twitches it’s head often but it also goes near the surface at times and freaks out. Just curious if anyone can identify this disease so I can cure this little bugger. The video doesn’t do it too much justice but hope it helps...
  14. 2

    Pyramid Butterflyfish Flukes?

    I have a 30 Gallon QT tank up and running with 5 fish. Yellow Eye Kole Tang, x2 False Percula Clownfish, Pyramid Butterflyfish, and a Black Molly. All of these fish except for the molly have been in QT for slightly over one month. The tank is currently running with 2.5PPM+ of copper power...
  15. thebenjibenji

    Need help IDing this

    Lymphocystis/Velvet/Ich/Brooklynella? It seems blue/purple but that may be due to the lights https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14xVfB6hop4feF7Z64f2QkoRO-Rv0QIPC?usp=sharing
  16. D

    EMERGENCY Yellow Tang Black Patches

    My Yellow tang is rubbing against the sand and She also have black patches on her both side.
  17. jp98777

    Lump on female clownfish cheek

    Hello all, I am new to the saltwater hobby. After months of research and preparation, I found a great deal on a secondhand, established 45 gallon with a 15 gallon sump. It came with 2 bonded clowns, 3 damsels, pajama cardinal, anemone (of which I’m not sure the species; I think a sebae?), and a...
  18. A

    Is this Ich?

    I added a blue throat trigger a week ago and noticed a small white spot on his fin a couple days ago. I couldn’t recall if he had it when I bought him so figured I’d keep a close eye on him. Today I just noticed a new white spot just about his eye. Is this ich? Any help would be much appreciated!!
  19. M

    Ocellaris Clown developing white edges on tail fin! HELP

    Hello, My clown started developing white edges on its tail fin 2 weeks ago. I cant tell if this is a disease or if clowns develop new patterns. I only have the clown and two turbo snails in a 30 gallon tank. All my parameters are where they need to be and I do weekly 15% water changes. Ive had...
  20. ReefSoup

    HELP!! - Longnose Hawkfish Disease/Parasite Identification

    I began noticing what looks like a white bump on the bottom tip of my longnose hawkfish's mouth. I haven't seen any change in behavior and it's still eating regularly. It's not the clearest picture, but it's the best I could get for now. Any ideas on if this may be a parasite, infection or...
  21. Jess89264

    Clownfish Diagnosis - Red inflamed spot on fin

    Rescued this little guy from LFS, he was beat up badly and owner did not seem concerned ('JUST GLAD TO HAVE FISH DURING THE PANDEMIC!" - quote) ! - Slight overbite to assuming from inbreeding. I have him in my QT / Hospital Tank on Myxazin for his fins. I noticed this red spot on him - any...
  22. Joel2036

    EMERGENCY Looks like ich, but I’m sure it can’t be.

    Hey everyone ! So my clown has had these dots on him for weeks now, im waiting until I 100% know what it is before I made any decisions on what to do as he is still happy eating and active. But it seems to be annoying me more then him and I wanna find out what’s happening to him. the reason I...
  23. A

    Potential fish disease - could I get an opinion please?

    Hi there, It looks like all I have is problems since I introduced a blasto frag to my tank. A bit of a background so far: I have a 13.5g fluval evo with 10lbs aragonite sand and real reef rock, the tanks was fully cycled and it's been 2 months since I introduced the first inhabitants: a pair...
  24. squidisme

    EMERGENCY Clownfish has been doing this since last thursday. Please help.

    Hi there guys! I hear this group is very helpful and I definitely could use some help. Testing parameters: 0.0 ammonia 0.0 nitrites 0.1 nitrates 7.6 dkh 420 calcium 0.15 phos 1350 mag 1.025 salinity My clownfish has been swimming around and laying at the bottom. It’s like his back half...
  25. Brooks1997

    Why is everybody dying?

    Sorry for the long post but some opinions would be helpful in figuring this out. The past 2 weeks my fish have unexpectedly died. I have 2 ideas why but information online is conflicting. My aquarium; 90 gallons, 20 Gallon sump, its about 4 months old. I had a 75 gallon and upgraded to this...
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand