
  1. Niels Verstappen

    Diatoms? Cyano? Or dinos?

    I recently got this stuff to show up it looks like brown hair algae with bubbles on it
  2. BloopFish

    Is hydrous sodium silicate fine to use for silicate dosing?

    I've been wanting to dose silicates in my reef tank and read Randy Holme-Farley's article about silicate dosing. I know that it mentions you can buy water glass solution to dose silicates, but I was wondering if I could purchase this hydrous sodium silicate powder I found online to dissolve in...
  3. B's Reef

    Need help with an ID...

    Well I’m having a little issue. Seems it has gotten out of hand pretty quick. Can you tell what this is from the pics? I don’t see any air bubbles at all, anywhere. So hoping not Dino’s. Was thinking Cyano but chemiclean isn’t doing anything to it.
  4. Z

    Diatoms I’m assuming

    Diatoms? Soon to be diatom bloom? how long does this bloom usually last and what were your guys clean up crew to get rid of the algae. ( I understand it will go away on its own. $ also how long was your first diatom bloom??
  5. Dcole12


    Hi Everyone, I have seen a couple posts here. I got my water at my LFS store and it looks like the salinity of the water is running at about 1.03.. Should I try to get that number down? As well I do have the diatoms process.. Since this process has started should I be looking to get a cleaning...
  6. Maobea

    Brownish/Reddish Stuff

    Hi All, I've got this reddish/brownish thing that keeps growing in my sand. I stir the sand almost daily, but the next day it's back on my sand bed. It almost looks like diatoms, but I'm not sure that's what it is. My tank is a little over a year old. At this point I'm thinking either dino or...
  7. Vansaquaescape

    75 Gallon Tank

    So I’ve had a 75 gallon tank set up and running for two years. Had no fish, live rock, sump and one mushroom coral. Wasn’t doing much with the tank just had it there was so busy with work and other things. Freed up some time getting back to the tank did a 25% water change added Fiji mud to the...
  8. curiel909


    Hello everyone! Hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I sure did, I visited Reef-A-palooza and came up with a lot of great products. I am now on week 2 with my 40 gallon tank. And I started getting brown algae all over the tank. My lights are on a schedule. I am running a Current USA orbit...
  9. LilElroyJetson

    Still Not ID’ed...Diatom? Bacterial Bloom?

    I thought I’d ID’ed this stuff as Licmophora sp. but now that I’ve let it grow out, I’m not so sure. It’s a brown-ish white looking feather protruding from the live rock in mostly high light intensity areas and emerging from what looks like existing algae. Salinity: 1.025 Temp: 78.6 Ammonia: 0...
  10. Fish_Sticks

    #1 WHAT IF I TOLD YOU... Ammonia is causing your algae problems?

    After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you keep believing that nitrate and phosphate are the cause of your algae problems. You take the red pill - I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. This image was created by @Fish_Sticks, ©2019, All Rights...
  11. S

    Persistent Diatoms, need help!

    Hi. I am having a persistent diatom problem. It grows mostly on the rocks, in thick beds that grow back within a few days of removal. My water change schedule is 25% change per week. I use RO/DI water always at 0 TDS, after being ran through two DI canisters. I am on well water that tests around...
  12. ReefAddict16

    Diatoms or Dino’s?

    My tank is about 4-5 months old and this problem seems to never go away.
  13. Logan A.

    A simple idea...

    So i was thinking of using a turkey baster to cleanup dead diatoms off the sand bed and blow them off the rock to help move the cleanup along a bit faster thoughts on this?
  14. Brian Goldstein

    HELP!! Diatom issues

    Hey Reefers- My RedSea Reefer 250 hit the 3 month mark today. -All of my corals look healthy and are growing -My water parameters are on point -Using RODI water -Phosphates almost inexistant However, I cannot seem to rid my sandbed of these dang diatoms (at least they look like diatoms...
  15. Zazzy

    New rock in 9 year reef

    So I added more dry rock into my reef and over the past week ONLY that new rock began to form diatoms and air bubbles. I dose 20ml of white vinegar everyday. My nitrates are undetectable and don't have phosphate test kit but just added a ton of phosguard little more then I should have to be...
  16. Idoc

    DI Resin & Algae ID question

    I just can't get this algae or cyano bloom to completely go away. I thought it was cyano, but it doesn't create "sheets" like typical cyano pictures. I let it go for a week without blowing it off rocks and the back wall and then cleaned the tank thoroughly. Ive been doing 20% water...
  17. Brian Goldstein

    The best critter to solve your diatom problems on your sandbed!?

    Hello Reefers! I have been in the hobby for about 2 years now and diatoms have always been the most common issue in my tanks. Even with minimal nutrients, diatoms can persist in my reef tank. It's not that they are a huge issue, but it can be very unsightly when its blanketed across your sand...
  18. Jeremy Lain

    Are these diatoms?

    Are these diatoms or is this the beginning of algae? Can someone confirm this?
  19. G

    Diatom Bloom Treatment

    Hey everybody, never posted before, first time joining one of these forums, rest-assured I've done heaps of research and browsed through these forums for hours at a time! So I currently have a cycled 65g tank FWLR, which will soon become a reef tank, after I observe stable parameters and get...
  20. N

    Brown Hair Algae or Cyano or WHAT IS THIS ???

    Ive been battling algae in a certain spot in my tank since I started this bad boy (6 months ago not including 3 month cycle). I call it algae, but I have absolutely no idea what this stuff is. Allow me to explain the best I can: This nuisance began growing after my initial cycle (I cycled...
  21. grassy_noel

    Cloudy water I can't seem to resolve

    Hi all. My IM Nuvo Fusion 20 gallon mixed reef has been up and running since its cycle completed in mid-October (~2 months). I have a pair of ocellaris clownfish and a handful of mostly LPS corals. All seem to be doing well. I also have 5 cerith snails which will come into play later. About...
  22. E

    Brown Diatom Hair Algae Fading to white?

    Hello, I'M new to the forum but have been in the hobby for some time before quitting and coming back. I started a 20g IM nuvo over a year ago and have been battling with Brown Diatom Hair Algae. When I set up the tank I had (and still have) a skimmer, bio-pellet reactor, cheatomorpha carbon and...
  23. g5flier

    Refugium help...I'm killing my Chaeto!

    I added a 20 gallon refugium to my 139 gallon system 3 weeks ago. Installed a Kessil H380 and a softball size of Chaeto. The Chaeto has been getting quite lose and turning brown, it easily falls apart. Diatoms are growing on the floor and walls of the refugium like crazy, much less diatoms in...
  24. 1

    Best snails for diatoms?

    Hey everyone, My tank is going through the diatom phase right now, but it's super hardcore right now. Water changes have been reducing it but there are many blotches of diatoms in areas where I simply can't reach. It seems there's way more than enough to sustain at least a few snails as the...
  25. seastar

    Dinos? Diatoms? Cyano? Oh my!

    Ok, my tank has been setup for 6-7 months for this very much could just be "the uglies". This has been going on probably 6 weeks without much sigh of slowing down. Under the scope the move like crazy for 5-10 min and then all die off. It looks like they have two tiny clear tails (sorry my...
Geo's Reef