
  1. Alex's Nano Reef

    Cyano,Dinos,GHA. WHAT IS IT. id please

    my parameters are in check. i dont know for sure its been many years since i saw cyano. but i think i killed of my diatoms and it seg-wayed into cyano but during that i had a alk swing that ticked off my corals and i think a algae or bacteria problem is why they aren't coming back faster or even...
  2. Alex's Nano Reef


    Ive seen this algae cover the tank and within 2 days of noticing it i started up the UV Skimmer. seemed to be working at stopping the rapid spread. Then i had a alk swing and within 6 hours i saw these white spots on the glass and back of the tank and some corals were ticked. i fixed the alk and...
  3. Nikko


    Hello kind and helpful reefers! I have what hopefully is an easy question. Took a sample of my substrate as I have been having issues with a brown coating on my aquarium that forms once lights go on and go away when they go off. This has been going on for over a month. I don't believe it's...
  4. Z

    EMERGENCY Trying to figure out what kind of algae is growing

    Hey guys, just trying to figure out what kind of algae I have growing I’m reasonably new to the saltwater hobby is there anyone that can point me down the right path.
  5. F

    Bubbling diatoms?

    Hello! Here's the thing my tank is a 12 gallon nano, 3 months old and my parameters are the following: NO4 0, NO2 0, NO3 10ppm, PO4 0.5, 9dkh, pH 8.4,Ca 445, Mg 1170, SG 1024. All test done with Salifert. Is stocked with a yellow Watchman goby, 4 blue legged ermits and a turbo snail. My problem...
  6. S

    Diatoms or Dino?

    hello and thanks in advanced. I have set a new tank up and it’s around 10 days old at this point. Over the last two days a huge coating of brown algae I believe to be diatoms has covered my rocks, sand and glass. however it is also covered in air bubbles which makes me think it’s not diatoms...
  7. GP0801

    Brown algae and bubbles suddenly all over my tank

    I'm pretty new to the aquarium thing but everything seemed to be going so well the past few months and all of a sudden today the tank and equipment is covered in this brown stuff and bubbles. There were even patches of sand flying around because the bubbles were carrying them through the water...
  8. R

    Diatom? Dino?

    Hi my tank is ~3 wks old, and recently seeing growth of these brown stuff. Small patches has showed up a few days after i had turned on the light (which is about a week ago) and i think its growing a lot faster these 2 days. I would like to think its diatoms cuz my params are Salinity: 1.025...
  9. H

    Diatoms? SOS - the typical new reefer concerns

    Hi reef community, My name is Jess. I recently started a saltwater tank with my partner and it's been a little over a month now. We have a Fluval 13.5 g and cycled fully about 2 weeks ago. We added 2 clowns and 2 corals and just over the past week I started seeing some brown algae spots around...
  10. christianscorals

    Dinos, diatoms? microscope pic for help!

    Hello everyone. I have been struggling to i.d this stuff on my sandbed, it looks like some type of dino but can’t pinpoint to any in specific. just want to i.d and start the battle already, thanks for any help
  11. W

    NEED ID: Got my nuisance under the scope!

    Hi guys, I've been reading this group for many months.:) 6 weeks ago I started my cycling of a 43 gallon tank without fish and with dry rock and live sand. There is no longer ammonia or nitrites and nitrates are at 100 ppm (Red Sea) and phosphates are barely detectable, 0.01 (AF) or zero. For...

    Cyano, diatoms and phosphate

    Hi Had diatoms a while back and they went on there own….. Then cyano came which I’ve been battling for around a month ish….. I used chemi clean first does 24 hours second dose 72 hours….. 99 % of it went just had a very small light pink patch size of a penny…. That was 3 weeks ago when I used...
  13. D

    Diatoms, Dinos, Cyano, and Hair algae?

    Hello to anyone who's here (and thank you for reading)! I think I've encountered my first issue with my reef tank, which is whether I've got dinos, diatoms, cyano, and hair algae - or maybe all four of them at the same time. I don't have a microscope on hand so I'm aware that the best ID I can...
  14. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Diatoms reforming?

    Not sure if I had dinos at first which I thought were diatoms but if these are diatoms then they are reforming. Does adding more dry rock make diatoms reform? Also it's really only taking off on more of the older rock. Tank is about 1 month and 1 week old.
  15. Reefer9871

    I.D. this algae that is taking over my reef tank! HELP PLEASE!

    What is this that is taking over my tank!? These are the best pictures I could get with my son’s microscope. But I figure someone out there might be able to I.D. what it is…. At first I thought dinos or diatoms because they came back worse when I cleaned them and did water changes. After...
  16. ChandlerTingle

    EMERGENCY Is this Diatoms?

    Tank is coming up on a Month old. Just wanted make sure it is Diatoms and the best way to remove and stop it.
  17. NanoReeferAlex

    Can anyone ID this algae?

    I’ve noticed it growing for about 2 weeks thinking it was diatoms but now i’m getting more worried it’s not? any id or tips would be greatly appreciated!
  18. Kenyon

    Please identify algae!

    I have attached a picture of this unknown algae or diatom growing on a zoa colony. You can see it directly in the center of the zoas where there is a bare spot. Any help would be appreciated!
  19. DeNovice

    Can someone check this scope video out for ID?

    I have some brownish stringy algae on the sand bed. Here’s some scope pictures with a link to the video. One person said diatoms already but I’d like to get that confirmed. Thanks! https://youtube.com/shorts/bIbPYK4BhB4?feature=share

    Diatoms on dry rock? Cyclying

    This is my first saltwater tank and my dry rock is getting a orangish hue. Doing some of my own research I think these are diatoms, I wanted a second opinion and what to know my best course of action. I have just a turbo snail and a emerald crab in here so far. There is a window that lets...
  21. sotsreef

    Microscope ID help (diatoms,dinos?)

  22. sotsreef

    Dinos or Diatoms?

    Here is a picture, if needed I can post tank details but was gonna see if anyone could tell from just a photo. I’m talking about the brownish spots on the white dry rock.
  23. noobreefer2

    Dino/Diatom thoughts

    Hello everyone, recently I started to see hair-like film algae appear on my rocks, at first I thought it was diatoms because of the hairiness, I thought that dinos were more snot-like. I went to my LFS and picked up 5 Astrea snails to eat the supposed diatoms (Pic of the film): I don't know if...
  24. djm

    Diatom or Dino??

    Hi all, my tank has been running for about 2 months now and in the last couple of days I have had an outbreak of algae. At first I thought this was just the diatom stage as I haven’t had any yet, but I notice some stringy down bits growing on my rock today. This stuff is growing really rapidly...
  25. M

    What type of algae is this?

    Hello all, This is my first post on this forum but I have been checking other threads for months while I set up my reef tank. I have a 120 gallon tank that I started in October 2020 and ran with the lights off with two clowns inside for 2 months. I was told running the tank with the lights off...