
  1. Salty Hippo

    Help id microscope image video

    Need to know what this is so I can treat it correctly. It’s only a photo but they move around quickly. Thanks
  2. J

    Dinos? Cyano? Diatoms?

    Hey, I've been battling one or two of the three that I listed in the subject. Ive been trying to maintain nitrates at 2-5, and phosphate has been 0.05. I have been dosing neonitro and Microbacter7. Here's a video of the algae under the microscope:
  3. Z

    Freshwater scrub goes Saltwater: Algae identification

    Hey Reef Gang, I am new to the salt water game coming from freshwater. I am starting with a Red Sea Max Nano. 20lb Carib sea life rock, 10 pounds Fiji pink, 660gph wave maker, running skimmer 24/7 with filter sock, bunch of marine pure bio balls, red sea carbon, Red Sea coral salt pro, tank...
  4. S

    Help identify algae please.

    I have never come across this algae before. It looks sorta like dinos or diatoms. It is a brown hair that turns into a brownish white snot. It comes back fast after manual cleaning and leaves white fibers behind after I scrub. It grows on the rocks and glas and sand... but not on the corals...
  5. eamm97


    Hello everyone! I’m happy to show you my progress so far. This my new nano setup, it’s coming up to 4 weeks now. Let me know what you think! Also, what fish do you recommend I add next and how long should I wait to do so?
  6. eamm97


    Hey guys, here is my very first saltwater tank. I’m very excited!!! I’ve wanted to start one for years now and I finally did. Any advice for a new reefer? Especially on how to deal with diatoms? I’m on week 4 now and it’s starting to explode!
  7. Emi2852

    I need help.. I have no idea what’s causing all this mess!

    Hey! So I’ve run so many tests and I really am struggling to pin point and understand why my tank looks the way it does. There’s an algae/diatom infestation that disappears at night and comes full force in the morning once the lights are on. it’s a 20g, no sump, no skimmer, only has a hob...
  8. A

    HELP! What the H... is this??? Dinos? Diatoms?

    I have a reef tank that most likely has either brown diatoms or dinoflagellates growing on the gravel/sand. Tank is at least a year old. Tests indicate excellent water quality with the possible exception - API kit shows nitrate @ 0 & phosphate checker shows it @ 0.03 so maybe too low? meaning...
  9. A

    HELP! What the H... Is this stuff? It's driving me crazy and I can't get rid of it!

    I have a reef tank that most likely has either brown diatoms or dinoflagellates growing on the gravel/sand. Tank is at least a year old. Tests indicate excellent water quality with the possible exception - API kit shows nitrate @ 0 & phosphate checker shows it @ 0.03 so maybe too low? meaning...
  10. Djkelley35

    Diatoms and light

    Hello! I am pretty new to the reefing hobby and have a question as to how to deal with my current diatom bloom. the tank is 20 gallons and is roughly four months old, has 2 clowns, 3 blue green chromis, a cleaner shrimp, one new zoa frag, Pom Pom Xenia frag, and a long tentacle anemone (bad...
  11. Damdeno

    Best items to start refugium and when?

    Fairly new to hobby, have only had the 75g tank for about six months and have had two clownfish and a couple astrea snails and hermit crabs in the tank for about a month now. I have diatoms and little tiny white algae’s,(sponges?) on in the tank that’s a bit out of control in spots I’ve resorted...
  12. R

    Green Star Polyps & Diatoms

    Hi everyone. I have a new tank that went through rough cycling. I added 2 clown fishes and few corals. After a couple of weeks I got Diatoms in my tank. Than I picked up some cleaning crew and I totally killed the white color in my light. I have never had red or green on cause the tank is new...
  13. Krilla

    Microscope ID: can anyone identify these?

    Hi I took some samples of the brown algae starting to cover my rocks and sand. I found 2 different shapes which both are moving. Can anyone identify these?
  14. Sick_man

    Tank Disaster

    Hi, my tank is little over a month old and and I used some live sand and bacteria to try to cycle it. About last week I tested the water and it was fine. However, I tested the water today and the parameters were: PH 8.4, Ammonia 2.0ppm, Nitrite .50ppm, and Nitrate 10ppm. My I placed in my Xenia...
  15. Mr. Experience

    Please help. Dino’s? Diatoms? Cyano?

    Hello, I have a new tank that’s been running for almost 3 months and a few days ago I started noticing my rock, sand, and glass have started turning brown. My tank has been cycled since week 2 so I don’t think it’s diatoms. I had something like this when I started a tank a few years ago and...
  16. A

    Nano Build I feel like a weirdo saying this but - I've now entered the uglies stage and I'm excited!

    Now entering: the first diatom bloom. Also the glass is a little cloudy because I spilled saltwater on it and havent cleaned it off with vinegar yet. So far this has been up and running for two and a half weeks I think? I haven't done any water changes and have been topping off with freshwater...
  17. taylorn13

    Thought this was diatoms, but possibly dino, please help ID

    Okay so I posted yesterday about being sure it was diatoms in my tank but my lights have a programmed 30 minute moonlight phase where the whites turn off and it’s just blue light. Under white lights, this brown stuff looks exactly like diatoms, but just now, with the blue light on, I see a bunch...
  18. T

    Dino or Diatoms

    I have a question for anyone that can help. I need trying to determine if this a Diatoms or Dino having a hard time figuring it out
  19. T

    Dino or diatoms

    I I have a question for anyone that can help. I need trying to determine if this a Diatoms or Dino having a hard time figuring it out
  20. Soilbreaker

    Algae identification - microscopic images

    Hey guys, could you help me out identifying the algae I currently have in my reef tank? Attached you will find some images. I probably guess diatoms and cyanobacteria are present. However, I also think that some dinoflagellates are in between. But I'm not sure about the last. Thanks in advance!
  21. E

    Algae Getting Out of Control - Ideas?

    Looking for some help in my Algae issues. I’ve had my Red Sea 250 (54gallon display) setup for 10 weeks now, the sand and half the rock were in my previous tank for an additional 4 weeks. Hard to tell from photos but it looks like diatoms on the sand and glass. I have to clean the glass at least...
  22. alimac122

    Nerites being bums

    Hey guys. I just added more nerites to my tank. Theyve been in about three days. I added them to try and tackle the diatoms and algae problem. However, the last two days they have almost all been in the top corner of the tank where the auto feeder is. Yesterday I took them off the glass and...
  23. E

    The Diatoms Won't Go AWAY!?!?!

    I'm about to lose my mind over these dang diatoms guys! I'm a little over 2 months in now to my new saltwater aquarium and everything has been doing great, finished my cycle about a month ago, put a pair of clowns in a week after that and over the last few weeks have now gotten all the fish I...
  24. Stu_Tanks


    A little over a week ago I fixed what I thought was a Dino problem. I did a 3 day black out and went through the Dr. Tim’s treatment. Today I come back from a long weekend and my rocks have the same brown stuff growing on them and a little on the sand bed. I don’t think they are Dino’s because...
  25. ngservet5

    Algae Identification?

    Hi All, This algae has been appearing everyday for the past several weeks on the sand bed and I noticed it on the glass as well. It only occurs where the light is striking the surface. Note it disappears at night. It is a little stringy but comes right off. Is this Diatoms? The tank is new with...