
  1. R

    orange patches on sand… should i worry?

    Hello all, I have a 10g fairly new tank. Worry not everything is cycled of course but I started noticing orange patches here and there on my sand. All levels are within normal ranges so I have no idea what this might be, but then again I still consider myself a beginner and I don’t know much...
  2. Lucastank


    Tank has been up about 7 months. Doing great so far. last few days I noticed what I think is diatoms? On my rock and sand bed. In the beds i blow it away and it does come back. Seems to go away once lights are off and or less off. Just want to ask before/if becomes problem. tank seems to be...
  3. K

    In your experience, for what type of Dinos does Sillicate dosing work?

    I am planing on using a microscope in an attempt to identify the type of dinos that I have. In your experience, for what type of Dinos does Sillicate dosing work?
  4. taylormaximus

    Seachem Pristine vs Phosguard vs Purigen?

    Hi guys, I've been doing some research on products I might get for my tank, and came across 3 relatively similar products all made by Seachem, and I'm wondering if anyone knows what each of them do specifically, or how they work together. The main issues with my tank that I'm looking to solve...
  5. A

    Help with Algae ID and solutions ?

    I have an algae appear that I need help w ID. It grows in a stringy reddish brown growth pattern. Also it may or may not have air bubbles within the algae . It may be clinging to it from my HOB SKIMMER. My tank is 2 years old. Thx
  6. xDave R6

    EMERGENCY Mixed reef tank hair algae and diatoms out brake, black long spine urchin not looking good

    Hello can anyone help me I’m having bad luck with my mixed reef tank lately, diatom’s and hair algae have started to take over my tank I have removed hair algae manually and done water changes but still keeps coming back , also my black long spine urchin has lost all his spines and keeps ending...
  7. W

    Dino’s or Diatoms?

    Hi all, I’ve noticed an increase of brown patches on my sand bed. 5 days ago my phosphate was 0.22, today my phosphate is 0.07. Do you think it’s dino’s or diatoms? Not the clearest shot but hopefully you’ll be able to tell?
  8. H

    Diatoms (new tank cycle)

    Howdy! This being my first reef tank, I have been dealing with what looks like diatoms for some time (new tank, 17 weeks since start of cycling). I would estimate it started around 7-8 weeks ago, and has pretty much persisted daily. My question is, how long can I expect to be dealing with this...
  9. V

    Need help IDing nuisance if possible!

    hey all, ive had some red/brown spots showing up on my sand, lately its gotten a little worse and I don't really feed a whole lot. I got a test done at my lfs last week and everything was zero, (except nitrate which was like 5ppm or w.e) which can obviously be a problem. ive started to feed on a...
  10. S

    Ugly stage or bad water?

    Hello! This is my first post and my first reef tank. my tank is 2-3 months old and I have diatoms all over the tank sand. When I siphoned it during my last WC, it came right back. Most likely it’s just the ugly phase however I’m wondering if there’s any possibility it could be my water. The...
  11. D

    Diatoms on Gontipora and Duncan

    Hey, I’ve had a diatom outbreak recently but fixed it, it was all because of my water. But there were diatoms all over it and I haven’t been able to get them off even with picking them off I cannot get them. And I’m not sure what to do because it has not opened up in a while, I’ve never actually...
  12. W

    What is this algae in my tank that won’t go away.

    Hello, I’ve had my tank up and running since the end of August. Around October I started seeing what I thought was diatoms. They started slow then exploded and covered my rocks and sand. The trochus snails are eating it which is making me believe it’s diatoms but at this point I would think they...
  13. Matt Bravo


    Hello everyone! I have a new tank, a little less than 2 months old and I’ve noticed this brown stuff growing in the back while pulling out any extra shrimp my fish didn’t eat. Is this a beginning stage of diatoms? What else should I expect if it is thanks for the help
  14. W

    How long are these diatoms going to last?

    For reference I’ve had my tank set up and going since august 20th. I noticed the diatoms about 3 weeks ago and as of Sunday cleared off the rocks almost completely. Now we’re right back to where I was before, just 3 days later. I have provided pictures of the tank when the rock was cleared on...
  15. T


    Thought I was having an algea bloom....but have chaeto in sump. Nitrates are 2.0- 2.5 and phosphates are .08 - .04 consistently. Wondering it this is actually Diatoms, and if so, best way to exterminate. I have been running U.V. for 2 days. Very minimal change. Help!?
  16. M

    Tiny algae on the glass

    The other day i noticed these tiny green/brown strands of what i assume to be algae on the glass of my new tank under only the lit up side (one side does not have a light over it yet). The tank has been running for almost exactly one month in total and only 6 days with a light on one side...
  17. ReefIO

    What are these? Pictures from under the microscope

    Hi, I have two different subjects that need ID-ing. First, I've been battling Amphidinium Dinoflagellates and have been dosing Silica (Brightwell's SpongExcel) to encourage diatoms. Here's the first shot. Looks to me like possibly pennate diatom. Thoughts? Second, Just recently dipped a...
  18. D

    Dinoflagellates or Diatoms?

    Hi. I’ve been dealing with this for a very long time now with diatoms growing on my sand and I’ve even reduced lighting a lot and they still keep coming. Now I just decided to ask if anyone knew what was growing on my rocks and how I can get rid of them and maybe grow some corraline algae. I’m...
  19. P

    Diatom Control Plan

    Hello all, I need some help figuring out a plan based on my system for finally getting rid of brown diatoms. My current system is up and running with no issues whatsoever for a few months now and everything inside the tank has gone through QT. (I don't currently have any snails as I currently...
  20. dbati

    Diatoms on newly introduced rocks only

    Hi all, I added some old dry rock a couple weeks ago and I started noticing a couple days ago a brown film on them. Today I can clearly see it is like a brown slime. They have some tiny micro bubbles starting to lift it so I can definitely see the slimey-ness. The rocks I added were some old...
  21. Pelagikos

    Somebody please what the heck is this?

    Been fighting low phosphates and high nitrates finally got my nitrates from around 100 parts per million to around 25. Keeping my phosphates up by dosing neophos everyday. These things used to disappear when the nitrates were out of control during the night but then would return during the day...
  22. T

    Corals Not Opening, Dinos and GHA

    My tank (29g) has been setup for about 2 months now after my tank had an alkalinity crash and I lost most of my fish and CuC. My corals had survived though, which meant I had to put corals and RFA in an immature tank. About 2 weeks ago, my RFA died as well as my xenia and Kenya tree, two corals...
  23. DrummerWithFish111

    Brown Algae?

    See attached a picture of my tank, but with a horrible brown algae outbreak. First sign was about ten days ago, tank has been set up for a little under two months. Should I just leave it and let my tank get overgrown, or should I remove it/get a clean up crew to eat it? Want to get into growing...
  24. tottiforever

    Build Thread 75 Gallon Reef Build

    Howdy! Hopefully this isn’t too boring, but figured I’d share my current build and progress. This is my first tank since I was a kid, so any and all advice, criticism or thoughts are more than welcome! Purchased a used Red Sea 350 (73gal display and 18gal sump), 2 AI Hydras, and a Regal Octopus...
  25. D

    Stringy Algae, Dino’s, or cyano(no bubbles)???

    Does anyone have an idea what this could be? I have had them pop up on the past and I thought it was Dino’s, but it disappeared for a while and now has made its way back, but now more than ever. Should I dose vibrant? Thank you!