critter id

  1. S

    Can someone help ID pls?

  2. J

    White micro bugs on glass and in tank

    Recently added coral to my tank and over night I have noticed some white micro bugs on the glass. I dontknow what they are or what I need to do to get rid of them.
  3. N

    Microorganism identification

    Found these tiny critters under my algae scraper, not sure what they are. Does anyone know what they are? Hopefully you can see the video I posted with this.
  4. M

    Maybe a feather duster??? What is this??

    Saw this in my 90g saltwater reef that was given to be by a friend. Never noticed it before. The tank is 8ish years old has been in my possession for about 6months. Sorry picture kinda sucks, he in the back of the tank under the rocks.
  5. Reefer37


    Just wanted to verify if these were fireworms. Found a bunch underneath a clove rock I took out to clean. Any worry with corals or to look out for with more of them?
  6. walloutlet

    Who is this little fella?

    Good day all, my assumption this is a baby bristle worm but would like a confirmation or a different opinion. Mainly hoping it’s not a B-Word worm! Lol! Thanks in advance!
  7. Colorz

    Olive Green Critter a Friend or Foe Please? :)

    After searching in here for 3+ hours to identify this, it's time for my 1st post in hopes you can help me figure out what it is :) AIO 28g nano is 2 months cycled, live rock, 2 clown fish, cleaner shrimp currently. Showed itself 4 days ago... Olive Green color, about 1.5" seems to have grown...
  8. D

    Worm in chaeto I just ordered.

    Hi everyone. I am new to reefing and I ordered this "clean" algae off Ebay. Long story short it wasn't that clean. Can anyone help me identify what this is?
  9. FullReefSurvivalMode

    Critter id

    Hello Follow Reefers, Out of curiosity can you ID this little white transparent critter for me. 0,12 inch / 0,3 cm small round white ish Transparent critter. I have several in my mixed reef and every day I see them in a new spot, which means they’re mobile. Simple question, Thx everybody
  10. friendlyguy

    Worm thingy

    Hi there! I found this guy at the base of a monti: Any idea what this is? I am tempted to just take a razor and get it off there. Kind regards friendlyguy
  11. jackalexander

    New Critter ID

    By best guess is a baby flat worm based on images that I’ve seen from other people. Maybe a pod? if not, it’s my best excuse to pull the trigger and get a melanurus.
  12. Gonj

    Help ID Flat worms???

    I’ve got a 37 gallon live rock and live sand only things in the tank as of now is a feather duster, astraea snails, nassarius snails, and a tuxedo urchin. I recently introduced a frag of zoa but I did dip it and inspected thoroughly before placing in tank. I noticed today a little critter...
  13. L

    New to reef2reef & please help with ID!

    Howya everybody, Brand new to reef2reef, been reefing a while though, not to savvy on all the little critters in the tank. Current setup is Red Sea reefer 350. ALK: 10.6 CA: 400 MG:1349 PH: 8.25 Salt: 1.024 Could I get an ID on this little guy? They’ve covered the glass out of no...
  14. MrDeathKills


    Hi i have found some if these in my tank and wondering what they are. I have been told they look like hydroids. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  15. jackalexander

    White stringy critter

    I have these white/brown stringy things on a couple of different rocks. It sort of looks like a feather duster but super super thin. Anyone have any suggestions? sorry for the bad photo quality. It’s just hard to capture a good picture of these guys..
  16. M

    Critter ID for a newbie

    Anyone know what this critter is? I have a lot of these on the back wall of my tank and a few on the front.
  17. walloutlet

    Black Slug/Worm? - ID Help Please

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I was getting through some weekend maintenance before the big game and noticed this black object embedded in some Zoas. Didn’t think much of it until I noticed it had little antennas. I’ve never seen a black worm/slug like this before. Any thoughts?
  18. J

    Can’t figure out what these things are maybe you guys could help

    I can see one and it’s some all white thing I’m thinking it’s probably some kind of snail it has 2 long tentacles or whiskers antenna whatever they are and that’s all ik but it seems to be living inside that coral only one seems to be on the outside a little tried to get good pictures thanks guys
  19. Reefer37

    Mojano? Aiptasia? Can anyone help ID?

    Just noticed this on a frag that's been in the tank for about a month. I haven't seen them anywhere else in the tank so I guess it came on the frag, but just now noticing it. Can anyone help ID what this is on the base of this hammer?
  20. BTimms

    Orange Worm

    I found this critter today. I am not sure what it is. Good or bad? Should it be killed with fire? Seems like a small orange worm with small white tentacles, or hairs, on one end and pointy on the other end. I hope the pics help. Thank you for your help!
  21. Monney00

    Small clear/white tubes, ID help?

    Good afternoon all, I am on the downhill side of a ********’ fight with bryopsis (fluco ftw), and noticed some tubes on some frags now that they are not covered in algae. I am reading a lot of conflicting info, so hoping someone could give me a definite ID, so I can treat accordingly if needed...
  22. Soren

    Copepod ID Request

    After searching for copepods that resemble the ones in my tank, I am not coming up with any results or similar matches. Does anyone recognize the order/family/genus/species of copepods in the following pictures (encircled in orange)? I am pretty sure they are some type of copepod, but not sure...
  23. Zoa_Fanatic

    Burying turbo snail?

    So I have this snail I purchased from the LFS. It looks for all purposes like a tropical turbo snail. Thing is, it’s only active at night and buries itself in the sand during the day like my nassarius snails. When he comes out tonight I’ll get a picture. As far as I know turbo snails don’t dig...
  24. dsoneone

    It’s not a reindeer, please help Identify

    Found these two little ones surviving in a filter sock. I don’t want to influence the identity by telling you what is in the tank.. Thanks for looking and your help!
  25. Reefing_Engineer

    Red dots on Zoas

    I bought some zoas from my LFS four days ago and one of them had these little red dots on them that I noticed after dipping them. I dipped for 30 minutes and blew water on them every 5 minutes using a pipette to try to knock off anything but these were left, I figured it would be okay since I...