clown fish

  1. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clownfish is peeling?

    Got 2 clown in qt right now they’ve seemed fine, however today I noticed their skin seems to be peeling and there appears to be some growth in the filter as well. Any ideas as to what this can be or how I should treat this? Attached some photos below.
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Picky clownfish

    New frostbite clowns won’t hardly eat anything. Had them 5 days. Tank has been running 8 years, biocube 32 led. Tried mysis, brine shrimp, pellets, flakes. Any other ideas? pH-8.0, ammonia-0, nitrate-5ppm, nitrite-0. They will eat but not with any gusto. They just pick and spit it out. They’re...
  3. Gonj

    New to Quarantining Help

    I recently started the hobby and lost my pair of clowns due to velvet, I made the mistake of not quarantining and will never make it again. My question is do I have to quarantine incoming fish in a established tank? I just got a quarantine tank and am setting up I intend to treat incoming fish...
  4. Gonj

    Inverts and Ich please help

    Recently just started up a 37g tank, I’m on week 2 of cycling and I had a pair of clown in there to help cycle. I noticed 1/2 clowns started showing signs of ich so I removed them both into a hospital tank and begun treating them. The one experiencing symptoms did not make it, the other clown...
  5. Gonj

    New to hobby I think Clown fish has ich??

    So I just started my tank coming up on the 2nd week, FOWLR my test come back in normal parameters, temp and salinity have been kept stable. It’s a 37 gallon that holds 2 clownfish at the moment one of which appears to have signs of ich. LFS said best treatment would be to let it ride it out not...
  6. djm

    Livestock recommendations

    Hi Guys, I have my first saltwater tank now up and running, it’s a Fluval Spec Marine 16gal (basically the Fluval Evo but slightly larger). I’ve recently added a small Ocellaris clownfish and three stripe leg hermit crabs. Originally I was going for a pair of clowns, however they have been...
  7. Zoa_Fanatic

    Recommendations for tank stocking

    I’ve got a 32 gallon biocube led. It’s currently occupant is one four stripe damsel and a ****ton of coral. I’m moving my damsel to my new 16 gallon. I want to know what would work best in my 32. My wife is insistent on clowns. I’m thinking some common clowns. Small ones. next I want to add...
  8. Zoa_Fanatic

    Clownfish help

    I’ve been reefing for like 8 years and I’ve never had clownfish. I just setup a smaller tank to move my last remaining damsel out of my 32 gallon. I plan to restock it with a pair of clowns, an orchid dottyback, a corris wrasse, and some pajama cardinals. Is there a species of clown I should get...
  9. Zoa_Fanatic

    Clownfish help please

    I’m looking at getting a pair of clownfish for my 32 gallon. Is there a species I can get that won’t be belligerent toward other tank mates? I plan on adding some pajama cardinals, an orchid dottyback, and possibly some type of corris wrasse to the tank. Should I go with a solo clownfish? I had...
  10. Zoa_Fanatic

    Biocube 32 led stocking ideas

    I’ve been running a nanocube or biocube for 7 years now. In that time I’ve had an engineer goby (who just passed at age 10 and nearly 2ft long) and a four stripe damsel the whole time. A Madagascar clownfish, green corris wrasse, and coral beauty angel have all passed through. I had to get rid...
  11. K

    Pale lesion on clown fish?? Brook??

    Hi I am fairly new to marine tank as I only have kept freshwaters. I have one small orange clownfish and this fish developed white~opaque lesion on R) side of its body. I wasn't sure if it's just body colour change or some kind of infection? I kept this fish about ~1.5month. Noticed this lesion...
  12. chill903

    Red Bubble Tip Anemone(s) + Mated Pair of Cinnamon Clowns

    I have a mated pair of cinnamon clowns I'm looking to rehome from my anemone tank. They are continually laying eggs, and seem to be a happy couple. They host the anemones, and I'm willing to sell the pair + two RBTAs for $200. The anemones will come on a piece of live rock. (Birmingham local...
  13. M

    Aggressive female clown

    I just recently got a 4th ocellaris clown, who is the female of my take, and she was doing quite well for a while. It’s been about 3 weeks since her acclimation, and she’s begun to bully my smallest male. She hasn’t head bunt/ nipped at him, although she does swim toward him aggressively and...
  14. J

    Don't know If this is normal or not

    I got these clownfish in this morning and put them in my quarantine tank and they've been doing this for the past couple hours since I put them in can anybody tell me what this is
  15. 3

    Single white spot on clown fish

    I know this isn’t the greatest photo but Pennywise the clown fish is very active so it was hard to take a decent photo. He has a little white spot near his tail and I was wondering what it could be. Like I mentioned, he’s very active, comes to the side of the tank when I’m there to feed them...
  16. S

    will my clowns eventually breed?

    I have a male naked triple dot ocellaris clown and a female snowflake ocellaris clown. They are both still pretty small, definitely not close to full grown size. But, will the eventually breed since they are both types of ocellaris?
  17. Eyezik

    Weird Behavior Clown Fish

    These fish are very fresh, 3 days in the tank after the tank was cycled for about a month. Before getting the fish in I got readings of slightly high Nitrate but I took care of it. Currently, the fish are not together and one is "sleeping" in a small cafe on the back of my rock. Is this normal...
  18. puffer_reef

    Territorial clownfish

    So I’ve had 2 clownfish in my tank and every fish I’ve tried to put in there they have died and I’m pretty sure they killed them maybe just the black one she’s kinda aggressive. I know they can be territorial if I put them in a breeder net for a bit and add another fish to the tank would that...
  19. M

    What kind of clownfish?

    Hello, This fish is around 3/4", I want to know what kind is it. Is Mocha storm, Juvenile Black storm or something else? I thought it is a mocha storm till I read that juvenile black storm are mocha colored and they darken as they get older. Thanks,
  20. R

    JBJ 65 for sale

    Iv decided to sell my JBJ 65 and all fish and coral. Iv had it up for about a year now and have just lost interest in the hobby. Below is a list of the equipment and fish that is included. JBJ 65 gallon AIO Aquarium - 2 clownfish - 1 tiger shrimp - 2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp - 1 twin...
  21. gaving

    Clownfish dead

    I have had clowns in my tank for about 8 days now. I got two clowns they were doing find for the first two days in the tank. Then on the third day we notices he had been swimming in to my torch coral. Then the next day he was swimming side ways. He continued to swim like that until today when...
  22. HD_Reefer

    Couple lazy clowns

    Thought I’d share a couple of my clowns lounging today. The female loves the Goniopora and her little hubby hangs out in the hairy mushrooms. Enjoy!
  23. Y

    Is this even ich or something else? Clownfish

    Hi, So today I noticed a single white spot on my clownfish, it looks slightly elevated from the body and I didn’t notice it yesterday. I have had fish in the tank for 2 months now, I also added a black Molly to see if there are any diseases and it did not show any signs, so I assumed my tank...
  24. C

    Missing fish?

    This morning I woke up to one fish in my tank. I have or had 2 clown fish but one is gone. It is a quarantine tank so there’s not very much in it. My filter cannot suck in any fish as well as as of the powerhead. Would it be possible for one clown to eat the other. I am so confused. I do have a...
  25. J

    Clowns and a melanurus wrasse with golden dwarf morray?

    The title pretty much says it all. I’ve seen some people say that they shouldn’t be with fish, others say they’ve had their eel everything and it’s done nothing. If someone who has experience could chime in, That would be great! Thanks!
TCK Corals