clown fish

  1. Bankertanker


    Does anyone know what this is? It's moving around the tank so it's definitely alive
  2. CaseyNYC

    Anemone hosting clown fish AND Damselfish?? Possible? Pics attached!

    We had a tomato clown hosted by a bubble tip anemone. The tomato was very territorial over her anemone. Not letting her tankmate‘s get too close to the anemone, especially our small maroon clownfish!! The tomato seemed to get friendly recently with our (2) domino damselfish. Well, NOW...
  3. Idaknow15

    Clown with stringy poop

    Sorry if the photos aren’t the best but the little bugger won’t stay still! I took on this pair of clowns and the female keeps having really stringy poop but the male is completely fine. She is still eating and behaving normally so I just wondered the best way to treat her or whether to just...
  4. zachSalty

    New Clownfish started this..

    So my clownfish was drip acclimated and bought from my LFS. He was doing good and all in the bag and during the drip. I had the light off when he was dripping and released into the tank. He was swimming “normal” with the light off. As soon as the light went on he retreated to the corner in the...
  5. T

    Cycling with two clownfish

    Hi so I’m new to the whole saltwater aquarium hobby and I’ve been enjorying it so far. Currently I’m trying to cycle my tank and I have dry rock with salt water and two small clownfish in a 30 gal. Here are the parameters: Salinity 1.023, Ammonia .7 ppm, Nitrite .25 ppm, Nitrate 10 ppm, Ph 7.9...
  6. gobber

    White spot. Probably not ich

    Hi I did QT-ed my clownfish for 28 days with 0.5 cupramine as instructed. Unfortunately , he has white spots (1 on each side of his gills) Its symmetrical and its possibly not ich? He was in the QT with 3 other fish (wrasse, chromis, fire goby) put in at the same time. Other 3 is completely...
  7. T

    EMERGENCY New Clownfish Has Spot on Fin

    Hello everyone, I got two clown fishes - one of them has some type of hole on the fin. I know of Ick but it does not seem like it. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. A

    Clownfish pair questions

    Could I add a bonded pair of clownfish to a 30 gallon with a six line wrasse and a canary blenny? Would they all get along? If they do get along fine would that be overstocking? Thanks in advance!
  9. That1guy07

    HELP! Clownfish has ripped fins under the body and is now not moving it’s tail fin

    Just an hour ago I discovered my clownfish is not using its tail fin to swim anymore. It is just using its pectoral fins. This is not normal. He is eating fine and he has full color except in the underside. He has ripped fins all alone the bottom of him. Just the bottom fins not the top. Those...
  10. A

    Clownfish inflamed gill and rapid opening and closing of mouth

    Hello Everyone, I need some help. I got a clownfish pair (non-bonded) from LFS and had to return the female as it was struggling to breathe even when the other one was okay. Now, the other one also is showing some strange behavior. He is mainly in one spot, a few inches above the substrate. I...
  11. jcabral125

    Da Vinci clownfish and Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemone

    I have a pair or Da Vinci clownfish that I would like to get an RBTA host for. I saw on another tank site that said my Da Vinci clowns will only use magnificents and carpet anemones. Is this true?
  12. LxHowler

    Will my clownfish be okay alone

    I had a pair of bonded de vinci clownfish. Sadly my male has passed away and now the female is the only fish in the tank. I do not really plan on buying another fish for the tank but wanted to know if she will be okay on her own in the tank. Its a 30 gallon cube and the clown is the only fish in...
  13. A

    Would this light work for a BTA

    I have this Nicrew reef light I got off Amazon. Currently I have zoas, trumpets, a favia, clove polyps, GSP, a rainbow monti, and a leptastrea all are healthy and happy. Just wandering if this light it strong enough for a BTA.
  14. Anish55

    Requesting to know if these are clown fish babies?

    I noticed today these orange babies with distinct black eyes and tail only 1.5 month old 29G reef tank. My tanks has a pair of clownfish, 4 snails, 4 crabs and 11 LPS corals frags. Requesting to check the attached image and tell if these are babies of any? If so, what should I do?
  15. TheFishTickler

    My Saltwater Aquarium!

    I'm starting this to share my aquarium experience. Feel free to share tips and tricks! Right now I have an unhappy anenome. We have found it very enjoyable to get injured/sick animals and critters and nurse them back to health. Right now it is this anenome with an unhappy foot. We did have...
  16. Mashbox

    Nano Build JBJ RL-20 Build, Started 30 Mar 2021

    Hey everyone! My names Ryan and I just Just wanted to take a minute and start a build thread for my new nano reef. This is my second tank, after a 7 year break. I Kept up with research just didn't have a tank. Just trying to learn my lessons from my previous tank as well as learn from fellow...
  17. HonorableWhat

    Hello Newbie To Salt Oldie To Fresh

    Hi! After running various freshwater tanks through the years enjoying aquascaping and such, i decided i wanted to take on saltwater, and i thought it a good idea to join a forum more saltwater oriented for when i have questions and such to hopefully beable to gleam some of the wisdom others have...
  18. Danny's Aquariums

    My Designer Clownfish - Danny's Aquariums

    I want to show you my clownfish! I'm so happy with these cool fish. They are doing really well! What type of clownfish do you have in your reef tank, if any? See more of them here:
  19. fozzer

    White spot on clownfish ?

    Hey all I’ve just noticed a white spot on one of my clowns and am not sure if it is white spot or it has had a nip of a hermet crab , be great to get your input ...
  20. kenzielauren8

    Brooklynella Fight

    Has anyone ever seen fish pull through after the worst stage of brooklynella? I had a juvenile pair of clowns who showed no symptoms then day 1 after work were covered in spots (thought it was velvet). I went to bed thinking they’d be okay for me to treat the next day but woke up in the morning...
  21. jackalexander

    Final Fish Choices

    Looking for a final fish to add into my 65g 4ft and thought of a smaller tang like kole tangs and bristoletooth tangs. I really want a yellow eye kole tang but it seems like they were affected by the Hawaii ban. Any suggestions? (Price Range: $50-120) I have: 2 clowns YWG Melanurus Longnose Hawk
  22. adamlodge14

    55 gallon stocking

    Hi, I am curious about 55 gallon stocking. I don’t have a 55 gallon, I’m just really interested in what could live with a pair of maroon clowns in a 55 gallon. I know they can be very aggressive so what other stocking would you recommend to go with them in a 55 gallon?
  23. Wayne Kruger

    Build Thread My Journey Reefing On A Tight Budget 55 Gallon

    Well, where do I begin? I'm a student of Architecture in my beautiful 3rd world country Namibia. A geological location that feels pretty much like the butt side of the world in terms of what is available on the other side of the world. Nonetheless we fellow like minded reefers all have what...
  24. Gonj

    Clown missing tail?

    Hey! So I’ve been on quite a journey with my mocha clown I have him in qt with my frostbite snowflake, the mocha showed signs of Brook gave him a bath in rrr and treated tank with metroplex, once again after a couple weeks showed signs of Brook and had this worm like string coming out of him...
  25. Gonj

    Clownfish ID

    Bought these clowns at my lfs, I think they were in the wrong tank because the name outside of it did not match what they look like, can anyone help me id? Thanks! Pics below :)
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