clown fish

  1. T

    Fin rot or aggression

    Idk if this in fin rot or from the two clowns just fighting at night. I just woke up and his fin was like this, and both of them have a little tear in their fin. If y’all know if I should buy any medication for this please tell me, I don’t want this spreading and becoming worst. In the pictures...
  2. Herides

    Rate my quarantine setup?

    Hello, Long story short, i've had a 40 gallon breeder tank thats brand new, I got two clowns from my lfs, 4 weeks later one of the 2 clowns died of Hole in the Head Disease/Hexamita that was present in it from the lfs and my inexperience missed. I just got a replacement clown today and i'm...
  3. wolt

    Does this anemone look healthy

    It’s a black widow anemone that is hoasting a maroon clown fish. It has been in the tank for about 2 day and I also have another anemone in the tank that is really healthy could it be that the clownfish is being to hard with it
  4. D

    EMERGENCY I can’t tell if my clownfish has fin rot

    Hi, I just bought a clownfish two hours ago from petco and recently put him in my tank. When I got him into the tank I noticed that his fins looked a little deteriorated. At petco he was in a larger tank with 2 other clownfish and a cleaner shrimp. I was wondering if someone knew what is wrong...
  5. FullSend

    Build Thread Fish World

    Prepare yourself for a rather long first post. This thread is going to document all of the tanks I have in my fish room. Which should be a relatively simple task, but I recently broke my own 2 tank limit. So now there is four of them. I have no idea how this happened. 40 Breeder Display...
  6. Ancarol2421

    Help ID?

    Hi friends! I’m taking care of this tank at school. Was wondering if anyone knew what these are? Look like some form of anemone but I’m not sure. They’ve pretty much taken over this tank. Thanks in advance!
  7. M

    My clownfish has been excreting powder?

    I walked up to my tank and was greeted by my clowns as usual but I saw my female was shedding something that looked like white powder. I have been dealing with a small case of ich and it has been dying out (looks like the female is the only one that has spots left, and there are like 3 and there...
  8. MrDeathKills

    Nano Build 16 gal biocube

    Stocking ideas for 16gal Biocube. Need opinions on this stock of fish. We are pretty open on snails so any you think would be beneficial to the tanks overall health we are open to hear about. If there is another fish you think we can sneak in please do tell we are fully open to see what other...
  9. Clowns with Alveopora

    Clowns with Alveopora

    My clown Videl in her flower garden
  10. A

    Clownfish Lethargic, Sick or Sad?

    Hey Guys, A couple days ago my beautiful Clown died after being attacked by the other clown. I separated them for a week and it seemed to be healing but one day I noticed it went down hill really quickly. Today I noticed my other clown acting so weird. It was in the same spot of sand on the...
  11. Reefing_Engineer

    Dead fish investigation

    Hey, I started a reef tank and did lots of research on corals and I got caught lacking in my fish knowledge. I bought two clownfish around 1”, a black and regular oscilaris, and for some reason I have lost two of the black ones in around a day. The regular oscilaris has been doing great, I...
  12. KeystoneMalone

    Adding a new Clownfish to an established tank

    So, long story short, my nuvo 20 has been up and running since last november, I had 2 clownfish that I bought as juveniles and introduced to the tank at the same time and were doing great. Came home from work the other morning and noticed one went missing and to my dismay I found him dead on the...
  13. A

    EMERGENCY ClownFish White Face

    Hey Guys, last Wednesday I noticed my Clown was being severely attacked by the other one (which is actually a little smaller). It got to the point where the one being attacked was trying to jump out of the tank. I noticed that it’s fins were ripped up and had a sore red dot under its mouth and...
  14. EthanLewis

    EMERGENCY What’s wrong with my clown?

    This clown was perfectly fine earlier, I left to get water and come home and he’s panting and laying on his side. Before I left I did a water change and added some sand, the other clown is new, I’ve added them to a bucket with clean salt water to try get him away from whatever is wrong with my...
  15. Rubber Chicken

    Yellow Tang, 2clown fish, Gobbie, 2 turbo snails

    Moving so I need to rehome some fish. Please help. In Northern VA.
  16. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Fighting

    Recently I added in two more fish into my tank, so all up I have: 2 x Clowns, 2 x four striped Damsels (1 new), 1 x Azure Damsel, 1 FoxFace Lo and a Blue Tang (new). Yesterday I noticed my slightly smaller clown attacking my bigger one all day and night and all morning now. It’s been chasing it...
  17. Duncan98

    Beginner Corals and Good CUCs

    What are some good CUCs and beginner corals I should be looking at? I have a 25g lagoon with two clowns just introduced to the tank. Looking to get a CUC in there in about a week or so. I was thinking of getting a goby, and maybe a cleaner shrimp and/or a couple of snails. On the topic of...
  18. Mike197

    Ways to help messed up acclimation

    Hi, I know I messed up and now my clownfish aren't looking too good. They have some pink in their white spots, which I've read means they're struggling to acclimate to a tank. I just moved and some things went wrong during the moving process which resulted in mistakes being made with how I...
  19. Carly Knight

    Adopted a Reef Tank. Before and after pics.

    Hi all. Just thought I'd share some of my before and after pics. Adopted the tank about 9 weeks ago. It had a bad case of aiptasia and build up of dirt. It's took a lot of effort but water quality is back on track and tank looks clean and fresh. Recommendations on easy/hardy corals to add? Or...
  20. rooneyj889

    Feeding Clowns and Damsels

    Hi, I am currently cycling my 75g tank with a fish in cycle. I have 2 clowns and 2 Kupang Damsels in there and am wondering what is the best way to feed them without causing a major ammonia spike from over feeding. I currently have frozen mysis shrimp and marine s pellets from hikari. I was...
  21. A

    EMERGENCY Clown Fish Fighting

    I’ve had my Clowns for almost two months now (one was always slightly bigger than the other) and this week I’ve noticed they have been fighting. The smaller one is really trying to start fights with the bigger one, causing the bigger one to have twitches orshivers when it swims. I’ve also...
  22. Alyssa.Weber

    ID clown morph?

    I just picked these cute little nuggets up from my LFS and they said that these clowns are mocha vinci lightning clowns (they are ocellaris). Curious about this type of morph I started to look up and research this and only found results of a mocha vinci clown without the lightning part bc it...
  23. plankton

    False Percula hosting options for SPS tank?

    I currently have clownfish pair happily hosting 6” maxima clam. Then I did something dumb which was adding starry blenny that is disturbing the heck out of the clam such that I may have to remove clam. For an Sps tank with high light and flow is there an aenemone or soft coral that the pair may...
  24. NewNanoTank

    Removing excess food

    So I just fed my 2 clown fish today (10g tank) and usually after feeding I try to remove (with my hands because I don’t have bottom feeders or a net) the left over fish food. However, looking at the tank right now there are 2-3 pellets I missed from previous feedings and 4-7 visible sized pieces...
  25. H

    2 clownfish pairs in 8 foot tank?

    The tank is 96” by 30” by 24”, 300 gallons. Will they have enough room to establish separate territories?
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