
  1. Macbalacano

    ID Please: Algae on Sand After Chemiclean Treatment

    Photos, video, and parameters below. Finished Chemiclean treatment and followed instructions closely, which completely got rid of my cyano problem and sand was super clean immediately after. However, 1 week later, I'm noticing this algae that is ONLY on my sand getting worse. I know my nitrates...
  2. ReeferGuyAlexK

    Algae ID please.

    Hey guys I'm still relatively new to the Reefing hobby. I got this algae starting to just cover my rock work and think the substrate as well. Can you guys please help me identify exactly what algae this is. Can't tell if it's Dinos or maybe some type of cyano.
  3. FrioActual

    Somethings Missing..

    About 5 months ago I set up my first tank ever and chose saltwater. It’s a Innovative Marine 20 gallon AIO. I feel like something is missing and don’t know an exact time line on how fast a tank of this size matures. I will step by step walk you guys through what I’m curious about, stocking...
  4. I

    Need help identifying this new bright green algae?

    Help me identify this algae please?
  5. J

    Dinos? Cyano? Diatoms?

    Hey, I've been battling one or two of the three that I listed in the subject. Ive been trying to maintain nitrates at 2-5, and phosphate has been 0.05. I have been dosing neonitro and Microbacter7. Here's a video of the algae under the microscope:
  6. S

    What is this algae bloom?

    This is my second tank and it’s currently cycling, the cycle has only been running for a week. This black “algae” appeared when the tank was being filled with RODI water, I had to fill it over the course of three days. What is this algae?? It’s only in the areas that have high flow. Lights on...
  7. CommanderInReef

    is this sponge?

    I had this orange stuff growing throughout my rock but now it's almost hairy in one spot. Any answers?
  8. Ccccccarl

    Green blobs and red stringy stuff

    Im new to the hobby and have no idea what these green blobs and red stringy stuff is. Should i be concerned?
  9. J

    Harvesting Copepods from an Algae Scrubber

    Howdy, I have an algae scrubber. Every week or two I take out the screen and cut off 90% of the algae. This yields at least a quart size baggie of algae loaded with copepods. I toss the algae in the trash but I hate losing all the pods that I could be putting in my tank. Anyone have a...
  10. J

    Dinos I think

    Hey everyone, I have a pretty new tank setup. 100 gallon DT, 32 gallon sump. About 120ish total volume. I used cycled media from a previous tank to help get this one going, along with Dr Tims bacteria. It is about a month old. Here's my stock: 2 clowns, 1 royal gramma, 1 BTA, 1 Rock Nem, lps...
  11. MarshallB

    How did you survive your first year of reefing?

    I've seen more than a few posts on here of people struggling to make it through that first year. How did you do it? Do you still have the tank up? What would you do differently? For me, I've had a 60 gallon planted freshwater tank for over a decade. That first year was a battle with algae and...
  12. Michigan Reefer

    0.06 phosphate = Dinos? Algae? It's everywhere and it's my fault. Lots of pics.

    It's my fault. I switched out my entire sumps bacteria filled substrate and biofilter media and replaced it with calcium reactor media and crushed coral. It's been a month with no problems until the last couple of days. Just tested phosphate (0.06) to decide if I need a large water change to...
  13. Z

    Freshwater scrub goes Saltwater: Algae identification

    Hey Reef Gang, I am new to the salt water game coming from freshwater. I am starting with a Red Sea Max Nano. 20lb Carib sea life rock, 10 pounds Fiji pink, 660gph wave maker, running skimmer 24/7 with filter sock, bunch of marine pure bio balls, red sea carbon, Red Sea coral salt pro, tank...
  14. R

    New Toy

    So my wife has been hearing me talk about how I've been wanting an algae reactor. Well she surprised me by buying me this for my birthday! Anyone have any tips on how they run theirs for success? Anything else i should be buying? Thank you!
  15. Y

    Need help dealing with brown algae outbreak

    Hello everyone. I am currently dealing with a problem with my 48 gallon tank. The tank has been cycled for about 3 months now. I have 3 clownfish, 1 anemone, 1 mushroom and 2 acros....Since last week, my tank has been filling up with brown algae and i cannot get it to stop overtaking the tank...
  16. S

    White strings

    I have see these white strings coming out of live rocks constantly. I have manually removed them but they still grow out rapidly. What is it? Any comments and advice would be highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance
  17. katthereefwife

    Build Thread MY KRUSTY TANK

    Hi guys! It’s finally growing algae! I have the urge to clean it so badly but from what I’m told that’s just part of the beginning part of having a salty tank. #krustytank I’m super new to the hobby does anyone know what happens after this stage?
  18. CommanderInReef

    Neon Orange Coralline Algae?

    I've had this tank running for about 2 months now. there has been this orange bacteria growing on my rock and it's got little spots on the sides but the main spot is the top rock. is this coralline? it looks awesome and reflects in the light but the iphone can't get it without the reef glasses...
  19. F

    What is this?

    I got home from work and noticed these very strange looking spider web like pouches in the display tank. The biggest one in the picture seems to be resting in a dead spot where maybe some uneaten food is under it. I started the tank on 10/10, and added my first fish about a week ago. I have not...
  20. Benmil

    Tang choice for 5foot long frag tank ?

    I’ve just acquired a 5ft long 3 foot wide tank , it’s a shallow frag tank design and planning on using it as a tank for all my zoa and LPS frags. Looking to get a tang or two solely for algae control and wondering what everyone recommends ? Purple tangs are my all time favourite fish but if they...
  21. T

    Refugium questions.

    Hi, new to the forum! So. I have a 70 gallon tank, mostly softies. Running 2 viparspectra 165s. 10 inches off the water. 23 inch tall tank. Off the topic i really wanna know the answer to but what should I run the intensities at? Should I alter the stock lights in any way etc etc. The real...
  22. GeetnBoas

    Kill it with fire or let it be (possible algae ID)

    I'm very new to this hobby matter of fact, i'm cycling my first tank as of yesterday with sand and live rocK I bought from my LFS. what is this red and green on my live rock? it was already present on the rock when I got it. not finding any answers on previous fora. please help.
  23. S

    Help identify algae please.

    I have never come across this algae before. It looks sorta like dinos or diatoms. It is a brown hair that turns into a brownish white snot. It comes back fast after manual cleaning and leaves white fibers behind after I scrub. It grows on the rocks and glas and sand... but not on the corals...
  24. TGREGS19

    Diatom Algae

    Hey guys! I’m a new reefer and I believe what I’m experiencing is Diatom algae which I’ve read that just letting it play its course is what I should do. I do have some green algae starting to grow and hopefully that will cancel out the Diatom (if that’s possible). I’m just looking for...
  25. N

    EMERGENCY Weird algae growing, wanted to get someone else’s opinion

    It started on one of these rocks I got from my local fish store, spread to my other rocks so I took them out and scrubbed them down and I’m letting them sit in cold water so the algae will die off. I have had this tank for about 3 weeks now. I just want to make sure it isn’t a slime algae or...
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