
  1. Benzophun


    I need some help fellow reefers. I’m not new to the hobby, not super seasoned either been keeping my tank for 3 years. I’m battling what I think is GHA right now and something else. I have pretty rapid coral death occurring, fish as well. I e done 2 50% water change this week so far. Nothing...
  2. Sakosreef

    Red algae, what is this stuff?

    Hi everyone, I’m helping a friend with their algae problem but I would appreciate some help trying to identify what we’re up against. The tank looks much better now, I took out all the rocks and gave them a good scrub, they stay clean for about a week and the main issue is the red slime algae...
  3. A

    Battle with dust algae

    I've had my tank running for a few months now. I cycled the tank with microbacters cycling kit, the cycle went great and was done within a couple of weeks. This sort of dust algae appeared about two weeks ago and then some GHA. I added 3 emerald crabs to keep up with the hair algae but now the...
  4. yanni

    Question about Dino’s

    I’m fairly new to saltwater aquariums but have seen these pesky algae, Dino’s, mentioned quite often in various discussions. So I have a question.... how common are they? Is everyone bound to get them? Are there sure fire ways to avoid them? Kind regards, yanni
  5. M

    What type of algae is this?

    Hello all, This is my first post on this forum but I have been checking other threads for months while I set up my reef tank. I have a 120 gallon tank that I started in October 2020 and ran with the lights off with two clowns inside for 2 months. I was told running the tank with the lights off...
  6. E

    What type of algae is this?

    I have been using vibrant for about 4 weeks now, it honestly doesn’t seem like it is doing anything, this algae is spreading at an alarming rate and I can not get rid of it, what type of algae might this be? And also does vibrant actually work or is it a gimmick? I use RO/DI water so that’s not...
  7. A

    Algea identification and tips?

    I have what I think is a turf algae or red wiry algae. I've dealt with bubble algae and green hair but this one is tough. I cannot really mechanically remove it. There are some short wiry places on my rock work and some other "turf" like places where the algae is very short and I cannot seem...
  8. 3

    Dino outbreak

    So I had a green hair algae outbreak, then an ammonia spike, I dosed kordon AmQuelPlus ammonia detoxifier, it kills ammonia nitrite and nitrate, and chlorine. Things started to bounce back. I lost 2 cyphastrea, and a birdsnest, during that ammonia spike, it went to 0.50ppm. my xenia has been...
  9. Salty Hippo

    Help id microscope image video

    Need to know what this is so I can treat it correctly. It’s only a photo but they move around quickly. Thanks
  10. S

    New Tank Cycling: Bacteria or Algae?

    Hello reef2reef community I recently made my dream transition from fresh to saltwater. My setup is a 14gallon (52L) IM peninsula with dry rock and live sand on day 34. The current equipment on the tank is an ato, biopure gems and recently added my skimmer to begin nutrient export and breaking it...
  11. duesmortem

    Black Box replaced with AI Prime HD 16

    So I finally got around to getting rid of my black box LED lights that I bought from Amazon and replacing them with the AI Prime HD 16 lights. I picked up the Prime lights from my LFS and I was able to set up the light with the tank mount in about 20 minutes. I already have the Nero 3 powerhead...
  12. mattybecks

    My Marine Molly Community

    Hi Guys, I have had a marine molly community for a week now. I have kept other fancy marine fish, corals, anemones before, but decided to sell everything and just do some something simple and easy. Tank is 150L. Lights are cheap 2 USD each LEDS. Using a canister filter (sunsun304B, 2000LPH)...
  13. Salty Hippo

    Cyano? Dinos?

    First post, need help.... Can anyone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it. My Phosphates .04 and Nitrates 5. Been doing 25% water changes weekly using RO/DI water 0 tds.
  14. covjéfé

    Daily greenish algae on tank walls

    Hi all! I'm not exactly new to reefing but I'm new to the forum (been lurking for awhile. I only created the account to ask this question). For months I've been sort of battling algae on my tank walls (mixed reef; top half SPS bottom half LPS and softies). It's this greenish film that comes off...
  15. DropInTheOcean Matthew

    how do I seed my ATS with this Ulva algae that everyone is talking about?

    Approximately 18 hours ago I seeded my ATS with GHA, as it was all I had growing in my refugium other then Chaeto. and there has already been significant growth. its incredible! however, every time I research ATS I hear everyone talking about Ulva algae... I would love to know how y'all are...
  16. BTimms

    Good Sponge Bad Sponge

    Hello All, I have notice a few of these pink sponge type things popping up. 1) Are they sponges? 2) Are they good or bad? 3) Should they be removed? Thanks to all you experts!
  17. michaelabellz

    Should I just wait out the green?

    So I’ve been battling algae in my tank for at least 6 weeks now and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better or worse, I’ve tried dipping rocks in a hydrogen/water mix but they only stay clean for a few days and they’re back to green. My tank is still pretty new as it’s only 5-6 months old. I...
  18. puffer_reef

    Algae and zero nitrates

    Okay so my tank has been running for almost 4 months now when I test for nitrates there’s zero and when I test phosphates it ranges from 0 to 0.03 it depends on the day. And I have a decent amount of algae not the worst so I’m not sure if that’s eating up all the nutrients. I’m not running...
  19. W

    Help before I Throw in the towel please!!!!!

    I have had my Red Sea 425 xl set up almost a year. I took coral out of my other tank right before a Dino bloom. I cleared those up but no matter what I do I still have what looks to be detritus. Tds is zero from RODI water. No overfeeding and no matter how often or how much water I change, it’s...
  20. cursedcalamari

    Build Thread 10G Nano Reef Tank

    Hello everyone! Well it’s 2021 and a perfect time to reset after a failed tank in 2020. I won’t go into specifics but it was an eye opening and disappointing experience that taught me A LOT. So after a recent life change I’ve decided to start a new tank project and here’s what I got going...
  21. L3leedingstar

    Algae ID

  22. Reefer37

    Coralife Turbo Twist 6x UV Sterilizer for 45G Tank

    I have a 45g cube tank and just ordered a Coralife Turbo Twist 6x, but after reading, I'm wondering if I should have gotten a higher wattage. It's 18w and said up to 250g, but I imagine that is not for saltwater. Primary objective is to use it for reducing cyano and dinos, currently having a...
  23. S

    How do I get rid of this algae?

    Hello everyone, Happy New Year. I have been noticing this this algae in my tank and not sure what it is and how to get rid of it? Is there anything I can add like CUC to reduce that? Have attached images I currently have 2 Florida ceriths and 1 Nassarius snail. Any advice, help and...
  24. Squeven

    Strange Lump

    I found this red limp in the back of my BioCube 32. It was solid when I pulled it out with a turkey blaster, and loosened up when I put it in a cup. It doesn’t feel like cyano, and it was only in one spot. Testing parameters, will update when complete.
  25. CK Amstutz


    I clean my aquarium and two days later, this is everywhere. Is it algae or something else? My tank has been up over three years and this started about six months ago, along with a yellow green film over glass.
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