
  1. jackalexander

    Algae outbreak

    Anyone know what I should do in order to get rid of this algae? i had dino’s at first, did a 3 day blackout and now they’re gone but I have a different algae growing. Any idea of what I should do?
  2. smarthawk

    Is this Coralline?

    Hi all! Tank is about 100 days old. Within the past couple days I’ve noticed these little dots on the back of my aquarium. There’s also a couple on the powerhead and a return nozzle. It doesn’t fluoresce but it’s a solid color and looks lightly pink. Can anyone help ID? Thanks!
  3. N

    Do know what kind of algae please help irritating my zoas

    There is a reddish brown algae growing all over my rocks. At night it shrinks and during the day it gets a larger coverage on the rocks. Also my zoas have been effected by it you see it attached to the zoas in the one picture. Can some please help me determine what I'm dealing with. Currently I...
  4. nanonøkk

    so i have this weird stuff on my rock

    ok so back in december when i started my tank i got this rock and this rock has been chipped broken and everything but one thing stays the same its always been covered in caroline algae and then the i have absolutely no idea algae or bacteria i’ve tried everything like scraping the rock fully...
  5. DRTYshredCo

    Brown/red algae ID?

    Can anybody help me ID this strain of algae? It is brown/red under my lights and appears more green in the sunlight. It is tougher to remove and slips out of my fingers easily during manual removal, anchors to rock very well and grows on SPS that otherwise appear very happy. Thin and hairy...
  6. 162justin

    Orange slime

    Hey guys I’m new to the forum took me a while to figure out how to even post this and I’m not sure if I’m in the right section but this past 2 months I been having a red slime problem on my sand fast forward to tonight and I see it’s orange now and spreading further on the sand n starting to get...
  7. taylorn13

    My Documentary on Getting Rid of Dinoflagellates In my 2 Month old Tabk

    Hey guys! Just wanted to document my methods and thoughts on how I am getting rid of the dinos in my tank. I just identified them today and am taking immediate action into my hands (the faster you move the better for getting rid of these pesky things)! Dino started off on the sandbed for me and...
  8. ctopherl

    Alk/Calc stabilization

    Very new to the hobby. I have a 54g display + 11g sump = 65g total water. I have two baby clowns, royal gramma, lawnmower blenny, an astrea snail, and an emerald crab. Bio load is very low. Gramma, blenny and crab were just added yesterday. For corals, I have a xenia, paly and zoa-all frags so...
  9. ReefSoup

    Green Cyano or Film Algae Help

    I have what I'm pretty sure is green cyano growing all over my rocks and sand bed in mats that is easily removed by blowing it off of the rock or pulling it out with tweezers. I've been dealing with this for about 2 months by manual removal and water changes, chalking up to a case of "the...
  10. wolt

    Need help with algae

    What type of algae is this and what should I do about it
  11. A

    Wave Maker is dirty / Something Growing on it

    Hey guys, Ive started to notice these last few days some stuff on my wave maker only at the bottom and the front of it. I guess it looks likes hair or a spiders web, but I can only see it on the wave maker. Any ideas what it is or if I should be worried?
  12. Taykilps

    Algae I.D.?

    Anybody have any idea what this algae is? I have some green hair algae for sure but I’m confused on the brown, I was told by my lfs that it’s Cyanobacteria
  13. taylorn13

    EMERGENCY Diatoms spreading very quickly

    Hi! I’ve had a saltwater tank for almost 2 months now and added some beginner soft corals about a week or 2 ago. The corals are doing great, but I did notice a small patch of diatoms and left it for the night, woke up the next day and it seemed like it was all over my tank. I did a 50% water...
  14. teddymoos

    Help me identify and fix

    My tank is fairly new.... about 2 weeks old most thinks were previously in a 29. I was able to instantly cycle my tank with media. My lights arent ramped up that high however I have been feeding a lot. I’m wondering what this brown algae is and how I can fix it. Should I be worried?
  15. new2reefing123

    Algae ID please.

    Can you help me identify this algae? It’s only on a couple rocks, I thought it’s bryopsis but I’m not 100% sure. Pulling it off the rocks is difficult but not impossible. The root system holding it down is very strong.
  16. spacesamurai

    Algae Identification and reasoning

    Hello! I recently ran into a problem with what looks like green hair algae as you can see in the picture below. I have a large refugium and a deep sand bed in the sump, I thought the macro-algae would take all the nutrients but apparently this can still grow. Specs: 150gallon tank 70gallon...
  17. S

    Please help! Can’t figure this out

    My tank has been up and running for about 1-1/2 years never had an algae or bacteria problem till now.. I installed a roller mat about 3 months ago and last months I noticed my nitrates were at 0. I tried feeding more to raise them up and then all of a sudden I had an outbreak. I thought it...
  18. M

    Brown stringy Algae

    Can someone help ID and let me know what I should do. I have this brown stringy algae on my tank bed, some pieces starting on my rocks and a little on my coral. How do I treat?
  19. Lololo

    New Tank 45 days woke up today with some of this on rocks ‍♂️

    Anyone know if this is normal and eventually will go away or is it even bad at all? I started my Biocube 32g 45 days ago recently removed the protein skimmer and just left the intank media with filter floss bio ceramic ring Chemi Pure and last de nitrate also have the refugium with Chaeto still...
  20. El_Guapo13

    Best equipment for dealing with nuisance algae (poll)

    Okay reefers. We all experience nuisance algae issues in our tanks at some point. We deal with it in many ways, from natural options (fish, snails, hermit crabs, etc.) to manmade pieces of equipment. It is the latter that is the focus of this poll and thread. What do you feel is the best single...
  21. BighohoReef

    Where do you keep your macroalgae? (Not Chaeto)

    I'm curious what everyone does with there macroalgae. I've been keeping mine in my nano display for a little over a year now and it's slowly taking over our caulerpa is slowly taking over, but I love keeping it. In the display tank, we decided to go a more traditional route with a sump...
  22. S

    Algae identification and fix

    Hey guys, Got some algae issue. Not sure what type of algae it is and would like to know how to fix it. Tank is about 6 months old. Algae looks green and is fuzzy. I can use a turkey baster to blow it. But not fully. Images attached Any help will be much appreciated.
  23. Soilbreaker

    Algae identification - microscopic images

    Hey guys, could you help me out identifying the algae I currently have in my reef tank? Attached you will find some images. I probably guess diatoms and cyanobacteria are present. However, I also think that some dinoflagellates are in between. But I'm not sure about the last. Thanks in advance!
  24. I

    Algae, Cyano help

    Hello, I have posted about my Cyano problem but the algae problem is taken over. I’ve run my skimmer at 20 hours a day for a week now. I have 3 fish, 2 clowns and a gramma. red Shrimp and a star serpant And 7 soft corals. Is my next step turning off the lights for a few days? thanks
  25. ReeferWarrant

    DIY Drop Turf Scrubber for AIO

    So I'm trying to figure out how to make a turf scrubber for my 32 Biocube and I came across some cool things. I'm currently running the inTank media tray which is a must have in my experience with the tank. I have tried to make chaeto grow in one of the chambers and I think due to my own error...
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