advice needed

  1. Richlard

    Is my g.viridis Behaviour normal?

    Hey all first time using this I recently got a g.viridis and he was eating well (I feed him snails) but now he has stopped eating all together, he will punch the snails if I put them in front of him but will not eat them is this a bad sign or is he just preparing to molt. Also he is quite shy...
  2. Drew P. Wiener

    Calling All AIO Dudes

    Hello everyone, It's been a hot minute since I've really been active on here but I come back today with a question, or rather, I'm seeking some advice. I've been in the hobby for a little while now and by no means consider myself anything but a beginner. I've had my Current setup since last...
  3. K

    Switching tanks

    Currently I have a 55 gal with a 20 or so gal sump running. I’m about to get a used 90 gal display with 30 gal sump. My home is quite small so it would need to be right where my current one is. I’ve read up on some old threads about using buckets and such which I will for the fish and live rock...
  4. kwirky

    Green star polyps to combat bubble algae?

    I've been fighting bubble algae on and off for about a year now and I'm getting tired of it. I physically remove them with a hose and screw driver and they come back within a week. They detach from rock and end up in my powerheads, causing cascading issues. I'd rather grow GSP because at least...
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    At my wits end with Red Dusty Algae

    Im battling some red dusty algae all over the sand and rocks in my tank. I have never seen diatoms or cyano present like this so im not sure what it is or how to treat it. Its a fine dust that settles into a sheet on the rocks. Its not the typical dark purple/red of cyano. Its fire engine red...
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa heads shrinking

    Ok so I've got several zoa frags with heads getting super, super small. they aren't melting or dying but the heads are maybe 1/2 to 1/3 the size they were months ago. I have recently had a cyan outbreak but they were shrinking in size before this. Any ideas what the problem could be? Biocube...
  7. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish with cyst and lethargy

    I’ve had two clowns and two hermits in a 10 gallon for close to two months now. The tank has been properly cycled and decent a decent amount of coralline is growing which I’m very happy about. My female clown recently started behaving lethargic and uninterested in food. She had a stomach...
  8. A

    EMERGENCY Anyone know what this is? Looks like lymphoma but I’m worried it could be much worse

    My tank has been running for close to a month and a half and has been completely cycled. It’s a 10 gallon with two clowns and two hermits. My larger clown has a white cyst and white coloration on her dorsal. Any advice would be appreciated. She had a stomach parasite a while ago and I treated...
  9. Jonas Bergkvist

    Would a Golden head sleeper goby do well in my aquarium?

    It's a 150 gallon aquarium which is close to 6 months old now. I read of the internet that on some occations a sleeper goby (Valenciennea Strigata) won't eat frozen food, so do you think a six months old sandbed would keep him from starving? My sandbed is about 8 cm deep. Also, my "sand" is...
  10. C_Reefer

    Help!! Something is killing my Montipora!

    Hello! I recently purchased a montipora capricornis online and it has undertaken some serious damage. At first I thought it was bleaching but I don’t think that’s the case as the other corals I have, including 2 other montis of different species, are doing just fine. Perhaps something is eating...
  11. Zoa_Fanatic

    New clowns barely eating

    Like the title says I have some new CB frostbite clowns that are picking at food occasionally but not crushing it. They seem healthy to me and don’t look thin. They’ve been in the tank 3-4 days I forget which. I think we got them Monday night. One will eat sometimes during the day the other...
  12. C_Reefer

    To Skim Or Not To Skim...

    I have a 24 Gal Aquatop AIO that has been up and running for about 8 months. My main form of nutrient export was a refugium but recently I've been noticing that my chaeto haven't been growing much. I'm a tad worried because despite getting zeroes on my nitrate/phosphate tests not having a lot of...
  13. R

    Starting 36 Gallon Bowfront Reef Tank

    Hey everyone! Just want to quickly introduce myself! My name is Ryan and I have been wanting to start a reef tank since I was a senior in HS. Unfortunately, due to budget issues, it has always been a dream and not a reality! Well, I recently graduated from the University of Alabama and now have...
  14. harley628

    Advice on Aragonite marine accents

    I bought some aqua natural marine accents (fossilized aragonite) to use as frag bases . Trying to decide if I need to cure it. I want to just rinse it and throw it in DT until I need it. I am worried about an ammonia spike . I have found conflicting instructions about it. Any experience ?!
  15. Donnyreefer

    Need advice for tank cycle

    Hello just wanted to get some feedback , i can see my tank cycle like crazy right now both nitrates and nitrates both exploded after that fritz zyme 9 and just didnt know if i should leave it or is there anything i have to do to benefit this process? Or just let her run this course? Thanks in...
  16. P

    EMERGENCY Pest in my tank

    I’ve recently noticed pest in my tank and my corals have became unhappy, i also see bubbles on the sandbed and a lot of algae on the glass, paramaters are okay, although cant tell for phosphate or ph, its been an ongoing thing with the pest so i wanna do a tank restart. I wanted to get some...
  17. R

    Any reason not to add fish to new tank?

    First: I have been reading the discussion boards of this awesome forum for a few months now and just recently decided I should be adding to the great community here. Looking forward to paying it forward! Long story short: I am a long time aquarist doing my first saltwater tank (35G). I spent a...
  18. T

    5 Gallon Help

    Hi. This my first saltwater aquarium and I would like some tips and feedback. In the end, I would like to have some coral and maybe a couple clownfish. I got some live rock from my LFS and took a shot at aquascaping it. In my mind, it looks good, but I don't know if it will work for fish and...
  19. B

    Upcoming 36 gal Bowfront reef build

    First time saltwater tank - Top Fin 36 gallon bowfront tank - Fluval 307 Canister filter - 35 lbs of dry reef rock - Heater, power heads, and new lighting on the way - Will be adding live sand and water to begin cycle soon, any advice appreciated
  20. madisonmajhen

    Blasto closed and won’t open again

    Hello, I purchased a Purple Blasto from the LFS which opened after a few days. All was well and good in the universe. Then I decided to target feed the corals Reef Roids one day, and my Fire Shrimp attacked the coral and ripped the food out of his mouth. I thought ok, he’ll heal in a few days...
  21. Zoa_Fanatic

    Hammer coral

    Hey reefers, are my hammer coral ok? I got this frag as one head about a month ago. It’s split into two now. My biocube just cracked so I had to move it to a new tank. It’s opening fine it’s only been in there about two days. I noticed the tissue doesn’t go all the way down the stalk. But I’m...
  22. #R_TST

    What additives should I have on hand for fish, soft, sps, lps tank?

    I know I will need to test before doing additives. I don't have a LFS nearby and want to get some supplies in advance. My tank has been cycling and I want to be ready as I stock my tank. What additives should I have on hand for fish, soft, sps, and lps reef tank? I obviously won't have all of...
  23. Noob_Sam

    juvenile emperor angelfish QT?????????????????????????

    Hello, I just had a quick question are juvenile emperor angelfish copper safe? if not how should I QT them? I will use Copper Power @ 2.0 for 14 days. I tried to look up answers but there wasn't a yes or no answer. Also will it be ok with a blue tang and a 3 inch coral beauty angelfish? I think...
  24. BighohoReef

    Liveaquaria Divers Den v. Non-Divers Den (California

    Hey R2R fish friends, I’ve been on the hunt for some fish and find that the ones I’m going for in Divers Den seem to go quick (note I’ve been happy with all of our Divers den purchases 6 fish no issues). I see them available in the California facility but have heard rumors that the live stock...
  25. Mattc123

    New tank parameters and conditions

    I started a new tank about two weeks ago and used Dr. Tim's and biospira to start the tank. This is in a 32 gallon biocube. I have 2, 3 year old clownfish and a brand new cardinal who was kinda the guinea pig to see if the tank was safe before putting in my beloved clowns as well as a small...