advice needed

  1. B

    DIY Long Distance Move

    Hey Y'all, In about 3 months I'll be moving across the country from Knoxville, TN to Denver, CO (1,300 – 1,400 miles). I've got a Red Sea Reefer 170 (43 gal). I feel like it’s going to be much too expensive to restart all of my corals and as a result am looking to move them with me. The idea...
  2. Jsquarz

    Best saltwater fish stores in the Toronto area

    Going to be going down to Toronto and wanted to know some go to saltwater stores well I’m down there.
  3. Zoa_Fanatic


    I got this picture from someone looking to trade for some zoas. Is this possibly a gonipora? If so how does one care for them. Never had one before and I need to know everything. Aggression level mainly. If it’s agressive I don’t have room to isolate. Can it go on a frag rack or will it murder...
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Montipora Placement

    So I posted this in SPS and butchered the title. But I am wondering if my new rainbow monti will grow ok on the back wall of my biocube 16 LED? I have it setting on my lower rocks right now so it can adjust to my lighting.
  5. N

    Upgrading Tanks. Help and advice needed and much appreciated!

    Hello folks! Thank you in advance for any help! I currently own a 40 gallon breeder. I've had it for 4 months and everything is good, parameters are perfect, however, the tank is just not big enough for my livestock and coral. I purchased a 57 gallow shallow rimless Fiji Cube and just got...
  6. J

    40 gal stocking

    Hey guys I have a 40 gallon reef tank set up and it’s almost out of the cycling stage. I plan on keeping hardy corals in there and adding them once the tank is about 3-6 months old, or at least after the algae bloom stage is over. I am thinking of adding the following fish: - 1x Clownfish: I...
  7. Adam1985

    New Build Advice from Light Pros - Kessil AP9X’s

    Hi all, I’m hoping you could comment. I’m moving from a 60 cm cube tank (around 2’x2’x2’) to a new custom build. The new tank will be 100 cm wide by 100 cm long by 62 cm high. Currently I’m running one Kessil AP9X with maximum intensity of 67% at tank’s high noon. Do you think this fixture at...
  8. Zoa_Fanatic

    Torches touching

    So I am not new to SW. I AM new to torches. We have 1 torch so far in my biocube. It’s doing great. I found a new friend who is selling me a Todds torch. Can it touch my firefly torch without coral warfare? It has way longer tentacles than mine. I’m not sure about the indo/Aussie and all that...
  9. Zoa_Fanatic

    Bumblebee snails

    So I have a zillion vermitids in my tank. Not the ones with the webs but they shoot out a single little line to catch food. I run a biocube 32. I bought 1 single bumblebee snail thinking he’d do at least something to take care of this mess. (“Mess” being a misnomer because as far as I can tell...
  10. emonemo25

    Juwel Vision 260 Marine Aquarium Help

    Hi I’m relatively new to marine tanks. I’ve kept small all in ones before but now I want to move into a large scale. I don’t like the style of many marine tanks and have came across the Juwel Vision 260 Marine Aquarium, I’m also considering the size up (450). I really love the curvature of it...
  11. Zoa_Fanatic

    Toadstool frags

    So I’m selling some toadstool frags and by necessity they’re small. Is 15$ too much to ask for a Tyree Green frag? I really want to be fair to my buyers. Also this is the first time I fragged it so I’m guaranteeing life for a week after they pickup from me. I feel like these are small but mine...
  12. Traviitrav

    Stock list for a Prostar 230

    I’m on the tail end of equipment building, I have begun compiling a livestock list. The total volume is 230 but I know I can’t include that for livestock so after the sump volume I have 190 gallons to play with (so I’m using a 1 inch per 3 gallon rule). This list is also excluding the clean up...
  13. Zoa_Fanatic

    Fragging toadstool in tank

    Can I frag a tyree green toadstool in my tank or will it hurt anything? It’s not absolutely massive but it’s running out of room and needs to be fragged.
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Tank smells like a febreezd fruitcake

    So I added a toadstool to me tank a while ago. It’s not super huge. It’s maybe 10-12% of total coral biomass in the tank. Well I’ve noticed my tank has a kind of a rotten fruit+Ocean breeze smell. Like Febreze over a Christmas fruitcake. Is that what terpenes smell like? Nothing in my tank has...
  15. K

    Algae ID

    Hi all, I’m in need of some help with an algae/detritus issue I’ve had in my 125 gallon tank for over a year now. I’ve tried many things such as manual removal, scraping the rock with a toothbrush, flux rx and seachem pristine however nothing seems to get rid of it. The algae/detritus can be...

    Pest id

    Found this on my hammer is it good or bad? Thanks

    Micromussa lord / hammer

    Hi Will micromussa lord be fine next to a hammer, or is this a no no? Cheers

    Pest id

    Hi Notice this a week ago but thought it was coral slime at first…… Double check it to day as I though it was weird been in same place again….. As soon as you shine a light on it it retracts into the rock work….. either think some type of brittle star or worm …. Video is crap as just off iPhone...
  19. N

    Sump overflow for AIO? (All In One)

    Hello I have a waterbox cube 20 right now everything is running great. In the future I wanted to double my water capacity with a sump (equipped w/ protein skimmer, refugium) and add a pair of dragonets. I know the options for overflow are drilling or hob. I wanted to ask here if anyone has tried...
  20. Zoa_Fanatic

    UV sterilizer help

    Does anyone know of a UV sterilizer that will work for a biocube 16? I have been using the coralife one and it’s a piece of ****. The one on my 32 gallon works fine. This one keeps blowing bulbs or just not lighting period. Coralife even sent me a new bulb and nothing.
  21. Zoa_Fanatic

    Lepto bleaching

    Is a Mr. Freeze lepto supposed to be red outside the eyes? Mine is a light brown and has always been but I’ve been seeing pics of ones with red on them now I’m confused.
  22. Zoa_Fanatic

    Can leptos grow next to each other

    Can I grow two lepto on the same rock without them going to war with each other? I have a mr. Freeze and I’m looking to pair it with something.

    Fire fish injury

    Can someone shed some light on this please….. come home from work to fish fish injured, what’s best thing to do? Is it fatal? Looks like something sticking out of fish body…. photos bit blury Cheers
  24. JGTPA

    Red Planeria Question

    I found what I'm 99% sure is red Planeria on my soft coral. I'm experienced in the fish world but this is my first tank with Coral. I have some soft corals along with a bunch of fish. So how much do I need to worry about this? Is this something that may not cause any harm if left or do I need to...
  25. Zoa_Fanatic

    ID help

    Are these snails and this nem bad? I just got them in a frag swap.
World Wide Corals