advice needed

  1. H

    Best lionfish for a beginner?

    Hello I would like to get two lionfish for a 75 gallon what are some good species? I’d like something small so that it doesn’t eat a Bluehead wrasse.
  2. H

    Best wrasse for 55 gallon with these tankmates?

    Hi all! What Wrasse would be best for a 55 gallon with a Snowflake Eel and an Antennata Lionfish? I heard that a big wrasse could be kept with these 2 correct me if I’m wrong tho. I’d be willing to upgrade to a 75 if absolutely necessary .
  3. Britttt

    Keeping hammer corals in close proximity

    Hi all, we have noticed a good number of well-kept aquariums that have various hammer colonies touching. We've been keeping ours about 6 inches apart as a precaution, though are interested in trying closer placement if anyone might have advice on how to approach putting different colonies...
  4. Britttt

    Carbon to reduce chemical warfare in reef tank?

    Hey everybody, we are interested in knowing whether we're running the appropriate amount of carbon in our 190L (total volume) reef tank, as we've heard a lot about the importance of carbon in reducing 'chemical warfare' between corals. Has anyone experienced this personally? And is the...
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    Is this blue and green coralline algea?

    I have regular purple coralline growing on my rocks. I also have this very light blue colored algea that looks similar and a hard green algea on some of my other rocks. Are these coralline? Also some white colored areas on my back wall. Is that the start of coralline?
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Aquascaping help

    Need some help Aquascaping. I want to go higher with this and I’m already pushing the boundaries of getting a siphon In between the rocks and glass for water changes. I’d like to keep the base how it is because I have a sea monster of an engineer goby and he will commit suicide moving sand if I...
  7. A

    Hermit crabs dying

    New to saltwater aquarium hobby. I have a 20 gallon tank fish only. I have had general success with it up to this point (the fish are doing fine). I bought 4 electric blue hermit crabs for a CUC and in the last 2 weeks have lost 3. I also have a cleaner shrimp who has been doing great. My...
  8. Carebearsss.x

    Temperature Rising

    Hey everyone! So we have a 13.5 g Evo Tank & for some reason the temapture is running EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY high! ( 86,85,83,82 degrees f) We unplugged the heater & the AC is running on full blast.. Any ideas on why this may be happening!?!?!? I just bought $150 worth of corals & I don't...
  9. Carebearsss.x

    Alkalinity REALLY high

    Hello! We just checked the parameters on our tank and the alkalinity is extremely high! The DKH is at 14 While looking online, my boyfriend and I seen that you can dose vinegar into your tank to lower your alk? Is this a good idea? If so, how much do I add? Pls help :) I’m still trying to...
  10. J

    Need a little help Reef Friends

    Hi there! I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. Okay so I need a little help and advice (sorry for the long post in advance). I’m new to the reefing world and I’m starting to lose my enthusiasm for it as my aquarium isn’t doing so great. Just to be aware I’m in the U.K. which might make a...
  11. Beng2003

    Update on my tank. Please help

    I recently posted about my experience with my first tank and how the first clownfish I brought home looked to have ick. Some time has gone by with no response and Wyoming white has just passed now. What should I do
  12. Crystal.Clear

    My First Plumbing! need Helps, Tips, and Ideas( please see the pictures)

    My First Plumbing! need Helps, Tips, and Ideas( please see the pictures) Hi guys hope everyone doing well these days. I'm gonna start with the story about my stand first. I visited my local fish shop to buy some snails and end up buying that stand ( I'm sure you all have those moments)...
  13. Stu_Tanks

    Dragons Soul Torch help

    I just got this dragon soul torch 5 days ago. I’ve kept it in the same spot on the sand bed getting light to medium flow and lower light. It only really opens up partially and it’s tentacles are slightly transparent. Do I need to put it in more light or flow? Should I try to feed it some reef...
  14. Fellersjohn6

    Ich Velvet or simply fighting sound?

    Hi, I have these two mai tai clownfish and what is going on is that my tank passed through a wipe out of ich/velvet (I’m not sure to be honest) and all my fish end up dying so I just left the tank empty for 7 weeks the fallow period and just two weeks ago I bought these two clownfish (they...
  15. Dinodanger

    Lighting/Wattage for sps ADVICE NEEDED?!

    I’m going to be starting my first sps mixed reef rocks to be mainly sps such as monti cap birds nest and hopefully acros, I will have lps on the sand and lower rocks like Tracyphilia and acans gonis etc I have a 55 (uk) gallons 65(us) and run two hydra 26 hds at around 8inchs about the water...
  16. B

    Needing some advice on my 300 Gallon tank build

    Hello, I am designing and building my 2nd custom tank stand with sump set up and I am looking for some pointers on a few different things. This is going to be a Brackish tank that will eventually be saltwater, so I am planning ahead with equipment spacing to make the transition easier as my...
  17. Carebearsss.x

    Hello Newbie

    Hello! My names Caroline, I’m 19 years old and have been in the aquarium hobby for about 2 years (freshwater only). My boyfriend knows SO much about reef tanks! Me, on the other hand, I’ve recently became more interested in reef tanks & was wondering if anybody has some helpful advice?
  18. DevenB84

    New to hobby wondering how to get started

    Hi everyone, I am currently working on starting a 55 gallon reef tank. I'm glad to finally be getting in to this part of the fish keeping hobby, but it is incredibly intimidating. I would love any advice you guys can give me on keeping this kind of tank started and how to keep it running. Here...
  19. DevenB84

    Hello My Name is Deven, new to the hobby and would love advice

    Hi everyone, My name is Deven and I am currently working on starting a 55 gallon reef tank. I'm glad to finally be getting in to this part of the fish keeping hobby, but it is incredibly intimidating. I would love any advice you guys can give me on keeping this kind of tank started and how to...
  20. Leto87

    Finally getting started

    After years of looking at all your tanks with awe and a bit of jealousy, I finally started setting up my first reef tank. I'm using an Aquion 45g tank that I got as a gift, and a DIY sump using a 10g Petco tank (the only thing I could fit in the stand) I'm thinking of putting a Reef Octopus...
  21. Leon Gorani

    Is this enough filtration for my tank?

    So I have a 29 gallon tank that I want to turn into a reef tank eventually. It doesn’t have a sump, just hang on the back filtration and a lot of live rock. I just finished cycling it but my nitrates are still somewhat high and I am working on keeping them low. For my filtration all I have on it...
  22. El_Guapo13

    Upside Down Jellyfish questions

    I had posted this in another thread that was discussing various jellyfish care, but the thread has had no activity since mid 2018. So I decided to increase my chances of getting the advice and answers I need by starting a new thread. My original post from the other thread: So first, in my reef...
  23. Simmi


    Can anyone help identify this thing that showed up today in my tank? I think it’s hydroids but have no idea if it’s good bad or something neutral. Any help would be awesome! I have attached a photo taken today Thanks!
  24. ericnoboa

    New Tank, Any Tips?

    This is my first Salt Water tank, Just need some tips for aquascaping and all that
  25. E

    Seeking advice on reaquascaping existing tank

    Currently have a 55 gallon FOWLR but I’m not happy with the current aquascape. I ordered around 15 lbs of shelf rock from BRS that is coming in soon. Any suggestions on how to make this scape look less horrendous?