IMO, if someone is telling you: "do this' or "buy that" because it's what they did or what they bought, then you need to be a little skeptical because it is human nature to seek validation for choices we have made. Whereas if someone gives you multiple ideas or product options and asks to to do some research on your own or asks you for more information, then, to me, they are looking at it from your perspective versus their own.
If there is actual data included then that certainly helps validate their opinions. Also, just by reading forum articles and posts you will learn who the most respected members are. Lastly, there are several informative You Tube presenters who have weekly guests that will actually show you what they are doing and what the results are.
If there is actual data included then that certainly helps validate their opinions. Also, just by reading forum articles and posts you will learn who the most respected members are. Lastly, there are several informative You Tube presenters who have weekly guests that will actually show you what they are doing and what the results are.