Great idea on the skimmer — actually, I’m planning to install a device to prevent overflowing next week, need it anyway for recirculating CO2 scrubber.When on vacation I dial the skimmer down for just aeration and don’t bother filling the cup. A week of no skimming isn’t going to kill anything especially if the fish are getting fed less.
On the ATO part, I have a backup 5 gallon container with a simple pump on a wifi outlet and a camera. If the ATO level gets low I just give it more water manually/remotely. Doesn’t take more than $50-$60 to set that up.
Seems more of a water issue than a heater issue. Now if your return pump went bad while on vacation you’re SOL. Not sure what you can do there other than the heater in the DT or backup pump and plumbing.
ATO: I have a float valve in the sump and Apex so can set one backup now but don’t want another reservoir standing by. That said, it’s a good idea to buy me more time. I have the ability to hook up straight to the RODI unit outside the house but heard of many horror stories (and encountered) flooding due to failed components.
Heater is fine but having dual heater is good insurance. You are correct - water circ issue. I might consider dual return pumps soon though. I have a very powerful DC pump but should have done 2 smaller ones instead.
Camera inside stand: it’s been on my list for a long time. Will add one before my next trip…next month actually!
Thanks again for your feedback.