When you do big water changes - make sure to poke the anemones on the bottom.


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Mar 23, 2021
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Akron, Ohio
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Yep.. You heard it..

I have a maxi mini on the sand bed. I took 90% of the water out to do some rockwork changes and gluing. Once theres a few inches of water left the fish start jumping out of fear. In my 15 years I have never seen this, but each fish jumped directly into the same maxi mini a day apart.. A blue neon goby jumped right into it. I tried to dig it out, but it ended up dying a few hours later.. I was so freaked out trying to save it I knocked over the rock I glued to my aquascape (the entire reason I took the water out).

Next day later round 2 to fix the rock - no joke the exact same thing happened with my mandarin. It jumped right into the exact same maxi mini. The odds of this happening even once are incredibly low. I had to try to dig it out, and once again looks like the maxi mini will take another very health casualty. The mandarin is still clinging onto life in a specimen container, but looking really bad.

I cant believe I did not learn from my lesson yesterday and now just lost another beautiful fish this one being 5x more expensive. I feel awful. My luck with fish is horrendous. Poke those sand dwelling anemones if you ever do a 90% water change... Make sure they are closed up if you have fish still in the tank! Hopefully somone will avoid this from my mistakes!