What is the most silly thing you have done to your tank?



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Jan 29, 2019
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So I just did a silly thing (one of many since I started this hobby). I'm feeling bad about it and would like to not feel alone in my face-palm moment.

I've recently downgraded from around 1600L to 200L and I'm still getting used to the change.
My salinity was a little low today 24 over 25, I thought no problem ill just add a tiny bit of salt as I've done plenty of times before on my old system. Usually, id just throw in a small amount at the sock end and by the time it went through the sump, it was all dissolved and mixed.
This was the first time I had to do it on this system and the sump is much smaller and pretty packed so in my haste of not thinking I just threw it into the only open space - the return section. Instantly my brain woke up like you would when you first wake up in the morning realizing you are late for something important. I looked up to see a cloud of white exploding out of my return.
BTA has gone from the size of your palm to the size of a coin, scoly is throwing out mucus, and a few grandis heads are closed up tight along with a mushroom.
I'm only 30m~ post event so we will see what will happen, id assume everything will be alright but I'm not so sure about the BTA.

Lesson learned.

My most silly thing? I managed to nuke 95% of my SPS and 50% of my LPS by spraying my ornamental plants with Provanto ultimate bug killer. Just over 10KG of bone in total.

I'm going to assume we have all done silly things in the past and had a bit of a brain fart. So what are your most face-palm moments?



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Aug 7, 2021
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Thought I could make an algae scrubber out of a hang on back refugium back when you couldn't get chato. Only thing was I didn't know what I was doing and just threw a handful of turf algae in there. Couple weeks later my entire tank was covered in turf algae.

The crazy nutrients drop then caused me to have dinos. Almost threw in the towel then and there. Lost almost all my coral. Tank was disgusting, I couldnt hardly look at it. I decided to use flux rx and that killed all the algae but enhanced the dinos. Got a UV to take care of the dinos.

Its been about 6 months now and I still see patches of turf algae show up or ill get small outbreaks in areas of low flow.

Learned a valuable lesson, don't just chuck whatever into your tank :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:

Sean Clark

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May 16, 2019
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I used a Magfloat cleaner on my acrylic tank... scratches galore. Deep meaningful ones that keep you up at night while you ponder if the rest of your life choices had the same amount of though applied to them.


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Feb 12, 2018
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Got frustrated with turf algae in my tank. Decided to start over and put all my rock in an acid bath.

A year later the turf is back since I didn't actually scrub the tank itself.

And I lost all the biodiversity from the 5+ year old rock.

Now I'm beating it back just from letting corals happy encrust over the turf. Which I could have done years ago -.-


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Sep 21, 2020
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La Plata
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Keep forgetting to unplug ATO, before syphoning water out, for a water change. I‘ve even heard the pump whining, on the empty container, wondering what’s making the noise, and Duh. BTW, all my Syphon Hoses, are marked on both ends “ATO.”

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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Innovative Marine - Made to Order