What can YOU personally do to help coral reefs?



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Well some people, say maybe those who have just been born in the last 7 years or so may want to disagree with that point of view as that's just signing their future away and us being irresponsible so am staying with my point of view and that is the longest journey starts with the first step, and the eating of an elephant starts with the first bite
World Wide Corals


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It's not easy to accept how bad things are, especially if you have children.

The point of no return was likely passed a few decades ago and the problem is not climate change, it's overshoot, climate change is just a symptom.

Imagine you have 8 bunnies in a confined meadow without predators. Lets suppose the meadow can support 100 bunnies.

Lets also suppose that the population of bunnies doubles every season.

After the 1st season you have 16 bunnies. Them 32. Then 64.

Then you reach 128 and the bunnies are all still there, but instead of munching on the fresh young leaves, they begin to munch on the older ones.

As they approach 200, they are munching the plants to the ground and then digging out their root.

At this point, even if you remove almost all the bunnies, the meadow is so damaged that they all would perish just the same.

And then the bunnies begin eating each other (bunnies really do that btw).

That's where we're headed and that's why I often feel sad when I look at kids.

damsels are not mean

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It's not easy to accept how bad things are, especially if you have children.

The point of no return was likely passed a few decades ago and the problem is not climate change, it's overshoot, climate change is just a symptom.

Imagine you have 8 bunnies in a confined meadow without predators. Lets suppose the meadow can support 100 bunnies.

Lets also suppose that the population of bunnies doubles every season.

After the 1st season you have 16 bunnies. Them 32. Then 64.

Then you reach 128 and the bunnies are all still there, but instead of munching on the fresh young leaves, they begin to munch on the older ones.

As they approach 200, they are munching the plants to the ground and then digging out their root.

At this point, even if you remove almost all the bunnies, the meadow is so damaged that they all would perish just the same.

And then the bunnies begin eating each other (bunnies really do that btw).

That's where we're headed and that's why I often feel sad when I look at kids.
Complete nonsense. We are not even close to overpopulation. The issue is overconsumption and our deliberate choice to prioritize enriching a select few at the expense of others and our future.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Interesting analagy of the bunnies I didn't know they would eat each other no, but I don't see that we're at the root eating stage yet.... although it was reported here that in January this year 5 times more amazon rain forest was levelled for development an estimated 430 square kilometres (166 Square miles) compared to last year

Obsessed with fish

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So, if you are on this forum/website, you obviously love salt water fish and corals. After watching a lot of documentaries about the worlds coral reefs and the state of the oceans, I realize that they need help. I don't want to start a Global Warming/Non-Global Warming debate, but more a constructive discussion on how we as individuals can help with this issue.

Let's be honest. Most of us live our daily lives and there does not seem to be much we can do to influence Coral Reefs/Oceans that are 100-1000's of miles away. However, is that true? What can I/You do as individuals to help improve this situation?

I personally have learned that the CO2 levels in my house can dramatically impact the pH in my tank. There are 8 of us and with the house closed up and everyone home, the CO2 levels can climb close to 2000ppm. Now I try and keep a window open exhausting the house air along with using an aquarium air pump to push low CO2 air into my reef. Keeping the CO2 low has allowed me to keep my tank at a pH of +8. :). So I have seen first hand the effects of elevated CO2 on salt water.

Reducing CO2 is one thing I have realized, but how? I still need to eat, drive, etc, and of course, holding my breath only leads to passing out and breathing resuming :) . Finances don't allow the purchase of an electric car, and personally, I don't know of any that could handle my larger family. We can always get better at recycling plastics and metals, but it is pretty much impossible to avoid them. I'm looking into solar panels for my house, but that is still in its infancy.

So what can one family/person do to help solve/impact the Coral Reef bleaching and other issues we face with our oceans? What do you do to help with these issues? Can each of us doing something add up to any real impact?

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(from Chasing Coral)
Top Shelf Aquatics

Obsessed with fish

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Australia has the largest known resource of uranium and Thorium in the world yet we don't use it. We have a ban on using the cleanest and safest form of power we have today.
Mean while we destroy coal and gas plants to cover this great land in eyesore solar panels and even uglier wind farms that produce intermittent power.
A few years back we even had a state wide blackout due to failure of wind.
I'm Australian haha


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I can’t take reading some of these crap on these tread anymore people are talking about overpopulation when there is no such thing in these world Europe and USA the population is actually going down do to less people having kids look over the past 2 years people looked in there house uasally means a baby boom never happened china is looking to lift the 2 kid ban cause they are worried about there population getting to small then these studies and articles that are mentioned look at who funded them generally they are funded by countries and people that try to get people to follow a certain narrative china for example is big on these we all should of learned these after covid next stop reading these crap get certified to dive and travel around the world diving reefs and see the truth like i have for 25 years cause i am finishing up 3 weeks of diving the Tahiti islands and really saw limited damage there is some bleaching on some reefs but is one colony here and there and when i get on to island further from people the reefs were in great shape then in tahitti they just found a reef that has 0 damage on it after there was some damage done to other reefs but minor most of the damage done on these reefs are from divers that step on kick grab corals but all these countries that depend on reefs for tourism are making big steps to fix the reefs look at Jamaica 25 years ago there reefs were destroyed by there own people but now they stopped the harvest of coral and are regrowing the reefs back the pacific reefs tend to be in much better shape then the Caribbean probably has to do with tourism and run of from the mountains also they should ban all coral collection in the world there is no reseaon to take colonies from the sea anymore we do a great job with aquaculture corals as for fish it is in possible to buy only aquaculture fish for do to breading issues for one price point for some people as long as aquaculture fish are more costly then wild caught there will be a market and collecting fish from the ocean will not cause damage to the reefs because for one a lot of the fish in the trade are used by the native’s for food and bait they eat parrot fish some big angels and tangs i seen and then the smaller fish are bait i saw schools of naso tangs 2 to 3 hundred per school smallest one 4 inches biggest on close to 10 inches same with other tangs regal angels till i was sick of seeing them what i am saying is things are not as bad as people say get off the couch and look for your self i have 3 young kids and i am worried about there future cause of politics not cause of these money making scam called saving the earth and global warming for those of you old enough will rember when they said the world was going to freeze and everything was going to dye


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I can’t take reading some of these crap on these tread anymore people are talking about overpopulation when there is no such thing in these world Europe and USA the population is actually going down do to less people having kids look over the past 2 years people looked in there house uasally means a baby boom never happened china is looking to lift the 2 kid ban cause they are worried about there population getting to small then these studies and articles that are mentioned look at who funded them generally they are funded by countries and people that try to get people to follow a certain narrative china for example is big on these we all should of learned these after covid next stop reading these crap get certified to dive and travel around the world diving reefs and see the truth like i have for 25 years cause i am finishing up 3 weeks of diving the Tahiti islands and really saw limited damage there is some bleaching on some reefs but is one colony here and there and when i get on to island further from people the reefs were in great shape then in tahitti they just found a reef that has 0 damage on it after there was some damage done to other reefs but minor most of the damage done on these reefs are from divers that step on kick grab corals but all these countries that depend on reefs for tourism are making big steps to fix the reefs look at Jamaica 25 years ago there reefs were destroyed by there own people but now they stopped the harvest of coral and are regrowing the reefs back the pacific reefs tend to be in much better shape then the Caribbean probably has to do with tourism and run of from the mountains also they should ban all coral collection in the world there is no reseaon to take colonies from the sea anymore we do a great job with aquaculture corals as for fish it is in possible to buy only aquaculture fish for do to breading issues for one price point for some people as long as aquaculture fish are more costly then wild caught there will be a market and collecting fish from the ocean will not cause damage to the reefs because for one a lot of the fish in the trade are used by the native’s for food and bait they eat parrot fish some big angels and tangs i seen and then the smaller fish are bait i saw schools of naso tangs 2 to 3 hundred per school smallest one 4 inches biggest on close to 10 inches same with other tangs regal angels till i was sick of seeing them what i am saying is things are not as bad as people say get off the couch and look for your self i have 3 young kids and i am worried about there future cause of politics not cause of these money making scam called saving the earth and global warming for those of you old enough will rember when they said the world was going to freeze and everything was going to dye
This is parody. It has to be. Please. Holy mackerel.

Spare time

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It is interesting to put it this way, but it also is dumping the blame on consumers compared to the largest single producers (any of the massive companies that give of unimaginable amounts of CO2

Consumers have money to sacrifice compared to the billion and trillion dollar organizations. The amount that any individual can cut is very insignificant and difficult in many countries. Many poor countries rely on economies based on dirty fuel after colonization wrecked them, the US has horrible public transportation, walking paths, and bike lanes compared to many other places and is so spread out that people are forced to buy cars. Compact, better urban design would be a great solution to cutting down car emissions. Better city/urban planning, moving the blame to the producers, and informing people are the best solutions.
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Both Solar and Wind being green is a myth. People forget the intense mining and processing that goes into producing both.

The point of them is not what it takes to set up, but how it overcomes that in the long run. It isn't a myth. you have to manufacture and create things yes but it is how the item performs in its lifetime pollution that matters as it can outweigh the manufacturing pollution costs.


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We don't need to save Mother Earth and we sure as hell could not kill her, even if we tried.

Go take a look in the mirror.... Do you really think your strong enough to kill Planet Earth?

Mother Earth will deal with us as she see's fit in due time. :cool:

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So what is to be done about population. In most of Europe birth rates are lower than death rates. In the US it is almost even. The entire EU is about same population as the US. China and India each is about 4 times the population of the US. I don't want to bring religion into it but in the US average couple has around 2 children while Muslins have average of 14 children. Even though birth control and abortion are against catholic religion most use some form of birth control and to many use abortions. The push for green energy is to reduce air pollution and the major portion is not the US neither is ocean pollution. The US is only country that was meeting reductions of the Paris accord even when not part of it.

The issue with what you are saying is that you imply Muslim and US are exclusive and that it is religious issue for overpopulation. In actuality, the number of kids usually is related to women's freedom, rights, and education. I am not saying that you meant to word it this way but that is how it appears.
Nutramar Foods

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We don't need to save Mother Earth and we sure as hell could not kill her, even if we tried.

Go take a look in the mirror.... Do you really think your strong enough to kill Planet Earth?

Mother Earth will deal with us as she see's fit in due time. :cool:

Cyanobacteria caused a mass extinction. I'm pretty sure its easy for us too lol.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%