Video - How to do a Freshwater Dip


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Thanks for the video and instructions. I myself have never lost a fish to a FW dip/bath. But I have lost fish that I did not FW dip. The only fish I did that went ballistic was a wrasse and I removed him immediately. The longest bath was a Redsea Regal Angelfish at 20 minutes and he really enjoyed it.
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It was mentioned earlier, but I wasn't clear on the response. In your opinion should a FW dip be part of the standard QT procedure for any new fish? If so, at what part of the "process" should it be considered? Immediately after drip acclimation? After 2-3 days of QT before medication? After a few weeks and the first round of prophylactic medication?

I'm receiving the first few fish in a string of a dozen or so as I stock my DT. I'm trying to get a solid QT procedure going and just trying to figure out where FW dip fits in. Thanks in advance!


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It was mentioned earlier, but I wasn't clear on the response. In your opinion should a FW dip be part of the standard QT procedure for any new fish? If so, at what part of the "process" should it be considered? Immediately after drip acclimation? After 2-3 days of QT before medication? After a few weeks and the first round of prophylactic medication?

I'm receiving the first few fish in a string of a dozen or so as I stock my DT. I'm trying to get a solid QT procedure going and just trying to figure out where FW dip fits in. Thanks in advance!

That's because it's a choice at that point. New fish who will be treated prophylactically with prazipro or General Cure don't really need the freshwater dip since they will be treated for flukes no matter what. If we think they are heavily infested with flukes, then a freshwater dip is a good idea but that would be on a case-by-case basis.

I don't do them for every fish I get simply because my QT regimen doesn't call for it unless I see a reason. I run my fish through TTM and prazipro with copper held in reserve for cases of velvet. Prazi isn't dosed until the end of the second transfer, so if I've noticed by that point that a FW dip is needed, then I'll do one before I dose the prazi. I hope that helps :)
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The longest bath was a Redsea Regal Angelfish at 20 minutes and he really enjoyed it.

It is interesting how large angels can usually tolerate prolonged FW dips, whereas certain other species (exs. tangs, wrasses) seem to barely last the 5 minutes.


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This was super helpful. Thank you! I can't imagine what the first person who did this must have thought upon seeing the fish react like that. I would have felt certain I just tortured a fish to death if it had been me. Turns out, it's super helpful.


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do you do this with all fish or with sick fish only?

I would typically only do this on a fish taht is ill..... breathing heavily, has velvet or flukes. It's a diagnostic tool as well, so it's safe to do on a healthy fish but there's no reason to unless you suspect a parasite.


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If I were to have a few new fish just bought should I do them each separately and clean containers between each dip? Or could I do a few at a time?


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If I were to have a few new fish just bought should I do them each separately and clean containers between each dip? Or could I do a few at a time?

Do one at a time, because there's only so much available O2 in a small container.


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Thank you @melypr1985! Performing a freshwater dip was extremely easy to do after watching your video. I dipped my yellow tang a week ago to remove what I thought was flukes. I used a large fish bag from my LFS and followed your procedure. It worked like a champ and my tang is happy and healthy and doing great. Thanks again!


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Thank you @melypr1985! Performing a freshwater dip was extremely easy to do after watching your video. I dipped my yellow tang a week ago to remove what I thought was flukes. I used a large fish bag from my LFS and followed your procedure. It worked like a champ and my tang is happy and healthy and doing great. Thanks again!

That's great news!! You are very welcome. I'm glad the video helped you and your fish :)


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How to perform a freshwater dip

Freshwater dips are a very important diagnostic tool when you have a sick fish. Since it can help flush out the excess mucus that can and does build up in the gills with a parasite infestation, it can be lifesaving as well. It will even confirm a flukes infestation. It’s important to know how to perform a freshwater dip since so much can be gained from it. We are going to go through the steps here together.


· A container that holds water and is large enough for the fish in question to fit inside easily. It’s preferable to have a dark colored container to make finding flukes easier.
· Air pump, Air stone and tubing.
· RODI water (you can buffer the water with a splash of tank water)
· Net & Heater
· Cell phone, timer, stop watch, clock – something to keep track of the time.

These are all common things and I’m sure most of us have them laying around already.


· Fill your chosen container with RODI water and start heating it to match the tank the “patient” is coming from.
· Place an air stone in the container to start aerating the water.
· Catch the patient.
· Check that the temperature matches between the container and the tank. You can check the PH of both and if they are wildly different, use a splash to tank water to buffer the dip water a bit.
· Place the patient in the freshwater and start the timer for 5 minutes.
· Keep a close watch on the fish while the dip is in progress. If he starts thrashing about, it’s probably a good time to remove him from the dip early.
· When the 5 minutes is up, remove the fish and replace him either in the tank he came from or into a QT.

When you’re done, don’t get rid of the water yet! The first thing you will do is look closely at the water the fish was just in. If flukes are found, you’ll see opaque circles or ovals in the bottom of the bowl. If the bowl is clear, then flukes can be ruled out and other parasites or maladies can be considered. Take a look at the fish you just got done dipping. It’s possible that the fish is now breathing easier, a bit more alert, or just resting from the treatment.

For additional info on Freshwater Dips see Humblefish's write up here: Freshwater Dip

I’ve never had a problem performing a fresh water dip on a fish. I’ve done hundreds and only lost a hand-full of fish. I’ve found that if a fish doesn’t survive the freshwater dip, he was likely past saving anyway. That sounds harsh, but it’s likely true. Here is a video of how I perform a freshwater dip.

Special thanks to my coworker Sonia for being my camera-woman and to the customer to waited that last minute patiently so we could finish the dip and the video.

when you say splash, do you mean lots of drops with your fingers? just keep splashing SW in there until the PH goes up?


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when you say splash, do you mean lots of drops with your fingers? just keep splashing SW in there until the PH goes up?

It's more like a cooking "measurement" if you know what a mean. When they say a "splash of soy sauce" you usually just put a small amount ya know? It would also depend on the size of the container. If using the size container like I do in the video then just dunking your fingers in saltwater and flinging it into the container would be fine.


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Thanks for sharing - just found this today oddly enough. I seem to recall Mr. Fenner talking about FW dips or baths but using methylene blue. In fact there was a pretty good write up of a process used in another forum which interesting enough cycles through 5 minute intervals totaling 30 minutes if the fish is able to (which is part of the what to watch out for) in the how-to.

Edit: Loved the cooking reference btw :) Sometimes that is hard to explain. Someone has asked me at times what I seasoned something with or how much - and I respond similarly. Sometimes they get it - other times we discuss further :D


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I seem to recall Mr. Fenner talking about FW dips or baths but using methylene blue. In fact there was a pretty good write up of a process used in another forum which interesting enough cycles through 5 minute intervals totaling 30 minutes if the fish is able to (which is part of the what to watch out for) in the how-to.

I personally don't recommend combining a freshwater dip with other medications or repeating the dips too close together (especially not more than one in the same day). methylene blue dips and other meds can be done before or after of course. I'm a better safe than sorry kind of person, not to mention that most of the fish that get FW dipped are fairly weak, stressed or ill so subjecting them to multiple dips + medication can be pretty risky IMO.


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Does the FW dip kill the flukes? Are they dropping off because they are dead ? I can’t believe how many flukes were on that tang in your awesome video! I have dipped tangs in the past and it is terrifying the way they play dead for a while!
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Thx Bruce- So the FW dip confirms that a fish has flukes then treat with praziquantel. But are those that fall off into dip bucket dead? If they get back into your tank on the net can they infect another fish?

Yes, if you see dead flukes in the bucket treat that fish (and any he shared water with) by using praziquantel.

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