Just picked up 4 fairy and 1 flasher. All in QT with only metro and GC schedule. Holding on copper right now but ran across this posting. Timing wise looks like some of these are all happening during the early purchase phases while in QT. So whatever this is seems to reveal itself early on. I have a blue side that’s in a separate isolation box inside the QT as it was getting picked on by the flasher half it’s size. He does show the slight curve, but I’m chalking it off as him hunting for food under him. Not a lot of flow through that box as well to really tell. I’ll get him back to general population in the next few couple to see how he swims. Sad we all have this wrasse mystery
We have some public aquariums and aquatic vets working on the case now. Turns out a public aquarium had some histopath samples in storage. Too early to see if there will be a conclusion or not......