I have a 20 Gal. water box. The Cardinals stay near the top and move around slowly.
My damsel fish pesters them but so far they are surviving and look ok. Would it
make sense to add 2 larger fish, like Clowns or? exchange them. My wife loves this damsel
so I don't want her to be sad. The alternative might be to exchange the Cards since
it's only a 20G I thought 4 fish would be max. I just bought the Cards yesterday.
I don't trust damsels. Thanks!!!
My damsel fish pesters them but so far they are surviving and look ok. Would it
make sense to add 2 larger fish, like Clowns or? exchange them. My wife loves this damsel
so I don't want her to be sad. The alternative might be to exchange the Cards since
it's only a 20G I thought 4 fish would be max. I just bought the Cards yesterday.
I don't trust damsels. Thanks!!!