For me, It not about the price though since I am new I don't wanna kill expensive corals so I try anything under 70USD.With all this chat about shops. What keeps you guys shopping with vendors? Pricing, variety, customer service, or just they have what you want?
I shop with AquaSD at first and spent hundreds because I like what they said on their website. Clean corals, healthy, etc But my corals from them don't last a week! I got every pest known to mankind and when I asked for help they told me to use my best judgement! LOL
Kungfucorals was clean, pest free, but they weren't as helpful with questions for beginners so I felt like it wasn't my shop yet. So I never returned.
I invest in my local Aquatic Warehouse where they sell clean corals, helpful with questions, and sometimes give me freebies! But they don't have a great selection. So I am trying online and TSA is my first one to try!
I been eyeing TSA since the beginning of the hobby but the shipping scares me. I am afraid that the corals will be weak and die. But AquaSD were selling me fresh cut corals that werent healed either.
What I look for:
-Corals must survive [ makes me come back to the seller ]
-Pest free [ Builds trust ]
-Helpful which TSA been answering all my Qs!
-I love bids! I'm a addict so ebay bids will get my vote! haha