Torch Show Off Thread!


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Top Shelf Aquatics


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Anyone know what the green tentacle, toxic green base, pink tip one is? I think it’s an Aussie. It’s been a strange one. Had it for a year. The tips went from round to semi-pointed ‍♂️

In the other pic you can see my WWC greentip aussie. It’s a huge (seriously) single head.
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


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I mix my indo and aussie torches and hammers. Never had an issue personally.
I wanted to clarify that I dont mix my torches and hammers. I have aussie and Indo hammers I mix. I have Aussie and Indo torches I mix. But not torches with hammers,frogs, doctors which I have the last three all together at times. Torches will usually sting/kill anything near them. I have found most Euphyllia will kill most other types of corals with sweepers or stinging nematocyst which are very potent.


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What are good tips to keep a Aussie Gold torch alive?
I can only say stability. Everything you do to your tank do in moderation and slowly. I did lose/melted a single head of Aussie gold torch about 3 weeks ago now. Right beside it was a colony of aussie golds which had no issues nor did anything else in that frag tank. I run 8 bulb T5s with 2 XHOS dose 2 part use an Apex 2016 model and have an Alkatronic as well on that frag tank. I test (Alkatronic tests Alk every 2 hours for me) for calc,mag,phos,nitrates, every 3 days. Test trace elements every 7 days and send off ICP every 3 months. It can take up some time but it is worth it. Just found 3 heads of my 10 headed DS colony that are splitting and that is splitting into a third head all from one head. I'm sure it'll take some time but that has not happened to that DS torch before. Stability and testing are my best and easiest tips.


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love the chunky torch with the neon green ball tips. Do you ever sell frags of that beauty?
That's a nice torch garden ya got there! I love the aquarium what size is that 240,300 gallons? Didn't see an overflow either, is it a middle overflow? Very Nice setup brother!!I like that its either peninsula or cube aquarium that's very cool the island effect! Plus I dig Tangs! The Sohal, Naso,the desardjini sailfin, foxface is cool looking as well. Like the 2 blow torches, hellfire, and that he!!@ yella( the site won't let me type the L's in that name but let's me say hellfire, wierd can't say ***** lol)is a nice change of pace in the tank as well! Kudos on your island! I know how much time , effort, and of course money goes into acquiring those.
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Anyone know what the green tentacle, toxic green base, pink tip one is? I think it’s an Aussie. It’s been a strange one. Had it for a year. The tips went from round to semi-pointed ‍♂️

In the other pic you can see my WWC greentip aussie. It’s a huge (seriously) single head.
Yes I would agree on it being an aussie. I don't usually ID corals from pics because of to many variables(lights, gel filters on camera etc) but I do have that torch as well. If it's the same as mine Aussie for sure. Without seeing the skeleton and other pics in all types of light I would go with aussie but cannot guarantee it. I don't give a lot of thought to the Origin, as I buy what I like to look at not the name or what other people like. Take the ASD HG, while it's a nice torch I turned heads down when they were 300. Lol. At 750+ I wouldn't buy one for sure. But that's because there are 3 or 4 others that are rarer (I'm sure many more than that just my opinion)and better looking.
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love the chunky torch with the neon green ball tips. Do you ever sell frags of that beauty?
My torches are too small now, it's very difficult to make frags. This one with neon green tips grows very slow. I'm in Brazil, and cant ship to other countries

Bridgette Wiltz

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I wanted to clarify that I dont mix my torches and hammers. I have aussie and Indo hammers I mix. I have Aussie and Indo torches I mix. But not torches with hammers,frogs, doctors which I have the last three all together at times. Torches will usually sting/kill anything near them. I have found most Euphyllia will kill most other types of corals with sweepers or stinging nematocyst which are very potent.
Does it look like my hammer & torch are too close? I’m not sure what my hammers are doing. One seems to be doing better than the other. Some guy told me to move them up so that’s where they’ve been for maybe 3 weeks.


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Does it look like my hammer & torch are too close? I’m not sure what my hammers are doing. One seems to be doing better than the other. Some guy told me to move them up so that’s where they’ve been for maybe 3 weeks.
Hey Bridgette I know you, sort of. I wouldn't put my hammers as high in my reef tank as my torches. I can get my torches up to about 450 PAR. Not all at once but acclimating them slowly to high intensity lights. My hammers I feel more comfortable in lower PAR around 200-250. Of course those are just numbers and I don't chase PAR levels or parameters. Just a rough guide as to what each coral prefers and thrives best in. Each tank works differently so what works for me might kill yours and vice versa. These are just things that I have noticed and learned throughout the years of keeping Euphyllia. My reef tank I can vary the light by moving the corals up and down. My frag tank I can only shade by using either black egg crate in the tank or putting a few different things(screen, weed stopper material for really shaded areas)over the top of the tank. Tbh your hammers look ok where their at though. Idk all the details though like lighting, intensity, photoperiod etc. If your tanks has only been up a month and you've had those for 3 weeks did you cycle your water before that? Are there any fish in that tank Bridgette? Are you testing all parameters 2 or more times a week? If it's that new of a tank I'd would be worried about cycling if you have fish and didn't properly cycle before adding livestock of any kind. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, salinity, are the ones at first in a brand new tank if I'm reading your post correctly that I would watch extremely close. I'll let you answer before I go on any further. Corals look good though, even in a really new tank!
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Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar

Bridgette Wiltz

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Question: did you cycle your water before that?
Answer: yes the tank has been up since December.
Question: Are there any fish in that tank?
Answer: I tried, but they died. The LFS here sucks. So now I have corals & clean up crew fish.
Question: Are you testing all parameters 2 or more times a week?
Answer: yes I test once a week for Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH. The salinity is 1.025.

I have a Biocube 32g. So the original Hood lights. I usually keep them on the blues. My corals since to like those better.
Thank you @Corals look good though, even in a really new tank![/QUOTE]

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%