My PO4 is staying a bit high at 0.28. All speculation on my part from reading and such but I'm thinking the dry rock may be the cause. It was high from the beginning so my thoughts are to try and lower it with some GFO and see if I can get it to stay lower after running the GFO for a while. I'm hoping the rocks will release the excess but again more speculation. I'm not much of a science guy. I'd like to see if I can get it to stay below 0.1 before I start moving stuff over. I run high P04 in the 180 but feed a lot and this tank is getting very little food so that shouldn't drive the PO4 up. I don't fret over numbers and the 180 has pegged the Hanna ulr before with a flashing 0.9 and everything looks fine. I just don't want to start off with an elevated level. NO3 was 3.5 so I'm good there.
This quote above is stupid so please ignore it. I'm not savvy enough to edit the post and draw lines through it so it looks neat.
PO4 tested 0.25 today so it's solid. NO3 was 1.9 I think the best thing I can do at this point is get some more fish in and start feeding. Simple stuff I know